Writing a Successful NSF Proposal: Strategies and Tips for the Novice and Seasoned Proposer


The National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resource (EHR) supports educational research and development for all ages and in a variety of setting, including undergraduate and graduate mathematics education. This session will focus on writing proposals for the EARLY CAREER program, but many of the ideas presented will apply to proposal writing in general.

NSF Program Officers Karen Marrongelle (Division of Research on Learning, DRL) and James Hamos (Division of Undergraduate Education, DUE) and NSF CAREER awardees Chris Rasmussen (San Diego State University) and Keith Weber (Rutgers University) will provide practical direction on how to write a competitive grant proposal. Chris and Keith will share their experiences writing and negotiating their proposals. Participants will have an opportunity to read and discuss Keith and Chris's successfully funded CAREER proposals and receive feedback on their own ideas for proposals to NSF. Karen and James will give an overview of the proposal review process in DRL and DUE and will provide information about funding opportunities in EHR.

If you are planning to attend this session, be sure to fill out the short informational survey during lunch on Friday in order to help us prepare for the session.

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