SIGMAA on RUME Business Meeting

February 23rd, 2007
San Diego, CA
  1. Coordinator's Report
    1. Announced the new elected officials: Michelle Zandieh (Organizational Director), Kirk Weller (Treasurer), Karen Marrongelle (Coordinator-Elect)
    2. The MAA Research to Practice volume should be ready at next Joint Meetings.
  2. Mathfest 2007
    1. Marilyn Carlson will be leading two, 90-minute sessions on "Essential Reasoning Abilities and Conceptual Foundations for Beginning Calculus." The sessions are geared for mathematicians wanting to learn more about student thinking in calculus and instructional approaches to support student learning.
    2. SIGMAA on RUME is co-sponsoring a panel discussion at Mathfest: Developing Content-Based Masters Programs for In-Service Mathematics Teachers. This session will highlight a spectrum of content-based masters programs for in-service secondary and community college mathematics teachers. Panelists will describe features and characteristics of their programs, specifically highlighting the role of mathematics content courses in the degree program. Panelists include Steve Benson from the University of New Hampshire, Trisha Bergthold from San Jose State University, Karen Marrongelle from Portland State University, Chris Rasmussen from San Diego State University, and Joe Yanik from Emporia State University.
  3. This Conference
    1. 150 attending! A new record.
    2. Reminder of discussion lounge.
    3. Reminder of optional electronic conference proceedings.
      1. Encourage newer researchers to submit a promising paper for publication. Pre-journal submission advice will be available.
    4. Tonight: special session on video cases for future elementary teachers.
  4. Charter Change Vote
    1. The Charter needs to change to accommodate the change to electronic voting run by MAA.
    2. Voting will occur from October 1-31. Candidate nominations are due first week of September.
    3. Hal Nesbitt recommended that the charter no longer mention a quorum. It feels like more bureaucracy than necessary, and lots of members are voting in other SIGMAA elections.
    4. Motion made and seconded. Changes approved by acclamation of approximately 60 voters. Changes are detailed below.

Charter Changes

Revised V.2.d. (showing changes)

The Executive Committee will appoint a Nominating Committee of three members and will designate one of the three as Chair. No more than one member of the Executive Committee may serve on the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee will notify the membership of SIGMAA-on-RUME regarding the composition of the Nominating Committee at least two months prior to the meeting at which elections are to be held the time of electronic voting and will request that suggestions for nominations be sent to the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee will propose and publicize a slate of more than one officer per position, if possible, at least one month before the January business meeting at which the election is to occur the time of electronic voting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at that annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made using the electronic voting write-in option.

Voting for all officers will be by secret ballot at the appropriate January business meeting, provided a quorum is present. If there is only one nominee for a given office, that person will be deemed elected. For all other offices, the person receiving the most votes will be elected. If a quorum is not present, current officers will serve until the next business meeting at which there is a quorum and an election can be held. Voting for all officers will be by electronic ballot administered through the Mathematical Association of America. If there is only one nominee for a given office, that person will be deemed elected. For all other offices, the person receiving the most votes will be elected.

Revised V.2.d. (final version)

The Executive Committee will appoint a Nominating Committee of three members and will designate one of the three as Chair. No more than one member of the Executive Committee may serve on the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee will notify the membership of SIGMAA-on-RUME regarding the composition of the Nominating Committee at least two months prior to the time of electronic voting and will request that suggestions for nominations be sent to the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee will propose and publicize a slate of more than one officer per position, if possible, at least one month before the time of electronic voting. Additional nominations may be made using the electronic voting write-in option.

Voting for all officers will be by electronic ballot administered through the Mathematical Association of America. If there is only one nominee for a given office, that person will be deemed elected. For all other offices, the person receiving the most votes will be elected.
Recorded by Eric Hsu,
Secretary of the SIGMAA on RUME
Revised draft, March 19th, 2007
Initial draft, March 12th, 2007