SIGMAA on RUME Business Meeting
January 9th, 2005
Joint Mathematics Meetings in Atlanta, GA

  1. Call meeting to order
    1. Session began with guest lecture by Barbara Edwards, Oregon State University
    2. 44 present for talk and meeting.
    3. Accept agenda:
      1. Moved and seconded, approved
    4. Approve minutes:
      1. Moved:
      2. Shandy Hauk, seconded:
      3. TJ Murphy, approved
  2. Coordinator's report
    1. We have about 800 members (first and largest SIGMAA). Many active committees.
    2. Marilyn Carlson will talk about a volume for mathematicians.
    3. Barbara Edwards would like our publications list to be brought up to date. She has a group starting work on that.
    4. Research meeting is in Arizona in February.
  3. Election of officer
    1. Coordinator Elect:
      1. Chris Rasmussen, SDSU (nominations closed, elected by acclamation)
    2. Treasurer:
      1. Kirk Weller, UNT (nominations closed, elected by acclamation)
    3. Organizational Director:
      1. Mike Oehrtman ASU (Mike was elected), Natasha Speer, MSU
    4. (nominations closed) All new officers were congratulated for standing.
  4. Committee reports
    1. Treasurer:
      1. Presented by Marilyn Carlson for Chris Rasmussen.
      2. Move to approve treasurer's report: Moved by Shandy Hauk, Seconded by TJ Murphy, approved.
    2. Publications:
      1. Marilyn Carlson reported that the MAA Notes volume proposal was approved, invited chapters, 22 accepted invitation. Chris Rasmussen and Marilyn Carlson are reviewing all, the publication committee are dividing up the reviewing.
      2. Annie Seldon asked for volunteers or nominations for editor of JRCME. Some discussion of qualifications. Managing editor does not want to continue. Annie Seldon has agreed to work on the copy editing. Annie encouraged submissions. She described the review process.
    3. Guidelines:
      1. John and Annie Seldon handed out guidelines as published on the listserv. John spoke about the ongoing process of reviewing and revising the document.
    4. Web:
      1. Shandy Hauk sought suggestions for the website, described status of resources and publications listed on the site. Also talked about list of graduate programs in mathematics education.
    5. Literature:
      1. A committee assembled to update the literature list and database.
  5. Mentoring:
    1. Barbara Edwards spoke about this--asked about funding to continue this in the future now that our funding source has changed. Do people still support the mentoring program idea?
    2. Ed Dubinsky asked how the program had been publicized in the past couple years. Barbara described the use of the website and listserv. Ed Dubinsky described how the mentoring recruitment originally was carried out with the research conference and project NexT.
    3. There was some talk about whether mentoring could be broadened to include collaboration/consultation. There seems to be a need to publicize, discuss, and recruit for this component of our activities.
  6. Report on February meeting:
    1. Draga Vidakovic gave information about the status of the February conference.
  7. Selden Prize update by Annie:
    1. It is approved and will appear in Focus. Nominations are needed.
  • New Business
    1. Announcement of upcoming NSF program in CCLI to focus on RUME (Karen King)
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.

  • Recorded by Bill Martin for Eric Hsu,
    Secretary of the SIGMAA on RUME
    Initial draft, January 19th, 2005
    Revised, January 22nd, 2005

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