The SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
presents its ninth

Conference on Research in

Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Embassy Suites Hotel, Piscataway, New Jersey
February 23 – February 26, 2006

As part of its on-going activities to foster research in undergraduate mathematics education and the dissemination of such research, the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) presents its ninth Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

This conference is a forum for researchers in collegiate mathematics education and includes the following themes: results of current research, contemporary theoretical perspectives and research paradigms, and general issues in the psychology of mathematics education as it pertains to the study of undergraduate mathematics. The program will include plenary addresses, contributed paper sessions, and preliminary paper sessions.

Sessions will begin at 7:00 pm, February 23, 2006, and continue through to noon on Sunday, February 26, 2006. The opening plenary will take place on Thursday evening followed by a reception. Conference events include lunch on Friday and Saturday and a banquet on Friday evening.

Plenary speakers

We are pleased to present plenary sessions by

Tommy Dreyfus: Bifurcations – Mathematical and Cognitive – via the Epistemic Actions Model for Abstraction in Context

Carolyn Maher: What Can Research On Pre-College Math Learning Contribute to Undergraduate Mathematics Learning and Teaching?

There will also be a special plenary session: A Celebration of Jim Kaput’s Contributions to Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Speakers for this session are

Patrick Thompson

Richard Lesh
Maria Blanton

Guershon Harel

Program of Contributed Papers and Preliminary Reports

Click here for the conference program.

Click here for abstracts.

Best Paper Awards

(Please send corrections to

Call for Proposals

Click here for submission guidelines.

Deadline was October 27th, 2005.

If you submitted a proposal, you should have received an email confirmation. If you did not receive a confirmation, please contact the Organizational Director, Michael Oehrtman, as soon as possible at

Hotel Information

The conference hotel is the Embassy Suites Hotel in Piscataway, New Jersey. The room rate is $112 per night for single or double occupancy, plus tax, which includes a full complimentary breakfast. Reservations must be made by January 31 to receive the conference rate. The hotel website is

To place a reservation call the hotel directly at (732) 980-0500 and ask for the Rutgers - Graduate School of Education special rate.

Early Registration Deadline: January 31, 2006. 

Registration is by mail only. Click here for a mail-in registration form.


Regular flights are availble to and from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) about 25 miles Northeast of Piscataway. From there, you may either take the State Shuttle or New Jersey Transit:

State Shuttle
From Newark Airport to Embassy Suites Hotel
Individual One way trip  = $50.00 ($39.00 + tolls + 15% gratuity)
Up to 3 people One way trip = $93.45 ($81.00 + tolls + 15% gratuity)
4-11 people (Van) One way trip = $125.35 ($107.00 + tolls + 15% gratuity)
To book the state shuttle they must have at least 24 hour notice and a major credit card.

New Jersey Transit From Newark Airport to New Brunswick Train Station for schedules & information
One way trip = $10.80

Cabs From New Brunswick Train Station to Embassy Suites Hotel
Victory Cabs -732-545-6666  $11.00 one way
Yellow Cabs - 732-246-2222  $12.00 one way

Saturday Evening Excursion to New York City

Programmed activities will end early enough Saturday afternoon of the conference to accommodate evening excursions into New York City. You will be able to make arrangements to get to Penn Station through the conference registration system. Click here for a short list of restaurants, bars, and activities.

Program Committee Chairperson

Michael Oehrtman
Department of Mathematics and Statistics           
Arizona State University
Phoenix, AZ 85287-1804
480-965-8119 (fax)

Questions regarding the conference program or registration should be directed to Mike Oehrtman while the questions regarding accommodations should be directed to Keith Weber.

Conference Planning Committee

Jennifer Christian Smith
The University of Texas

Barbara Edwards
Oregon State University

William O. Martin
North Dakota State University

Michael Oehrtman (Committee Chair)
Arizona State University

Manya Raman
Rutgers University

Chris Rasmussen
San Diego State University

Keith Weber (Local Organizer)
Rutgers University


Mathematical Association of America
Rutgers University