Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
Thursday, October 23–Sunday, October 26, 2003

On-Line Abstracts

Last updated October 20, 2003

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Thursday evening-

Plenary Talk: Steven Williams


Friday morning

Friday Afternoon

Panel-Simon, King, & Speer

Plenary Talk- Celia Hoyles

Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon

Panel-Confrey & Sloan

Plenary Talk-Ricardo Nemirovsky

Sunday morning


Thursday evening

Thursday, October 23, 7:30 – 8:30

Plenary talk


Steven Williams

Brigham Young University


Theories of Advanced Mathematical Thinking: What they Look Like, What they Do For Us, and What they Do To Us

Karl Jaspers claimed, "There is no escape from philosophy," pointing out that even in rejecting philosophy we practice a kind of philosophy. In a similar way, we cannot escape theory in our work studying the teaching and learning of mathematics. The question is not whether theory guides our work, but rather, to what extent is it explicit and helpful. Using examples of theories developed to look at undergraduate mathematics education, I will explore how theories both illuminate and hide the phenomena we are interested in, and how what is implicit in our theories colors what we can know. I will also explore why, as Kurt Lewin suggested, "there is nothing so practical as a good theory," and how we can make our theories work for us.




Friday morning


Friday, October 24

8:00 – 8:30, Session #1 (S-CT)

Salon A


Ann Ryu

University of California, Berkeley

Nicole Gillespie

University of California, Berkeley


Suzanna Loper

University of California, Berkeley

Nathaniel Brown

University of California, Berkeley

Knowing as an activity, part 1: Producing explanatory accounts and negotiating standards of accountability

This talk is the first of two linked sessions in which we examine the cognitive activity of mathematics and science students in a range of diverse settings in order to illustrate that knowing is a complex, contingent, situated activity. By rephrasing the question ("What is known?") in terms of activity ("How is cognitive activity accomplished? What form does it take?") we can better address issues of process important for instructional and curricular design, and examine knowing in both "clean" and "messy" settings (i.e. interviews vs. classrooms). By closely attending to the detail available in video records, we illustrate that knowing depends on the interactional setting and the cultural-historical context, which includes social relations, material artifacts and representational forms. This session focuses on the cognitive activities of producing explanatory accounts and negotiating standards of accountability. The following session focuses on the cognitive activities of argumentation and the negotiation of technical terms.



Salon B


Natasa Sirotic*
Simon Fraser University

Rina Zazkis
Simon Fraser University

Irrational numbers: Dimensions of knowledge

This report is part (B) of a larger research that investigates preservice secondary teachers' understanding of irrationality of numbers. In particular, we focus here on the ideas of density and non-denumerability of irrationals, as well as their "place" in the set of reals with respect to rationals. The basic assumption of the conceptual framework that we adopt  (following Tirosh. et al study of rational numbers) is that learners' mathematical knowledge is embedded in a set of connections among algorithmic, intuitive and formal dimensions of knowledge. The results suggest that very few prospective teachers are aware of the striking abundance of irrationals. There was a great reliance on decimal representation and a tendency to view the infinite decimal expansion of a number as a process rather than as an existing entity. We find that underdeveloped intuitions are often related to weak formal knowledge and a lack of algorithmic experience. In our presentation, we shall discuss some implications for teaching practices that could address this lacuna.



Salon C


Sean Larsen

Arizona State University


Supporting the Guided Reinvention of the Concepts of Group and Group Isomorphism: An Evolving Local Instruction Theory


In this talk I will describe a local instruction theory that emerged over the course of a sequence of three teaching experiments in elementary group theory. Each of the experimental "classrooms" consisted of two university students and the teacher/researcher. These teaching experiments were guided by the instructional design theory of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). The goal was to promote the guided reinvention of the concepts of group and group isomorphism. The local instruction theory consists of a sequence of instructional activities and a justification for the sequence. The concepts of group and group isomorphism are seen as first emerging as models of students’ informal mathematical activity and then evolving into models for more formal mathematical reasoning. This process was driven by the students’ participation in classroom mathematical practices. The individual students’ mathematical development is seen as reflexively related to their participation in these mathematical practices.



Salon D


Margret Hjalmarson*

Purdue University


Heidi Diefes-Dux

Purdue University


Richard Lesh

Purdue University


Data Analysis in Context by First-year Engineering Students


First-year engineering students completed a small group problem solving activity in statistics using either MATLABâ or Microsoft Excelâ. The response was a procedure for ranking airlines based on the likelihood of arriving on time. Upon analysis of 60 responses, four cycles of response were identified to classify products based on the types of statistics, clarity of the response and the consideration of the context of the problem. Groups with responses in the first cycle only computed an average for each airline. Groups in later cycles computed other statistics such as standard deviation or generated graphs (histograms, cumulative distribution plots).  A critical difference between cycles was the ability to identify relevant statistical measures and explain the procedure clearly so a third party could use it. This preliminary study raises questions about the use of technology, the application of statistics and group interactions in undergraduate engineering courses.



Friday, October 24

8:35 – 9:05,  Session #2 (S-CT)

Salon A


Nathaniel Brown

University of California, Berkeley

Suzanna Loper

University of California, Berkeley

Nicole Gillespie

University of California, Berkeley

Ann Ryu

University of California, Berkeley

Knowing as an activity, part 2: Argumentation and the negotiation of technical terms

This talk is the second of two linked sessions in which we examine the cognitive activity of mathematics and science students in a range of diverse settings in order to illustrate that knowing is a complex, contingent, situated activity. By rephrasing the question ("What is known?") in terms of activity ("How is cognitive activity accomplished? What form does it take?") we can better address issues of process important for instructional and curricular design, and examine knowing in both "clean" and "messy" settings (i.e. interviews vs. classrooms). By closely attending to the detail available in video records, we illustrate that knowing depends on the interactional setting and the cultural-historical context, which includes social relations, material artifacts and representational forms. The first session focused on the cognitive activities of producing explanatory accounts and negotiating standards of accountability. This session focuses on the cognitive activities of argumentation and the negotiation of technical terms.



Salon B


Karen Allen *
Purdue University Calumet

Chris Rasmussen
Purdue University Calumet



Undergraduate students’ mental operations in systems of differential equations (SDES)

As part of a semester long classroom teaching experiment in a first course in differential equations at the university level, we conducted task-based interviews with six students immediately after their study of first order differential equations to obtain baseline data on their conceptual resources for learning systems of differential equations (SDEs). Interpretative analysis of the interview data generated three themes pertaining to reasoning for students as they worked on tasks dealing with SDEs. First, students used their conceptions of rate developed in first order differential equations as well before as a reasoning tool. Second, students used quantification as a mental operation. Quantification creates an image (not a specific number) for a new quantity by mental operating on other quantities. Third, students enacted what we call a function-variable cheme in their efforts to reason about linear systems of differential equations.



