The SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
presents its sixth

Conference on Research in

Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Clarion Hotel, Burlington, Vermont
July 30-31, 2002
immediately preceding MathFest

Abstracts online

As part of its on-going activities to foster research in undergraduate mathematics education and the dissemination of such research, the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) presents its sixth Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. SIGMAA on RUME was formerly named ARUME. For membership information for SIGMAA on RUME, please contact Eric Hsu.

This conference is a forum for researchers in collegiate mathematics education and includes the following themes: results of current research, contemporary theoretical perspectives and research paradigms, and general issues in the psychology of mathematics education as it pertains to the study of undergraduate mathematics. The program will include plenary addresses and a panel discussion, general paper sessions, contributed paper sessions, and poster sessions.

Sessions will begin at 8:00 AM on Tueday, July 30, 2002, and continue through to 6:00 PM on Wednesday, July 31, 2002. Conference events include lunches both days and a banquet dinner on Tuesday evening.

The SIGMAA on RUME has decided to align its research conference with MathFest, where it has hosted a contributed paper session for the past few years. In 2002, the SIGMAA will again host a contributed paper session that will focus on how mathematics education research can inform teaching. Summaries of research results together with implications for the classroom or specific examples describing how research results have informed work in actual college classrooms are especially encouraged.

Thus, the conference pre-session will focus on research as it interests researchers, and the contributed paper session will focus on the application of such research as it interests a more broad audience. To simplify the process, all proposals for either event will be sent to one person with the same deadlines. More information on submissions is below.

Plenary Events

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Call for Proposals

Deadline is April 15 May 7, 2002

Click here for submission guidelines.

Abstract Submission

Submission guidelines are posted here. Abstracts will be accepted only from those who have had proposals accepted by the Program Committee and who have registered for the conference.

Conference Registration Form

Early Registration Deadline June 29, 2002

Click here for the Conference Registration Form. You will need to print this form out and mail it with your payment to the address listed at the bottom of the form. The early registration deadline is June 29, 2002. The conference registration fee includes lunch and dinner on Tuesday, lunch on Wednesday, and all breaks.

Conference Schedule and Link to On-Line Abstracts

The conference is being held as a pre-session to MathFest 2002. Our activities will begin around 8:00 AM on Tuesday, July 30, and will end around 6:00 PM on Wednesday, July 31. The 2002 conference schedule can be found here. The on-line abstracts are here.

Conference Chairperson

Jim Cottrill
Department of Mathematics
Illinois State University
Campus Box 4520
Normal, IL 61790-4520
309-438-5866 (FAX)

Questions regarding the conference program, accommodations, or registration should be directed to Jim Cottrill.

Conference Planning Committee

Anne Brown
Indiana University South Bend
Marilyn Carlson
Arizona State University
Ed Dubinsky
Eric Hsu
San Francisco State University
Chris Rasmussen
Purdue University Calumet


ExxonMobil Foundation
Mathematics Association of America
Illinois State University


Reservation deadline June 29, 2002

The conference will take place at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Burlington. The room rate for the 2002 Conference on RUME is $105 (plus taxes) for single or double rooms. This is the same rate as the Clarion Hotel is charging for MathFest. Reservations must be made by calling 802-658-0250 and identifying yourself as attending the Conference on RUME. Please do not use the Clarion's toll-free number, since you will not be given our conference rate, and we will not get credit for the booking.

Please note that the conference is receiving a substantial discount on conference facilities provided that sufficient rooms are booked by conference attendees; thus we highly encourage you not to make alternative hotel arrangements so that we can continue to keep the conference registration fee as low as possible.

The hotel has a courtesy shuttle from the Burlington airport. Driving directions and other transportation information may be found on the Clarion Hotel information page.

Sharing Accommodations

If you need to share a room, but do not know someone with whom you can share, check the Sharing Accommodations page or email Jim Cottrill your contact information and your specific and detailed request. He will post your request on the Sharing Accommodations page and conferees will be able to contact those who have posted requests directly. Please email Jim if your request should be removed or updated.

This page is maintained by: Jim Cottrill.
Last modified Jul 18, 2002