The SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

presents its Fourteenth Annual

Conference on Research in

Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront - Portland, Oregon

February 24 - February 27, 2011


I. Call for Conference Reports

As part of its ongoing activities to foster research in undergraduate mathematics education and the dissemination of such research, the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) presents its thirteenth Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

We welcome submissions for two types of Reports:

Contributed Research Report

The SIGMAA on RUME aims to foster a professional atmosphere for quality research in the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics.  We solicit proposals for contributed research reports presenting results from completed research studies on undergraduate mathematics education that address one or more of the following themes:

  1. results of current research

  2. contemporary theoretical perspectives and research paradigms

  3. innovative methodologies and analytical approaches as they pertain to the study of undergraduate mathematics education

Preliminary Research Report

The SIGMAA on RUME seeks to support the professional development of new researchers and new research ideas in the field of undergraduate mathematics education. To foster constructive discussions toward this goal, we encourage graduate students, new PhDs, undergraduate mathematics educators, and experienced researchers to present preliminary reports on ongoing research projects in early stages of analysis. Significant discussion time will follow each presentation to allow for feedback and suggestions for future directions for the research. Proposals for preliminary reports are expected to include a list of questions that will be posed to the audience during the discussion portion of presentation to help further the research. These questions are part of the three-page limit.

II. Proposal Submission

Conference Submission Requirements:

  1. 150-word abstract document, preceded by the paper title, author list, and 3-5 keywords;

  2. 3-page blind report, to be submitted for review;

  3. 3-page report, not blinded, to be published in the RUME Conference Reports.

All files should be sent as an attachment (pdf) by e-mail to, the Chair of the Program Committee, with the subject line: RUME 2010 Proposal. Each of the submission requirements must be labeled as followed:

Submission requirement                                    File name

150-word abstract                                                 Author_abstract.pdf

3-page blind proposal                                         Author_blind.pdf

3-page proposal / proceedings paper             Author_proceedings.pdf

Abstract, and Proposals/Papers must conform to the format guidelines provided below and must be received by October 8, 2010.

Please keep other questions, queries, and correspondence to the Chair of the Program Committee separate from the e-mail submission of your proposal.

In the body of the e-mail, please include for each of the authors:


    Institutional affiliation

    e-mail address

    Submission of: [either contributed report or preliminary report]

Abstract Preparation:

All abstracts will be published in the conference program. Please include in the abstract an informative description of the context, theoretical framework, research questions, goals, and findings. Note that your abstract will be included only after your registration payment has been received.

Below the abstract, include 3-5 keywords to describe your paper. When appropriate, your keyword list should include descriptors of the mathematical focus, theoretical perspective, and/or methodology. For example, keywords to describe a design experiment in abstract algebra might include: abstract algebra, design experiment, Realistic Mathematics Education

Other examples of keywords, but not all inclusive, are: Calculus, precalculus, preservice secondary teachers, differential equations, linear algebra, elementary teacher training, number theory, transition to proof, teaching assistants (TA), discourse analysis, classroom research, cognitive research, new methodology, teaching experiment, classroom teaching experiment, social construction of meaning, cognitive science, student understandings of proof, etc.

The title, abstract, and list of keywords should all be single spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Blind Report:

To help us maintain a blind review process, names and institutional affiliations should NOT appear in the body of your blind proposal (see Proposal Guidelines below). The blind and non-blind reports should be identical. Remember, it is your responsibility to "blind" the proposals as much as possible.

Proposal Guidelines:

Both preliminary reports and contributed research reports should, as much as is possible, follow the guidelines set forth below.

Include a brief but informative title (in Title Case) preceding your proposal. An example of title case is: The Case of John's Confusion with Multiplication.

Indicate below the title the type of session your paper is intended for: 

  1. Contributed Research Report

  2. Preliminary Research Report.

Include below your title an empty line and then a 150-word abstract.

Below the abstract, include 3-5 keywords to describe your paper. (See above: abstract preparation guidelines).

The maximum length of the proposals text is 3 pages in single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font. The page limit does not include the references or abstract. One or more tables or figures may be included that do not count in the page limit or word count, IF they increase the total proposal by less than half a page.

Proposals must address as many of the following considerations as possible:

  1. An explicit statement of the question(s) or issue(s) the research explores.

  2. Relation of this work to the research literature

  3. Theoretical perspective and/or conceptual framework

  4. Research methodology

  5. Results of the research

  6. Applications to/implications for teaching practice or further research

  7. A short list of references should be given at the end of the proposal.

NOTE: All non-blinded, accepted preliminary and contributed research reports will appear in the RUME Conference Reports. Authors who present at the conference will have the option of submitting a 15-page paper for peer-review consideration for publication in the RUME Conference Proceedings. More information about the submission of long papers for the conference proceedings is provided below.

Non-Blind Proposal Guidelines:

All non-blind proposals should have the following:

  1. (1)Title,

  2. (2)Author(s) name,

  3. (3)Institutional Affiliation

  4. (4)Email Address (optional)

  5. (5)Abstract

  6. (6)Key word list (no more than 5 words)

III. Proposal Review Process

Proposals must address an issue relevant to RUME, address considerations as outlined in the Proposal Submission guidelines (above), and be well-written. Proposal reviewers will be asked to rate proposals according to the following considerations:

  1. Does the proposal explore a significant issue/question relevant to RUME?

  2. How does it relate to prior research on related topics/issues?

  3. Is the theoretical perspective clearly outlined?

  4. Is there an appropriate choice of research methodology?

  5. Is it clear what the conclusions/main claims are?

  6. Are those supported by data?

  7. Does the research contribute to teaching practice/theory development?

All proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Planning Committee. Acceptance and declination decisions for each proposal will be made by the committee. The final program will consist of a blend of contributed talks and preliminary report presentations.

IV. RUME Conference Proceedings

Authors who present at the conference will have the option of submitting a 15-page paper for peer-review consideration for publication in the RUME Conference Proceedings.

All long papers must follow the proposal guidelines and will be reviewed according to the proposal review criteria.

Long-papers will be:

  1. reviewed by at least 3 reviewers

  2. considered for best paper

  3. considered for pre-journal review, unless otherwise requested.

Submission of a long paper is not required of participants but is strongly encouraged. Acceptance to the RUME Conference Proceedings is dependent upon reviewers’ recommendations. All long papers are due Friday, March 25, 2011.

A link to an electronic copy of the submission guidelines can be found here.

Questions or comments to the website should be directed to Jason Dolor.

Last Updated January 31, 2011