Salon C


Stephen R. Campbell

Simon Fraser University




An Overview of Kant's Theory of Mathematical Cognition and Its Implications for Research in Mathematics Education


Over two centuries ago Immanuel Kant developed a comprehensive, systematic, and definitive constructivist theory of cognition. The fundamental component of this influential thinker's cognitive theory concerns the nature of mathematical cognition. Overall, Kant's theory of cognition has been notoriously controversial among mathematicians and philosophers alike, especially in its claim that all knowledge, and in particular mathematical knowledge, is grounded in human experience-constructed in accord with rational principles constituting sensory intuition and conceptual understanding. In emphasizing the interdependence of intuition and understanding, Kant's theory attempts to reconcile traditional empiricist and rationalist views on the development of cognition as being solely either a "bottom-up" or "top-down" phenomenon. This presentation will focus on the historical context and contemporary relevance of Kant's theory of mathematical cognition-thereby providing some insight into why Piaget claimed to be "profoundly Kantian." The talk will conclude with discussion on ways in which Kant's theory informs contemporary research in mathematics education.



Salon D


Gabriela Buendía *
Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo

Francisco Cordero

Periodicity in a social practice framework

This research presents a study of the periodical aspect of functions. The main result is a social-epistemology of periodicity whose elements are extracted from the activity the individual realizes while constructing  mathematical knowledge.  This kind of epistemology has allowed us to design a situation which gives evidence of the relation between periodicity and the act of predicting.  Our focus is on the relation between social practices, as intentional human activities, and construction of mathematical knowledge through meaning reconstruction. We propose a framework in mathematics education in which there is a systemic interaction between the social, didactic, epistemological, and cognitive knowledge dimensions. The result of this conjunction has been called socioepistemological approach and its nature sets the possibility to study social mechanisms of  construction of the mathematical knowledge.


Note: This research is funded under a grant from the CONACYT project: Construcción social del conocimiento matemático avanzado. Estudios sobre la reproducibilidad y la obsolescencia de situaciones didácticas: de la investigación a la realidad del aula (CLAVE: 41740-S).



Salon E


Georgia Tolias *

DePaul University


David Jabon

DePaul University


Quantitative Literacy Among College Students: Investigating the Concept of Percent

A deep understanding of percents is of practical utility to any numerically literate person Unfortunately, too many college students don't possess an adequate framework within which to  interpret quantitative information in contemporary contexts that makes explicit use of percents. This study investigates students' conceptions of percents using quantitative and qualitative research methods.  An analysis of student errors on written assignments is presented in conjunction with a theory-based explanation of the students' conceptual understanding on questions during clinical interviews. The combined results serve as a rationale for curricular changes in a university-level quantitative reasoning course.  The results of this study indicate that students have at best a mechanical understanding of the relationship between percents, fractions, and decimals which is preliminary to knowing how to deal with percents in more sophisticated problems situations.  Problems involving successive percent change are particularly difficult for students-precluding them from a deep understanding of exponential phenomenon.


Friday morning, October 24

9:10 – 9:50, Session #3 (L-CT)

Salon A

Chris Rasmussen*
Purdue University Calumet,

Jennifer Olszewski
Purdue University Calumet

Kevin Dost
Purdue University Calumet

Do Graphs of Solution Functions Ever Touch? A Case Study of Students Reasoning about the Uniqueness of Solutions to First Order Ordinary Differential Equations

The purpose of this report is to characterize the processes by which students can come to understand the uniqueness of solution functions to differential equations where formal mathematical understandings emerge from informal ways of reasoning.  We describe the processes by which this occurred in terms of three complementary themes: refining asymptotic intuition, shifts in perspective about rate of change, and the interplay between empirical evidence and logical necessity. The first theme characterizes how students refine their initial intuitive theory that non-equilibrium solutions always approach equilibrium solutions symptotically. The second theme describes a process by which students shift from reasoning about rate as an adjective to reasoning about the rate as a function with its own adjectival properties. The third theme details students' arguments as they navigate between empirical observations (based on real-world situations or on observable graphs and/or vectors) and justifications that such and such has to be the case.


Salon B

Michael Oehrtman
Arizona State University

Students' Reasoning about Limit Concepts: Common Metaphors and Foundations for the Development of Rigor and Formalism

Eight major metaphorical contexts emerged from a study of the instrumental structure of college calculus students' spontaneous reasoning about limit concepts. Their reasoning within five of these contexts met the tudy's criteria for support of implicative reasoning, commitment to the context of the metaphor, evolution in understanding of the mathematical structure, and evolution in understanding of the metaphorical ontext. Labeled "strong" metaphors, these involved reasoning about limits in terms of a collapse in dimension, approximation, closeness in a spatial domain, a physical size limit beyond which nothing smaller exists, and the treatment of infinity as a number. Aspects of students' reasoning with strong metaphors often exhibited traces of language from instructional sources and could be followed through time in the students' own evolving understanding. Students' reasoning within the other three contexts, involving motion, zooming, and arbitrary smallness, exhibited none of the criteria listed, and were thus labeled "weak" metaphors.

Friday late morning, October 24

10:30 – 11:10, Session #4 (L-CT)

Salon A


Maria L. Blanton*
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

Despina A. Stylianou*
City College, The City University of New York, USA

M. Manuela David
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

Instructional Scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development: An Examination of Whole-Class Discourse and Student Learning in Mathematical Proof


This presentation focuses on the role of instructional scaffolding in the development of undergraduate students' ability to read and write mathematical proof. We extend our previous work, which built a framework for understanding whole class discourse on proof, by delineating the constructs constituting this framework, interpreting the framework using classroom data on whole-class proof constructions, and identifying how the constructs accessed students' zones of proximal development.  The question on which we are currently focusing our attention is how we can know that the teacher, through the four forms of scaffolding, accessed students' ZPD. Our current coding and analysis suggest a tentative hypothesis: Students' proposal of new ideas and their subsequent elaboration and justification of these ideas in a way that furthered the >construction of a proof indicates their development within the ZPD. We will present part of the data and the coding that support this hypothesis.



Salon B


Sally Jacobs

Scottsdale Community College


Advanced Placement BC Calculus Students' Understanding of Variable


The purpose of this exploratory study was to describe the general notions about “variable” that Advanced Placement BC calculus students hold, as well as their conceptions about variable in the context of function, limit and derivative. The study's theoretical perspective draws on the works of Freudenthal, Schoenfeld, and Janvier. The findings indicate that these calculus students think about variable in qualitatively different ways, depending on whether they have a calculational versus conceptual orientation to the mathematical task at hand. When their orientation is calculational, they are less likely to exhibit a view of variable as varying.  They also tend to conceptualize variable differently depending on the context.  In the context of the symbolic limit expression, they regard the variable x occurring in “x --> a”  differently from the way they regard x occurring in “f(x).”  In the context of derivative, they exhibit weak conceptions of variable as actually varying.


Friday late morning, October 24

11:15 – 11:45, Session #5 (PR)

Salon A

Tami Martin*

Illinois State University


Roger Day*

Illinois State University


Using Performance-Based Assessment to Assess Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge


We will discuss ways in which performance assessment may be used to assess pedagogical content knowledge in novice teachers. We developed a performance assessment instrument that identifies and describes teacher attributes related to the content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge of preservice teachers. For several years, we have used this criterion-referenced instrument to assess student teacher performance. Because the instrument has also been used for self-assessment, it has become a vehicle for reflection as well as for assessment. For our presentation, we will describe the instrument and its attributes. We will share our perspectives on its use as a tool for assessing pedagogical content knowledge and we will provide specific examples of the assessment of preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge based on the instrument. We will solicit participants' reactions to and suggestions for the instrument and its use as well as its viability as a research tool.


