CBMS Active Learning Statement - Classroom environments in which students are provided opportunities to engage in mathematical investigation, communication, and group problem-solving, while also receiving feedback on their work from both experts and peers, have a positive effect on learning. Teaching techniques that support these activities are called active learning methods. Because there is not a unique definition of active learning, either in popular use or in the research literature, we use the phrase active learning to refer to classroom practices that engage students in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving, that promote higher-order thinking. In light of the strong evidence in support of the benefits of active learning for students, the CBMS issued this call to action in July 2016.
CUPM 2015 Curriculum Guide - MAA's Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) is charged with making recommendations to guide mathematics departments in designing curricula for their undergraduate students. This guide contains recommendations for mathematical preparation for middle and high school teaching. (For elementary teaching, see MET II.) The reports present recommendations that build on the MET II report.
MAA Instructional Practices Guide - This guide provides effective, evidence-based practices instructors can use to facilitate meaningful learning for students of mathematics. Professional associations in the mathematical sciences along with state and national funding agencies are supporting efforts to radically transform the undergraduate education experience; it is truly an exciting time to be a mathematics instructor!
AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics - These standards are published by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, which focuses on the education of K-12 mathematics teachers. This document does not specify particular mathematical content or experiences for teachers, though they do take a stance that there is mathematical knowledge that is key and distinctive to teaching. Particularly noteworthy to SIGMAA-MKT are their Assumptions #1, #3, #5:
Assumption #1. Ensuring the success of each and every learner requires a deep, integrated focus on equity in every program that prepares teachers of mathematics.
Assumption #3. Learning to teach mathematics requires a central focus on mathematics.
Assumption #5. Those involved in mathematics teacher preparation must be committed to improving their effectiveness in preparing future teachersof mathematics.
AMATYC IMPACT Guide - The goal of IMPACT is to improve mathematics education in the first two years of college by presenting clear guidance on how to impact the mathematical prowess of students. AMATYC has created four pillars of PROWESS as an innovative way to enhance our students’ mathematical ability and bravery through recommendations for continuous improvement of teaching in the first two years of college. These pillars are the key themes of the IMPACT document: Proficiency, Ownership, Engagement, and Student Success.
Project Aspire - This project is developing two related assessment instruments: one for assessing teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics (MKTsm) and one for assessing the quality of secondary mathematics instruction (IQAsm).
MODULES^2 - This project aims to develop twelve collaboratively designed modules that focus on building a deep understanding of secondary mathematics themes identified in the CCSSM and the new CAEP accreditation standard, and to investigate the impact of modules on PSMTs’ opportunities to learn and readiness to teach school mathematics.
NOTE - A project to create interactive, digital assessment of teaching.