Annual Business Meeting Minutes
Thursday January 13, 2006

0. Preliminaries
Session began with guest lecture by Anne Brown, Indiana University South Bend
40 present for talk and meeting.

1. Call meeting to order at 7:50 pm (29 present at that time)
Approve minutes: Moved: Murphy, Seconded: Dray. Approved.

2. Election of officers
All nominated officers were congratulated for standing.

Program Chair: David Meel (Bowling Green State). Move Nomination closed by Pence, seconded Oehrtman. David Meel elected as only nominee.

Secretary: Nominees were Jennifer Christian-Smith (UT Austin) and Eric Hsu (SF State). Nominations closed Moved Heid, second Baker. Eric Hsu was elected to be secretary.

3. Treasurer’s Report (Kirk Weller)
Kirk went through the financial statement and explained some of the items, focusing on discrepancies between dues received for 2005 and the total membership. Some of these are because books are not yet closed for the period (dues still will come in). The financial position is sound at present, but some external funding will be necessary in future years.

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report: Moved Cottrill, seconded Dray. Approved.

4. Committee reports
Annie Selden gave a report on the guidelines committee. Submitted recommendations to the Coordinator. Planning to produce separate web page of graduate programs.

Shandy Hauk website report: Maintained SIGMAA on RUME webpages and added doctoral programs, a page of links to upcoming conferences updated quarterly, archives of previous meetings, archive of meeting minutes with links, update of bibliographic database, job resources in RUME.

Publications committee given by Chris Rasmussen: about 25 chapters going through editing and will be submitted to MAA for approval by, hopefully for next year. Panel discussion Sunday morning will highlight three chapters.

Michael Oehrtman reported on the upcoming RUME conference Feb 23-26 in NJ.

5. Coordinators Report
Barbara Edwards handed over position to Chris Rasmussen, thanking her executive committee for their support during the year. Thanks were made by Chris to retiring officers Barbara Edwards and Bill Martin for their work.

Chris then outlined some initiatives that he thought should be the focus of the organization in the near future: Newsletter, New grant funding, literature database.

No Old Business.
No New Business.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25. Moved Cottrill, seconded Edwards.

Recorded by Bill Martin for Eric Hsu,
Secretary of the SIGMAA on RUME
Initial draft, January 19th, 2006
Revised, January 27th, 2006