Salon B

Kadian M. Howell
University of Maryland

The Impact of Academic-Centered Peer Interactions on First-Year Success and Retention in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering

The presenter will give an overview of a developing research project intending to study the impact of course related and non-course related academic-centered peer interactions on the academic success and retention of first-year undergraduates in mathematics, science, and engineering (MSE) programs.  The purpose of this research is two-fold.  Firstly, it will inform mathematicians and mathematics educators about promoting and utilizing various peer interactions to support the teaching and learning of mathematics.  Secondly, it will provide information to university decision-makers about facilitating academic enhancement opportunities among peers in MSE programs that will promote diversity and success of students entering the math and science pipeline.


Salon C

Eva Thanheiser

San Diego State University / UCSD


Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions of Multidigit Whole Numbers


Researchers have shown that American elementary school teachers and preservice elementary school teachers (PSTs) are proficient in executing algorithms but not in explaining them conceptually. Extending that work is this examination of what PSTs do and do not understand about the underlying structure of multidigit whole numbers in our base-ten numeration system and how that understanding relates to algorithms. A framework of conceptual structures PSTs hold for multidigit whole numbers is introduced. Implications for instruction and teacher education are discussed.



Salon D

Serkan Hekimoglu
The University of Georgia

College Students' Perceptions of Calculus Teaching and Learning


A 55-item questionnaire were distributed to 510 college students in calculus classes to investigate their views on mathematics including their perception about using technology, calculus learning and teaching. The statistical analysis revealed students' views on calculus, using technology, and calculus learning and teaching differs significantly across students who were taught by mathematics professors, graduate teaching assistants, and instructors. Students' views in technology-integrated calculus classes were different from the ones in traditional calculus classes. The overall comparison of students in first semester calculus class with the ones who were in second semester calculus class  revealed students' views on calculus, using technology, and calculus learning and teaching became more static as they moved to upper-level mathematics classes. Students are not satisfied with their calculus education and they have difficulty seeing connections between their academic area and what they learned in calculus classes.

Salon E

David Kung
St. Mary's College of Maryland

Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Former Emerging Scholars Teachers

Former Calculus teaching assistants were interviewed about their knowledge surrounding the concept of the limit.  Interviews centered around two teaching tasks, and sought to understand their Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in this area and how it was developed.  All subjects showed an awareness of multiple student strategies, but varied widely in articulating the typical misconceptions documented in the literature.  For all of the subjects, experiences in Emerging Scholars programs played a vital role in the development of their PCK.  This is preliminary work, and discussion will focus on the methods, the teaching tasks, and possible directions for future research.


Friday afternoon


Friday, October 24

1:15 – 3:15

Interactive panel


Martin Simon

Penn State University           


Karen King 

Michigan State University


Natasha Speer

Michigan State University


Research on the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers


The topic of this session will be the mathematical preparation of teachers (K-16) and how educational research (K-16) can inform work in this area. In this session, panelists will pose and frame questions, audience members will have an opportunity to contribute to discussions, and the panelists will respond to audience-generated ideas. In particular, the session will focus broadly on two questions: What do we know about the mathematical preparation of teachers and why is this such an important issue? How has the research community examined these issues and how might we learn more?



Friday, October 24

3:45 – 4:15, Session #6 (PR)

Salon A


Mark Burtch
Arizona State University

The Role of Conjecturing in the Development of Social Norms in a Differential Equations Course

This preliminary report will present an ongoing research project designed to study the roles that conjecturing can play in the development of social norms and mathematical understanding in an undergraduate differential equations course.  The research project also seeks to characterize conjecturing as a mathematical activity and to describe possible curricular and pedagogical strategies that make conjecturing effective.  Several examples of conjecturing that were observed in a semester long classroom teaching experiment will be explored to illustrate the current state of the project.


Salon B

Jessica Knapp
Arizona State University

The Role of Examples in Student Proof Schemes

Empirical examples play an important role in convincing College Algebra students of algebraic facts, even when they are capable of generalized reasoning. When students are asked to convince themselves about the truth of a statement, they use examples in several ways. While some of the example usage data from my study fit within the hierarchy described by Balacheff (1988); there are other reasons students spend time looking at and considering examples, particularly for the purposes of authority and reality verification.  Students who use an example authoritatively place value on "concrete" justification.  They tend to believe a proof could contain a mistake, but an example "shows it works." Some students exhibited the belief that even after a symbolic proof is provided, there is still some doubt as to its validity prior to making numeric substitutions, computing the result, and observing its truth for a specific case, i.e. reality verification.


Salon C


Enrique Galindo*
Indiana University-Bloomington

Patricia Salinas
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Monterrey

Angeles Dominguez*
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Monterrey

Undergraduate students' understanding of calculus in a technology-supported environment

This ongoing study seeks to document the nature and extent of students' understanding of calculus ideas after taking an introductory college calculus course supported by technology.  Twenty-nine undergraduate students participated in the study. The class used a new textbook, inspired by non-standard analysis. A set of computer-supported tasks was designed for several units in the course. Three main pieces of software were used in the class: the software MathWorlds, the software Graphing Calculator, and a spreadsheet. The integration of the different representations made accessible by each piece of software was seen as a medium for making meaning, and for communicating information and meaning. A first analysis of the data will be available for this presentation. The findings will help identify important characteristics of computer-supported tasks so that they are both good tools to help reveal students’ understandings, and effective ways to help students build their understandings of calculus ideas.

Salon D

Jamie Sutherland
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Alternative Values in Mathematics Placement Assessment

This study provides an evaluation of a university mathematics department's program for placing entering freshmen into first year classes with a focus on the values communicated by the program.  As a result, the study found a lack of nontraditional values such as diversity in the make-up of courses and students' individual differences reflected in the program.  This talk will focus on the piloting of a supplemental practice that was developed in order to fill this need.  I will describe the practice and provide initial results concerning the effect of the practice on students' potential for success as well as their resulting view of the department's values.


Salon E


Raven Wallace*           CANCELED

Michigan State University

Andreas Stylianides*

University of Michigan

Helen Siedel

University of Michigan


An analysis of mathematics textbooks for undergraduate elementary education majors


Friday, October 24

4:20 – 5:00, Session #7 (L-CT)

Salon A

Andrew Izsák
The University of Georgia


Joseph F. Wagner

Xavier University


Coordination classes as a lens for understanding the development and generalization of mathematical modeling knowledge


Izsák (2000), Wagner (2003), and others have argued that theoretical accounts couched in terms of process and object understandings, or in terms of general thinking processes, do not provide researchers with tools for analyzing the moment-by-moment difficulties and accomplishments that students experience as they solve modeling problems. We apply the notion of coordination classes (diSessa & Sherin, 1998) to understand at a fine-grained level how students coordinate their understandings of mathematics and of problem situations to model and construct solutions to problems of elementary probability and algebra. In particular, we demonstrate how coordination classes can afford precise descriptions of students' emerging understandings of problem situations and students' ways of constructing solutions to problems. The examples suggest that coordination classes could be used in future research to gain insight into students learning to solve still other classes of modeling problems.


