Association for Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Minutes of ARUME Winter Business Meeting
Friday, January 21, 2000, Washington, DC

The meeting was called to order by Ed Dubinsky, Coordinator of ARUME, at 6p.m.
  1. After copies of the proposed ARUME executive committee position descriptions were distributed, Ed Dubinsky reported that on Wednesday, January 19, 2000 there was a reception celebrating the establishment of ARUME as the first special interest group (SIG) of the MAA. He explained that the rights and privileges of being a SIGMAA were that ARUME would have a reception (possibly with other SIGMAA's), an invited talk and business meeting, and space on the program for contributed paper sessions. In addition, it was noted that the various publications of the MAA have been made aware of the inclusion of ARUME, possibly opening the door to more articles on research in undergraduate mathematics education. Another implication of ARUME becoming a SIGMAA is that membership will become more formal. In particular, MAA membership will be requisite for membership in the SIGMAA ARUME. Accompanying this membership requirement will be a supplement to support the activities of ARUME. Dues in the amount of $10.00 were proposed and unanimously accepted by the membership present.
  2. A financial report will be provided by Ed Dubinsky in a forthcoming listserv announcement.
  3. The next order of business was the election. The members of the Nominating Committee were Annie Selden, Kathleen Heid, and Jim Cottrill. The ballot of officers, as submitted by the Nominating Committee, included: Coordinator-elect: Marilyn Carlson or Barbara Edwards; Secretary/Treasurer: David Meel; Organizational Director: Mickey McDonald; Program Chair: Julie Clark. The floor was opened for additional nominations. No additional candidates were offered from the floor. It was declared that in the case of Secretary/Treasurer, Organizational Director, and Program Chair the nominated people were elected. They will serve in this capacity for the next two years. Ballots were passed to all of the members present at the business meeting to vote for the Coordinator-Elect. (Note: A quorum was present since there were over 25 members present with at least two officers.) Kathleen Heid and Jim Cottrill were asked to count the ballots. While ballots were being counted, ARUME Committee reports were presented and discussed (See 4.below.) After the votes were counted, Marilyn Carlson was declared Coordinator-Elect. At that point, Ed Dubinsky became the past-Coordinator and Annie Selden assumed the position of Coordinator.
  4. Committee reports were presented and these will be distributed via the listserv in conjunction with a request for volunteers to be active members of the committees.
  5. Annie Selden was formally introduced as the new ARUME Coordinator and she had a few announcements:
  6. Questions raised by the members present included:
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Submitted by:
David E. Meel, Ed.D.
ARUME Secretary/Treasurer
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
(419) 372-7452
(419) 372-6092 (fax)

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