The SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
presents its seventh

Conference on Research in

Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Old Town Hotel & Conference Center, Scottsdale, Arizona
October 23, 7:00 PM – October 26, 2003, noon

Abstracts (web)Abstracts (doc)

As part of its on-going activities to foster research in undergraduate mathematics education and the dissemination of such research, the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) presents its seventh Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

This conference is a forum for researchers in collegiate mathematics education and includes the following themes: results of current research, contemporary theoretical perspectives and research paradigms, and general issues in the psychology of mathematics education as it pertains to the study of undergraduate mathematics. The program will include plenary addresses, two interactive plenary panel presentations, contributed paper sessions, and preliminary paper sessions.

Sessions will begin at 7 PM, October 23, 2003, and continue through to noon on Sunday, October 26, 2003. The opening plenary will take place on Thursday evening followed by reception. The conference registration fee includes lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday and all breaks.


The Old Town Hotel & Conference Center is located a few miles east of the Phoenix airport and a few miles north of Arizona State University. This is a five-star location in the heart of Old Town Scottsdale. The room rate of $79 per night includes a full breakfast daily. For more detail about the hotel, visit their web site at:

Please check this page frequently for updated information, including the names of plenary speakers, the call for papers, registration deadlines, and more.   

Help Advertise!

Get a copy of the flyer to print and distribute. It is a PDF file which requires Acrobat Reader, available here for free.

Call for Proposals

Deadline is June 16th, 2003

Click here for submission guidelines.

Program Committee Chairperson

Draga Vidakovic
Dept of Math & Stat            
30 Pryor St SW STE 750          
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303-3083
404-651-2246 (FAX)

Questions regarding the conference program or registration should be directed to Draga Vidakovic while the questions regarding accommodations should be directed to Marilyn Carlson.

Conference Planning Committee and Local Organizer

Anne Brown
Indiana University South Bend

Marilyn Carlson (Local Organizer)
Arizona State University

Barbara Edwards

Oregon State University


Mike Oehrtman,

Arizona State University

Chris Rasmussen
Purdue University Calumet

Draga Vidakovic (Committee Chair),

Georgia State University

Michelle Zandieh

Arizona State University 



ExxonMobil Foundation
Mathematical Association of America
Arizona State University

This page is maintained by: Draga Vidakovic.
Last modified February 17, 2003