Salon B

Ju, Mi-Kyung

Ewha Womans University


Kwon, Oh Nam*

Seoul National University


Perspective Mode Change in Mathematical Narrative: Social Transformation of Views of Mathematics in a University Differential Equations Class

As part of a 2-year developmental research project of RME(Realistic Mathematics Education)-based and reform-oriented differential equations course in a Korean university, this research has investigated students views of mathematics in order to understand the social nature of mathematics education. The result of classroom discourse analysis has shown that the students ways of talking about mathematics changed significantly. One of discourse patterns identified is the switch from the third-person perspective to the first-person perspective. This change in the mode of talking about mathematics is interpreted as an indication of the changes in students views towards mathematics. In the process of the transformation, it turns out that the lecturer played a crucial role in the sense that she presented the cultural way of talking about mathematics. As a practitioner of mathematics, she has been socialized in the specific cultural ways of talking about mathematics legitimized by the mathematics community.

Friday evening

Friday, October 24, 5:05 – 6:05


Plenary talk


Celia Hoyles

University of London


Learning Trajectories in Mathematical Reasoning


In this presentation I report some results from a longitudinal study of mathematical reasoning among a  large sample (n=1512) of high-attaining students in England, from age 13 1/2 years to age 15 1/2 years. I will describe how we were able to identify and characterize clear progress in reasoning  in response to standard items in algebra and in geometry. However, on less standard items, that for example required an explanation, we found at best modest progress along with some regression.  Reasons for these results will be discussed.


Saturday morning

Saturday, October 25

8:00 – 8:30, Session #8 (S-CT)

Salon A

Susan Gray*
University of New England

Cary Moskovitz
Duke University

College Students' Interpretations of Descriptive Statistical Concepts Represented in Histograms

The interpretation of histograms is a fundamental goal of statistics instruction.  We designed three final exam questions to assess how well this goal was being achieved in our statistics courses. Students were asked to identify histograms with similar means and standard deviations, and a histogram with a skewed distribution.  Of 159 students, less than half answered all three questions correctly. Students had the most difficulty with the skewed distribution, often relating skewness to a shift in the position of the distribution along the x-axis rather than to an asymmetrical shape.  Errors in identifying similar means and standard deviations were most frequently the result of confusing the two measures.  That is, students identified histograms with similar means as having the same standard deviations and vice versa.  In addition to discussing these results, other histogram interpretation errors are documented , and instructional implications are considered.


Salon B


Jered Wasburn-Moses
Michigan State University

Student approaches to proof-writing as problem-solving in introductory real analysis

The purpose of this pilot study is to begin to develop a framework describing students' proof-writing and problem-solving efforts in introductory real analysis, with particular attention to the students' perspectives on their practices. This study explored the following questions: (1) What strategies did a student in an introductory real analysis class employ in trying to answer exam questions, and what meaning did she give to those activities? and (2) What role did scratch work play in her problem-solving and proof-writing processes? A variety of data was collected, including student and instructor interviews, document analysis, and classroom observation. Based on these data, a preliminary framework was developed. The majority of responses on the exam were informed directly by memory, either of the "surface structure" or "deep structure" of the problem; limited heuristics were employed on other problems. Scratch work generally served an organizational role, but occasionally served as a "parallel workspace."



Salon C


David Benitez
Universidad Autonoma Coahuila

Luis Moreno-Armella*

Cinvestav, Mexico D.F.

Mathematical Arguments and their formalization within a Dynamic World

Recent mathematics curriculum reforms have pointed out the relevance of using technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Working within a Dynamic World of Geometry, enhances the students' capacity to explore "geometric objects", and to develop mathematical experiments with those objects and provides the students with adequate tools for conjecturing and justifying mathematical statements. We present empirical work done with students (18-20 years olds) related with these activities of conjecturing and proving. The results we will present are inaccessible by means of paper and pencil technology. Our study is part of an investigation of the ecology of mathematical propositions and the natural way to find their proper context of generalization. The idea that the dynamic environment provides conceptual tools that enable students to go beyond visual arguments and come closer to genuine proofs, is one that we believe worth to work with in didactical environments.


Salon D


Christine Stewart 

Procedural Change in Mathematics: Tales of Adoption and Resistance

 * No abstract submitted *


Salon E


Sunday A. Ajose

East Carolina University


Using Multiple Representations To Solve Problems: The Case of an Old Nemesis


Does the use of multiple representations improve the likelihood of success in solving mathematical problems? This question was explored using the famous "students and professors" problem which states: Write an equation using the variables S and P to represent the statement: "There are six times as many students as professors at this university" Use S for the number of students and P for the number of professors. Four random samples of college students employed different representations in their efforts to solve the problem. One group simply read the problem and wrote the corresponding equation. Another restated the problem before solving it. A third group drew pictures of the problem before solving it. The fourth group restated the problem and drew pictures before writing the required equation. However, a chi-squared test detected no difference in the proportions of people in the four groups who succeeded in solving the problem!



Saturday, October 25

8:35 – 9:05, Session #9 (S-CT)

Salon A


Marguerite George
Arizona State University

A New View of Teacher Revoicing:  Consequences for the College Mathematics Classroom

Revoicing refers to when one person repeats, recasts, summarizes, rephrases or translates what another says. Researchers have shown that teacher revoicing is used, for example, to introduce terminology, emphasize presupposed information, and create alignments and oppositions within an argument. Using the teacher modeling process developed by the Teacher Model Group at UC Berkeley, this qualitative study may be the first to view teacher revoicing in the college mathematics classroom. The teachers in this study exemplify interesting uses of teacher revoicing not previously discussed in the literature: to keep a "level playing field", to allow an error, and to foster autonomy. These ways of using teacher revoicing along with previous uses help to foster and sustain discussion in the mathematics classroom.



Salon B


Ernesto Colunga*
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Monterrey

Enrique Galindo*
Indiana University-Bloomington

The Cognitive Development of Students from 9th Grade to College in the Learning of Linear and Quadratic Functions

The cognitive development of students from 9th grade to college in the learning of linear and quadratic functions was examined in terms of an operational-structural model of learning. Toward this aim, Sfard’s three-phase model of conceptual development was adapted to help understand students' mathematical concept formation. This study hypothesized that students of upper academic levels, who have been working longer with the function concept, move more in the evolution of the process-object continuum toward the reification stage, than students at lower academic levels. The 150 participants were students enrolled in 10th-grade, and in the first, fourth, and last semesters of the school of engineering. For both the linear and quadratic functions, significant differences were found regarding the student’s stages of conception between the high school students in their tenth grade, and the undergraduate students in the school of Engineering. No significant differences were found among the undergraduate students.



