Special Interest Group of the MAA

SIGMAA on Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education

By-laws and MAA SIGMAA Policy




These By-Laws of SIGMAA on RUME along with the Charter are the governing documents of the organization. Included in the By-Laws are details necessary to implement the Charter.


Section 1. Elections of the Executive Committee

A.   In the October prior to the January business meeting of odd numbered years.

1.     The following shall be elected

-Coordinator-Elect for a one-year term.
-Treasurer for a two-year term.
-Organizational Director for a two-year term.


B.    In the October prior to the January business meeting of even numbered years.

1.     The following will be elected

-Secretary for a two year term.
-Program Chair for a two year term.


Section 2. Replacement of Elected Members of the Executive Committee.

If a member of the Executive Committee resigns or is unable to continue until her or his term is completed the Executive Committee may either appoint a replacement to complete the term or call for a special election.

Section 3. Appointment of Committees

The Coordinator, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may from time-to-time appoint Committees to carry out the work of the organization. These Committees serve until the end of the term of office of the Coordinator who made the appointment.


Some Executive Committee members may need a committee to assist them in carrying out their duties. In such cases, the Executive Committee member shall serve as the chair of the committee and propose membership and duties to the Coordinator who will make the appointment using the procedure described above. Due to the rotation of officers on the Executive Committee, such committees will serve only during the tenure in office of the executive committee member who proposed the members.


One standing committee will be The Conference Program Committee, whose main duty is the organization of SIGMAA on RUME conferences. It will be appointed by the Coordinator with membership to include the Program Chair and the Organizational Director, who will serve as the chair of this committee. The Coordinator in consultation with the Organizational Director proposes additional members. Members who are not on the Executive Committee shall serve from the end of once Conference until the end of the Conference the following year.


Section 4.

SIGMAA on RUME abides by the current policy statement of MAA on SIGMAA the latest of which is attached to these By-Laws for reference.


Section 5. Changes to these By-Laws

These by-laws may be amended electronically. Amendments must be proposed in writing and distributed through electronic mail at least one month before the vote for their adoption. They must be voted on within two years of being proposed. To be adopted, an amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the members voting, provided at least 50 members vote.


By Laws History


(Feburary 2008) Amended and ratified at Conference on RUME in Feb. 2008




1. Each SIGMAA shall have and maintain the following features A minimum number of members initially and in perpetuity (exact number to be determined by the Task Force in consultation with each individual SIGMAA). A web page. A newsletter (probably electronic). Regular, scheduled annual business meetings at MAA national meetings. A governance structure voted on by the members. A charter.


2. The charter for a SIGMAA shall be based on a model to be designed by the Task Force. The SIGMAA charter is subject to approval of the Executive Committee on recommendation by the Task Force. A SIGMAA can make amendments to its charter, but these are subject to approval of the Executive Committee on recommendation by the Task Force.


3. Every member of a SIGMAA must be a member of the MAA.


4. In addition to annual MAA dues, each member of a SIGMAA will pay a dues supplement that will support in part the activities of the SIGMAA. The amount of the supplement, which will be specific for each SIGMAA, will be determined annually by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Task Force.


5. Each SIGMAA will be provided appropriate facilities to have a business meeting at an annual meeting of the MAA. If a SIGMAA desires to invite someone to give a special presentation, to hold a reception, to conduct a panel discussion, workshop, or similar activity, it must inform the Associate Secretary of the details of such plans at least nine months prior to the meeting. The Associate Secretary will make every reasonable effort to provide time and space for such an activity. The cost of a reception will be paid by the SIGMAA. The activities approved will be advertised in the meeting announcements. In addition, if a SIGMAA desires to organize a contributed paper session, it applies to the Committee on Paper Sessions (CPS) according to prescribed procedures of that Committee. The CPS will make every REASONABLE effort to accommodate the SIGMAA's request and will consider the fact that the CPS is being run by a SIGMAA as a positive factor. If the CPS is unable to accept the request of a SIGMAA for a given meeting, then the SIGMAA can request the Associate Secretary to schedule an "in house" contributed paper session. If the Associate Secretary is able to schedule such a session, then the SIGMAA is responsible for providing to the MAA material advertising for papers on the web and in Focus. The Associate Secretary will include the in-house session in all announcements of activities of the meeting. The SIGMAA will inform the SIGMAA Task Force [COMMITTEE ON SIGMAAs eventually] of all of its requested and scheduled activities at a meeting. If any MAA Committee that approves requests for activities at meetings receives a request that falls in the area of interest of a SIGMAA, to avoid any duplication of effort the chair of that committee will communicate with the appropriate SIGMAA if there is sufficient time before the committee makes a decision.


6. Each SIGMAA will describe in its charter how it will work cooperatively with sections and with any existing MAA committee or other structure concerned with the special interest of the SIGMAA.


7. Any SIGMAA that wishes to apply for external funding must follow the procedures set up by the MAA Subcommittee on Externally Funded Projects, which include provisions for full consideration by appropriate councils and/or committees and approval by the Executive Committee, as is the case for any member of, or group within, the MAA.


As amended at the July 2002 business meeting (and clarified subsequently by the Executive Committee and by the membership at the January 2003 business meeting).


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