Special Interest Group of the MAA
SIGMAA on Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Minutes for 30 July 2002

Minutes of SIGMAA on RUME Summer Business Meeting

Tuesday, July 30, 2002, Burlington, VT.
Agenda & Minutes
  1. July 30th Agenda and Meeting Minutes from January 8th San Diego Meeting were accepted.
  2. Coordinator's Report
    • SIGMAA on RUME has 411 paying members
    • We also have 10 committees fairly active
    • We want the conference feedback form on time; we especially need feedback on future conference location and timing.
  3. Treasurer's Report
    • MAA approved our 2002 budget
      • $5,900 from last year,
      • $31,000 from grant last year
    • 2003 Budget
      • No ExxonMobil grant yet so the budget is $6,600 at the end.
      • We're applying for a renewal of this grant.
  4. Governance Committee: By-Laws Changes
    • The Program Committee wasn't specifically mentioned in the Charter or By-laws
    • Also we need a mechanism to change the by-laws
    • The specific proposed changes to the by-laws are appended to these minutes.
    • There was a friendly amendment to charge the Executive Committee with rewording the by-laws appropriately so as not to mention MathFest, but to make the intent clear. (Just in case we stop linking our conference to Mathfest.)
    • Amendment accepted.
    • Bylaws changes were passed.
  5. There was a quorum (by Charter Article III.3) of 28 voting members with more than two members of Executive Committee present.
  6. Lowest conference turnout ever
    • Usually 80+. Now it's less than 50.
    • Next year, PME/NA is in Hawaii in July, leaving fall open in AZ.
    • General discussion and suggestions
      • Suggestion: don't meet in ICME year, esp. if we meet on alternate years;
      • publicize to math departments within driving distance of conference;
      • have institutions with graduate programs host;
      • targeted mailing to MAA members is easy, by zip code;
      • more informal research presentation venues at conference; it was a draw of previous conferences;
      • more live mentoring time at conference;
      • issue letters of invitation to roundtables, to allow funding;
      • ask membership over e-mail.
  7. Committee Reports
    • Publications Committee (RCME)
      • Annie Selden is a new editor, Fernando Hitt and Guershon Harel are new associate editors. Ed Dubinsky is continuing as an editor until Summer 2003.
      • We want more manuscripts. We want to publish every January. We would eventually like to transform RCME into a journal, which would be seen as more prestigious.
  8. No new business.
  9. Thanking Annie - Annie Selden was thanked on behalf of SIGMAA on RUME for her work as Coordinator.
  10. Recorded by Eric Hsu, erichsu@math.sfsu.edu
    Secretary of the SIGMAA on RUME
    First circulated August 20th, 2002
    Corrections August 25th, 2002

    Governance Committee Proposed Changes to the SIGMAA on RUME By-Laws
    July 30th, 2002

    In Article 3 of the By-laws, insert at the end, the following two paragraphs:

    Some Executive Committee members may need a committee to assist them in carrying out their duties. In such cases, the Executive Committee member shall serve as the chair of the committee and propose membership and duties to the Coordinator who will make the appointment using the procedure described above. Due to the rotation of officers on the Executive Committee, such committees will serve only during the tenure in office of the executive committee member who proposed the members.

    One standing committee will be the Conference Program Committee, whose main duty is the organization of SIGMAA on RUME conferences. It will be appointed by the Coordinator with membership to include the Program Chair and the Organizational Director, who will serve as the chair of this committee. The Coordinator in consultation with the Organizational Director proposes additional members. Members who are not on the Executive Committee shall serve from the end of the summer Mathfest until the end of the summer Mathfest the following year.

    The following new section:

    Section 5. Changes to these By-Laws.

    These by-laws may be amended at official business meetings attended by at least 70% of the number of the members who attended the previous January business meeting and must include at least two officers. Amendments must be proposed in writing and distributed through electronic mail at least one month before the business meeting in which they will be considered for adoption. They must be voted on within two years of being proposed. To be adopted, an amendment must be approved by two-thirds of those members in attendance.

    We further propose, since we currently have no provision for amending the by-laws, that the above procedure be used in adopting these proposed changes.

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