Salon C

Gary Hagerty
Black Hills State University

Using Web Based Technology to enhance College Algebra

During the fall of 2002, half of our College Algebra students used web-based software to replace traditional textbook assignments.  The remaining students worked traditional assignments.  This study included 251 students, eight sections and four full time Professors.  Each professor taught two sections; one with technology and one without.  Tests used in this study reflected the traditional tests previously used.  The study considered the following factors: ACT scores, traditional/non-traditional students, student's opinion of their math skills, student's opinion of computers, and whether or not they used web-based technology.  In evaluating the results, the only factor that had a statistically significant difference was whether or not the students used web-based software.  Students using technology performed statistically better at a 0.001 p-level.  This session will discuss the procedures of the study, the results and some of the directions we are looking at moving based on these results


Salon D

Kate Riley
California Polytechnic State University

Prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ conceptions of proof and refutations

A research study was conducted to investigate prospective secondary mathematics teachers' conceptions of proof and refutation as they neared completion of their preparation programs. The researcher administered the questionnaire to 23 prospective secondary mathematics teachers. Examining prospective teachers' ability to complete mathematical proofs show that only 57% of the participants were able to write a valid proof of a proof common to the high school geometry curriculum. Only 39% were able to write a valid proof about even integers and only 39% were able to recognize and refute a false conjecture. Results suggest that the vision of the MAA (1998) and the NCTM (2000) recommendations for teaching reasoning and proof to all students K - 12, and in all mathematics content areas, may not be attainable by all prospective teachers. The results imply that some participants have not retained their knowledge of proof or their knowledge of proof is insufficient.


Salon E


Maria Trigueros*

Bernadette Baker*
Drake University

Clare Hemenway
University of Wisconsin Marathon

Calculators and Writing in Learning Transformations in College Algebra

One typical pre-calculus approach introduces students to transformations of basic functions to help them develop a better understanding of functions. There is no research focusing on how or if this type of course achieves its goal. The present study addresses this issue as well as the difficulties students face when working with the concept of transformations of functions. This research attempts to explain, in terms of APOS (Action, Process, Object, Schema) theory, the difficulties that students exhibited in one particular course and to gain insights into why many students were not as successful as expected.  Through the analysis of detailed interviews with 24 students, this study describes students' conceptions of transformation, and shows that this is a difficult concept that involves many subtleties that must be taken into account in designing instruction.



Saturday, October 25

9:10 – 9:50, Session #10 (L-CT)

Salon A


*Michael McDonald
Occidental College

*Kirk Weller
University of North Texas

Anne Brown
Indiana University South Bend

A genetic decomposition of infinite iterative processes and their encapsulation into objects

We report on the development of college students' conceptions of infinite iterative processes.  Two sets of interviews were conducted with students attempting to solve a set theory problem involving an infinite union of power sets.  We used APOS Theory to begin to describe the types of mental constructions that students appear to make as they come to understand the concept of infinite iterative processes.  A process conception of infinite iteration develops as the individual becomes able to coordinate multiple instantiations of finite iterative process. The individual needs to conceive of the infinite process as being complete, and see it as a totality. As he or she attempts to construct an action of evaluation on the process, the encapsulation of the process into an object, called its transcendent object, may occur.  This object, the state at infinity, is understood to be related to, but beyond the objects produced by the process.



Salon B


Neil Portnoy*
Stony Brook University

Thomas Mattman*
California State University, Chico

Undergraduates study knot invariants as functions: What understandings are revealed?

Twenty-one students in a college geometry course engaged in a two-week curriculum module in knot theory. The module focused on classification of knots using various knot invariants including the Jones polynomial. A knot invariant is a function from the set of all knots to some other set. The curriculum made explicit connections between the term “invariant” and the mathematical construct of function. This study indicates a wide variation among students in the depth of understanding of functions and in their flexibility to move from their experience with real functions to a context in which function provides a framework for the study of advanced mathematics. A substantial portion of the population did not have the ability to see a knot invariant as a function or to differentiate between a relation and a function in the context of knot theory, whereas a small number of students were more successful in the transition.

Saturday late morning

Saturday, October 25

10:30 – 11:10, Session #11 (L-CT)

Salon A


Stacy A. Brown
University of Illinois, Chicago - Institute for Mathematics and Science Education

The Evolution of Students' Understandings of Mathematical Induction

In this talk, I will present results from a series of teaching experiments in which I examined how students' ways of understanding and ways of thinking change as they explore, discuss, and resolve proof-by-mathematical-induction-appropriate problem situations. The design of these experiments was informed by a theoretical perspective that is a synthesis of two complementary theories: Brousseau's Theory of Didactical Situations and Harel's theory of intellectual need (Necessity Principal). I will provide an account of how a cohort of students' proof schemes and ways of understanding progressed through three stages: pre-transformational, restrictive transformation, and transformational. I will also report on the various didactical and epistemological obstacles the students encountered at each stage. The results of the study indicate that the students’ conceptions of what constitutes a convincing argument changed in response to a series of shifts in the students’ understandings of generality.



Salon B

Stephen J. Hegedus
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

 Improving understanding of core algebra and calculus ideas in a connected SimCalc classroom

The paper reports some of the major findings of a three-year research study of using SimCalc Mathworlds in undergraduate classrooms (NSF Grant # REC-0087771). We aimed to study the profound potential of combining the representational innovations of the computational medium with the new connectivity affordances of increasingly robust and inexpensive hand-held devices in wireless networks linked to larger computers. We present results from a 45-item pre-post test statistical analysis, which outline significant increases in students¹ understanding of core algebra and calculus ideas such as rate, variable, parametric variation and the fundamental theorem of Calculus. The effect of the intervention in terms of gain relative to prior knowledge is also presented utilizing Hake¹s Statistic. We triangulate these results with qualitative thematic portfolios of the classroom concentrating on participation and engagement as fundamental social structures evident in connected classrooms that give rise to such strong learning gains.


Saturday, October 25

11:15 – 11:45, Session #12 (PR)

Salon A


Katrina Piatek-Jimenez
University of Arizona

Struggles and Strategies of Undergraduate Students when Writing Proofs

The transition from computational mathematics to theoretical mathematics tends to be difficult for many undergraduate mathematics students.  In this study, through task-based interviews, I took a qualitative look at some of the struggles students had when trying to write mathematical proofs and what strategies they found to be successful.  I found that the students in my study had great difficulties dealing with the notion of infinity.  Mathematical notation was also a great difficulty for many students, especially the idea of keeping certain notation arbitrary within proofs.  These students also demonstrated difficulties with understanding the structure of mathematical statements and with deviating from the structure of direct proofs.  Symbolic logic proved to be a useful tool for many of these students.  Symbolic logic not only aided many students in constructing valid proofs, but also was successfully used by students for the process of validating proofs.



Salon B


LeeAnna Rettke

Arizona State University


Students Completing Proofs in Groups:  Successes and Struggles


 Constructing proofs can be considered a problem solving activity.  This work provides an analysis of a proof writing activity by a group of junior level university geometry students, using Carlson & Bloom’s problem solving framework (in review).  Within this framework I have identified the group’s expectation for members to share their resources and to take part in checking what has been put forward for group consideration.  In addition, I have classified two types of difficulties that students face within the problem solving process:  logic-related difficulties and content-related difficulties.  It appears that the degree to which the individual’s problems are resolved depends on the group’s awareness of the problem itself and the group’s attempt to address the problem.  Sometimes this requires any number of members to convince the other members of their conjecture which distinguishes the problem solving process for the group from that of the individual.

Salon C

Serkan Hekimoglu
The University of Georgia

What do client disciplines want?

In this study, various departmental disciplines' expectations from collegiate level mathematics courses are investigated. Although each client discipline's mathematics requirements for their students vary in a wide range, faculty members' expectations from mathematics classes remained the same. Their expectations can be summarized in the following categories: developing skills to work cooperatively to solve problems, being able to transfer and connect their mathematical knowledge with their academic discipline classes, and being comfortable with using technology to solve problems. They all expressed the desire to see students who can think critically and operate flexibly in their use of mathematical knowledge. They all expressed their concern that students did not have a well-developed conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts, even though they were able to master algebraic skills. They also expressed their willingness and desire to take part in curriculum development for undergraduate mathematics classes.


Salon D


Lara Alcock

Rutgers University, USA

Teaching mathematical reasoning

The work presented here addresses the question of what mathematicians know about students' mathematical reasoning, and is based on interviews with five mathematicians experienced in teaching an introductory course in proof-based mathematics. The results reported will be that: 1) there is a split in the student population between "strong" students and those who write statements that are "obviously wrong" and fail to "think critically"; 2) a common pedagogical response to this is to introduce "rules" in the form of proof templates and/or a restricted vocabulary; 3) mathematicians do not evaluate proofs according to these rules, but according to checks of the implications of any statement.  I will discuss the meaning of "thinking critically" and "obviously wrong", and explore the nature of these checks.  I will also discuss future research, and suggest that it may be more effective to teach the systematic generation of example objects than the "rules of reasoning".



Saturday, October 25

1:15 – 3:15

Interactive panel


Jere Confrey

Washington University in St. Louis


Barry Sloan

National Science Foundation



Saturday afternoon


Saturday, October 25

3:45 – 4:15, Session #13 (PR)

Salon A


Cynthia O. Anhalt

University of Arizona


Robin A. Ward

University of Arizona


Mathematical Representation and Academic Task: An Investigation of Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Planning for Mathematics Instruction

A study was carried out involving thirty-one K-8 teacher candidates enrolled in an elementary mathematics methods course to investigate their planned uses of mathematical representation and academic task when planning for instruction in mathematics.  The teacher candidates submitted lesson plans at three intervals during a semester-long methods course which were coded based on the planned uses of mathematical representations and academic task.  Analysis of the data yielded interesting trends in the uses of mathematical representations and academic tasks.  Recommendations highlighting the potential benefits of incorporating the knowledge base on mathematical representations and academic task into a mathematics methods course are offered and a closing discussion on the development of these teacher candidates’ pedagogical content knowledge through their choices of mathematical representations and academic task follows. 



Salon B


Michael Grasse & Tami Martin  CANCELED

Tracing Students' Informal Understanding of Rate of Change in a Physical, Multi-Representational Context



Salon C


Trey Cox

Arizona State University


A Preliminary Look at a Professional Learning Community for Secondary Precalculus Teachers


This talk reports on an ongoing pilot study on the formation of a professional learning community (PLC) to promote change in the teachers’ mathematical views and classroom practices. The preliminary results regarding teachers’ views of the nature of mathematics show most participants have an integrated view of the nature of mathematics meaning that they fell on a continuum somewhere between an applied and pure view of mathematics.Other findings show their views about the nature of mathematics education consist of a preference for social constructivist teaching methods. However in actuality as seen in classroom observations and subsequent interviews, I have found that most do not teach in a constructivist fashion because they didn’t believe they have adequate time to do so. 


Salon D


Jean J. McGehee



Professional Development and Curriculum Alignment Impacts Student Achievement and Preservice Courses

When the ultimate goal of a professional development project is student learning and achievement, the results are a comprehensive project that not only changes teacher practice and knowledge, but also affects the way teacher educators organize preservice courses.  The documented results of this project will show the impact on both inservice and preservice teachers.



Saturday, October 25

4:20 – 5:00, Session #14 (L-CT)

Salon A


Michelle J. Zandieh*

Arizona State University


Denise Nunley

Arizona State University


Sean Larsen

Arizona State University


Mathematizing Notions of Symmetry and Congruence Using Transformations


This report examines the interplay between university students' intuitive and perceptual reasoning with symmetry and congruence and more mathematically structured views of these constructs through the use of isometric transformations.  We find that students intuitively perceive symmetries of a figure and then struggle to make explicit these assumptions and mathematize them adequately for use in further reasoning. The data analyzed for this report comes from a larger research project studying the mathematical reasoning of students in a university geometry course.  This data was collected during a classroom teaching experiment  conducted in undergraduate geometry class using Henderson's (2001) Experiencing Geometry in Euclidean, Spherical and Hyperbolic Spaces.  Three examples will be considered in which students struggle to mathematize their notions of symmetry or transformation in order to create a definition (e.g. angle congruence) or a proof (e.g. isosceles triangle theorem).



Salon B


Rina Zazkis *
Simon Fraser University

Natasa Sirotic
Simon Fraser University

On irrational numbers and representations

This report is part (A) of a larger research that investigates preservice secondary teachers' understanding of irrationality of numbers. Specifically, we focus here on how irrational numbers can be (or cannot be) represented and how different representations influence participants' responses with respect to irrationality. As a theoretical perspective we use the distinction between transparent and opaque representations, that is, representations that "show" some features of numbers while "hide" other features. The results suggest that often participants do not rely on given transparent representation (i.e. 53/83) in determining whether a given number is rational or irrational. Further, the results indicate participants' tendency to rely on a calculator, preference towards decimal over the common fraction representation, confusion between irrationality and infinite decimal representation, regardless of the structure of this representation. As a general recommendation for teaching practice we suggest a tighter emphasis on representations and conclusions that can be derived from considering them.

Saturday evening

Saturday, October 25

5:05 – 6:05

Plenary talk


Ricardo Nemirovsky


Thought, Language, and the Use of Mathematical Notations

In this presentation we will review ideas about the relationship between thought and language and their relevance to how the use of mathematical notations relates to the stream of thoughts of the symbol-users.   We will take as a starting point the work of Vygotsky in his “Thought and Language” book, outline some of his insights, explore the ideas of Edward Sapir as a contribution that surmounts some limitations in Vygotsky’s approach, discuss the notion of “translation” applied to the issue of combining multiple mathematical representations, and illustrate several points with a video episode that took place in a high school mathematics classroom; during this episode students derived a quadratic equation for a graphically defined function. 



Sunday morning

Sunday, October 26

8:00 – 8:40, Session #15 (L-CT)

Salon A


Keith Weber

Rutgers University


Formal and intuitive understandings of isomorphic groups and their roles in formal mathematical reasoning


 The first purpose of this presentation is to present the results of two exploratory studies investigating undergraduates' and mathematicians' understandings of isomorphic groups. In the first study, undergraduates and mathematicians were observed as they attempted to prove or disprove that two groups were isomorphic. In the second study, both groups were interviewed about how they viewed groups, isomorphisms, and proofs about these concepts. Both studies support the conclusion that undergraduates understand the concept of isomorphism at a purely formal level. By contrast, the mathematicians think of isomorphic groups as being "essentially the same" and can explain how the definition of isomorphic groups captures this intuitive notion. The second purpose of this presentation is to use the data described above to illustrate and operationalize the notions of intuitive and formal understandings of advanced mathematical concepts, as well as intuition-based and purely formal proofs.



Salon B


Nathalie Sinclair*

Michigan State University


Peter Liljedahl

Simon Fraser University


Pre-service teachers re-learning rational numbers with the colour calculator

In undergraduate mathematics courses, pre-service elementary school teachers are often faced with the task of re-learning some of the concepts they themselves struggled with in their own schooling. They are expected to develop a profound mathematical background in a subject that makes many anxious and, for most, poses serious conceptual difficulties. It seems misguided to ask these pre-service elementary teachers to learn the concepts they will have to teach--and which they themselves had difficulty learning--in the same way they have previously encountered them. In our research, we investigate the notion of re-learning aspects of rational numbers. Using a computer-based microworld, called the Colour Calculator, we report on an experiment aimed at investigating (1) what the participants learned and re-learned about rational numbers, as well as how the properties and relationships they learned interact with their prior knowledge and (2) how the participants' attitudinal orientations towards rational numbers were affected by the Colour Calculator.



Sunday, October 26

8:45 – 9:25, Session #16 (L-CT)

Salon A

Draga Vidakovic

Georgia State University


Discourse created by students’ homework presentations


This study is an investigation of classroom discourse created during students’ presentation of homework assignments. It focuses on questions: (i) What kind of discourse dominates students’ homework presentations? and (ii) In what ways do the students value such discourse? The setting for the study was a modern geometry course designed primarily for high school mathematics teachers.  Results indicate that a univocal-dialogic discourse was dominant in homework presentations. Students valued homework presentations as an activity that helped them build their conceptual understanding of the material. With the interchange of ideas and opinions during the presentation, students developed better presentation skills, built reflective thinking, decentered from their own thinking and perspectives, developed logical and critical thinking, learned how to accept criticism and, very important for them, enjoyed the process of learning.

Salon B

Lara Alcock*
Rutgers University, USA

Adrian Simpson
University of Warwick, UK

Visual reasoning in real analysis

This presentation is based on a qualitative investigation that followed eighteen students through two pedagogically different first courses in real analysis.  This investigation found that "visual" students were similar in that they focused on mathematical constructs as objects, were quick to draw general conclusions about sets of mathematical objects and had a strong sense of conviction in their own assertions.  However, they differed in regard to their understanding of what objects belong to key mathematical sets, and whether they showed an ability and inclination to use formal definitions to construct general arguments about these.  These differences were found to be related to student expectations about their own role as learners of mathematics.  We explore this relationship, and suggest that visual images can provide a strong basis for understanding real analysis, but only if the student is motivated to make considerable effort to link these with the formal representations. 


Sunday, October 26

9:30 – 10:00, Session #17 (S-CT)

Salon A


Angeles Dominguez
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Monterrey Mexico

College students’ understanding of the concept of variable

The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of college students' conception of variable.  This study used Küchemann’s (1978) and Philipp’s (1992) categorization of variables: labels, constants, parameters, unknowns, generalized numbers, varying quantities, and abstract symbols. It was found that students recognized and used, with little difficulty, variables as unknowns and as generalized numbers.  As expected, the more advanced the mathematics course, the more sophistication there was to the students’ solutions, and the less difficulty they had using variables.  Also, students in the more advanced mathematics course talked more about their reasoning and were more articulate in their explanations for their solutions. As a result of categorizing the problems used for the interviews, four roles of variable emerged: unknown, generalized numbers, varying quantities, and abstract symbols.  The definition of these four roles of variables considers how the variables are used and represented


Salon B


Peter Liljedahl

Simon Fraser University


Nathalie Sinclair

Michigan State University


Computer Microworlds: Thickening Students’ Mathematical Experiences


Much of mathematics is based on definitions, and much of learning mathematics is based on the acquisition, retention, recollection, and application of these definitions in a variety of situations. Despite their general applicability, definitions are often "thin". They are compact and decontextualized – streamlined for easy consumption, and application. Meanwhile, the "thick" contexts from which they are born, and in which they are to be applied, are richly varied and complex. In this study, we examine how a computer-based microworld called Number Worlds was used to create a contextually rich environment for a group of 90 preservice elementary school teachers in the area of elementary number theory. From their interactions with this environment the participants very clearly developed "thicker" understandings of number theory concepts such as primes, factors, and multiples. Gone were the "thin" definitions: replacing them were richly varied discussions of patterns, numbers of factors, distribution of factors, and randomness.



Salon C


Mario Sánchez Aguilar*


Departamento de Matemática Educativa


Rosa María Farfán Márquez


Departamento de Matemática Educativa


Communication of mathematical concepts on distance mathematical education

In our research we make an adaptation of a theorical framewok proposed by Bosch & Chevallard (1999). This theorical framework considers to the ostensive objects like representations of concepts and mathematical ideas, but considering its institutional dimension like constituent ingredients of the tasks, techniques, technologies and theories. We are studying the ostensive objets used by students during interaction processes. These are distance mathematics students, and they use communication mediated by computer.  In particular we are interested in studying the characteristics of these ostensive objects and analyzing them during the processes of interaction of the students.During our presentation we will show some of the results.

Note: This research is part of a research program funded by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología of México: Construcción Social del Conocimiento Matemático Avanzado. Estudios sobre la reproducibilidad y la obsolescencia de situaciones didácticas: De la investigación al aula. Clave U41740-S


Salon D


Francisco Cordero

Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del IPN  


Reconstructing meaning of the asymptotic aspects in a socio-epistemological approach


Our specific problem of research concerns the asymptotic functions that are taught in the post secondary level. It consists of students not being able to reconstruct meanings of the asymptotic aspects because there is no frame of reference which helps them achieve this. The research contributes with indicators for such frame, through a situation design of the asymptotic aspects. This was supported by the socio-epistemological approach, which assumes that when dealing with didactic phenomena of mathematics the construction of such is social. Hence, the meanings of knowledge are reconstructed through the institutional experience, where the human activity or the social practices are the generators of such reconstruction. Like this, the socio-epistemology of the asymptotic aspects deals with two moments in order to achieve the reconstruction of meanings: a) the asymptote when it questions the shape of the tendency and b) the asymptote when it questions the ratio of the tendency. Besides, it forced to treat graphics, not as representations, but as arguments that allow the reconstruction of meaning.


Note: This research is funding under a grant from the CONACYT about project: Construcción social del conocimiento matemático avanzado. Estudios sobre la reproducibilidad y la obsolescencia de situaciones didácticas: de la investigación a la realidad del aula (CLAVE: 41740-S).



Salon E


Patricia E Balderas-Cañas

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Obstacles, media and activities in mathematics teaching at engineering school


A case study on a test basis with undergraduate and graduate engineering students let me realize two cognitive obstacles associated with two cognitive conflicts (NCTM, 1992). The first, related with conditional probability of a future event, obstructed the comprehension of probability trees to solve word problems. The second, an undetermined conceptualization instead of a variable one, when students used Excel work sheet models of linear programming problems, prevented them to identify variable restrictions on decisions. All of the involved students were enrolled on my statistics and applied linear algebra classes. From previous ideas, I would point out two recommendations: Math teachers should use portfolios and projects in order to “reflect the mathematics that student should know and be able to do (NCTM, 2000)” and try to reduce cognitive conflict arising. Both tools let us strength concept learning and problem solving strategies acquisition, and promote conversation as a learning media.


Sunday late morning

Sunday, October 26

10:30 – 11:00, Session #18 (PR)

Salon A


Kwon, Oh Nam *

Seoul National University


Ju, Mi-Kyung

Ewha Womans University


Cho, Kyoung-Hee

Ewha Womans University


Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Differential Equations in a Reformed Course


The purpose of this research is to analyze students’ conceptual understandings of differential equations in order to examine the effect of the RME-DE in comparison to the TRAD-DE approach. Data were collected from the two Differential Equations courses at a Korean university during the 2002 fall semester. The data analysis reveals a significant difference in the strategies that the students used to answer the conceptual questions. The RME-DE students demonstrated a more comprehensive understanding of differential equations than the TRAD-DE students. The results indicate that the RME-DE students achieved a better overall understanding of differential equation concepts than their TRAD-DE counterparts. In particular, the RME-DE students developed much stronger capacities of graphical representations in differential equations concepts than TRAD-DE students.



Salon B


Ana  González-Ríos *
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Gladys DiCristina-Yumet *
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Rafael Martínez-Planell *
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Infinite Series: A Preliminary Genetic Decomposition

This presentation will report on an ongoing research project that examines college students' cognitive constructions of the concept of infinite series using APOS Theory. A very brief description of the research paradigm and the theoretical perspective used, will be given, together with comments on related literature. The evolution of a preliminary genetic decomposition and the design and implementation of the assessment techniques used to collect data will be described. The analysis of the data will be presented with examples from interviews to 20 students. The analysis of the data was guided by the preliminary genetic decomposition and at the same time the data will serve to support it. A brief discussion of how the results could suggest modifications to the preliminary genetic decomposition will follow. The talk will end by considering the steps that will be taken to further the study.

Salon C


Nicole Engelke
Arizona State University

Related Rates: The Difficulties Students Encounter

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the process involved in working related rate problems, including knowledge of the obstacles that first semester calculus students commonly encounter when completing these problem types. It is my hypothesis that a critical component of solving related rates problems is being able to diagram and visualize the situation together with understanding variable, function and derivative.  Although most students were able to label their diagrams with the constants given in the problem, they did not distinguish between quantities that vary in time from those that remain constant.  By not constructing a mental model that attends to the changing quantities, students focused on applying a set of learned procedures, such as find a formula and differentiate, rather than conceptual knowledge.  This resulted in frustration and incorrect responses.  Activities that may facilitate improved understanding of these problems are suggested.


Salon D


Jason K. Belnap
University of Arizona

Putting TAs into Context: Understanding the Graduate Mathematics Teaching Assistant


Graduate mathematics teaching assistants (MTAs) have become an integral part of undergraduate mathematics instruction at universities.  Many graduate teaching assistants (TAs) teach their own courses, yet training for TAs tends to be short, minimal, and having limited impact on MTA teaching practices. Why?  We do not know; little has been done to uncover the complexity of the MTA experience. This year-long, qualitative, multi-case study addresses the "why" question, by identifying and elements of the MTA experience influencing MTA development and teaching practices.  With data collection over and analysis underway, several sources of influence have already emerged, such as supervisors, peers, course structure, departmental policy, etc; analysis is currently underway to identify how each impacts MTA teaching practices.  In this talk, I will present the background of the study, some of the data, and then give time for audience feedback/discussion regarding some data being analyzed.


Sunday, October 26

11:05 – 11:35, Session #19 (S-CT)

Salon A


Jennifer Christian Smith*
The University of Texas at Austin

Catherine Stacy*

The University of Texas at Austin

The role of ownership in the construction and writing of proofs in an inquiry-based number theory course

During an exploratory study of undergraduates enrolled in traditional and inquiry-based sections of a number theory course, we found that students in the inquiry-based sections appeared to take ownership of the process of constructing and writing proofs, while the students in the traditional sections appeared to view proofs almost as exercises to be completed as quickly and effortlessly as possible.  For example, when presented with a statement to prove, students in the inquiry-based sections typically spent several minutes choosing an appropriate proof strategy, while students in the traditional sections tended immediately to try several strategies without considering each very closely.  There were also differences between each group's use of symbolic representations of mathematical statements and the forms of the written proofs produced.  These preliminary results suggest that inquiry-based teaching strategies may encourage students to take ownership of mathematical ideas and processes in ways that students in traditional courses may not. 


Salon B


James Vicich
 Scottsdale Community College

Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving to Developmental Undergraduates: The Hidden Agenda

This study investigated the problem-solving behaviors of seven undergraduate developmental algebra students enrolled in a one-semester course at a two-year college.  The primary assessment was analysis of three forty-five-minute, videotaped sessions that recorded students' mathematical problem-solving performance on four different tasks, over twelve weeks.  Each taped session included a follow-up interview that allowed the researcher to probe students' perceptions, beliefs, and meanings.  Analysis of problem-solving behaviors included the categories of resource knowledge, engagement, planning, monitoring/control, heuristic strategies, verification, beliefs, and mathematical habits.  A three-tiered taxonomy of student problem-solving performance emerged that included the categories of sufficient, limited, and obstructed. Students in the sufficient category consistently performed better in the categories of resource knowledge, control, and verification.  Students whose problem-solving performance was classified as obstructed often had difficulty accessing resource knowledge and demonstrated ineffective or no monitoring abilities.  Students' performance in the limited category fell between sufficient and obstructed.


Salon C

Irene Bloom

Arizona State University


Horizontal and Vertical Mathematization of Extended Analyses Tasks


This study investigated the mathematical development of prospective high school mathematics teachers, and involved analyses of student solutions to “extended analysis” tasks for evidence of mathematization and mathematical abstraction.  The results of this study revealed that these tasks were effective in igniting powerful mathematical thinking in preservice secondary mathematics teachers. Examination of student data on the final project revealed that all the students were able to use the techniques learned during the semester to successfully and meaningfully extend their problem in a way that can be described as vertical mathematization.  Some extensions evidenced higher levels of abstraction than others, but all were able to explore some aspect of the mathematics beyond the problem setting.  Even students who were less successful with their final project appeared to emerge from the experience with an appreciation for the value and role these tasks had on their mathematical development.



Salon D

Jenifer Bohart
Arizona State University

Strategies in Statistics: Choosing the Forest or the Trees

The results of clinical interviews indicate that although subjects know how to use the strategies learned in their statistics classes, they have trouble deciding when to use them. On any given problem, subjects would either (a) view the sample as a whole (seeing the "forest"), or (b) concentrate on the individual observations or trials that made up that sample (seeing the "trees"). Focusing on individual elements of the sample, subjects would recall various "Stats Class Strategies" such as independence.  This approach was successful on problems comparing the likelihood of two samples of the same size.  When comparing small and large samples, however, students using this strategy would ignore the sample size altogether.   In contrast, subjects choosing to view the sample as a whole did not consider the relationship between individual elements of the sample.  This intuitive approach was often influenced by the representativeness heuristic.



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This document was compiled by  Draga Vidakovic.
Last modified October 6, 2003