Special Interest Group of the MAA
SIGMAA on / Association for / Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Proposed Changes to By-Laws and Charter
Note: proposal was circulated in advance of, and was discussed at, the September 22, 2000 ARUME Business Meeting.
Jump to: Governance Committee Proposals       Proposed Charter       Proposed By-Laws

MAA Guidelines for Special Interest Groups (SIGMAAs)

Background and Summary

For reference: the current ARUME Charter and current ARUME By-laws.

The name change from ARUME to SIGMAA on RUME (or something similar) is necessary. MAA has decided all its Special Interest Groups will be called SIGMAA on XX.

According to our current by-laws, "Amendments [to the by-laws] must be proposed in writing. They cannot be voted upon at the same meeting at which they are proposed, but must be voted on within two years of being proposed." The proposed changes were discussed at the September business meeting in Chicago. Hence, the vote will take place at our January 2001 business meeting in New Orleans.

The Governance Committee proposes a Revision of the Charter as well as major revisions to the By-Laws to remove overlap with the Charter. In addition to numerous editorial changes, the major substantive changes being proposed are summarized below:

1. Changing of the official name of "The Association for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education "(ARUME) to "Special Interest Group of the Mathematics Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education "(SIGMAA on RUME)

2. Splitting of the Secretary/Treasurer position into two positions and specifying the responsibilities of these positions.

3. Reducing the term of Coordinator-Elect and Past-Coordinator from two years to one year. This entailed some clarification as to when the Coordinator and Past-Coordinator assume office.

4. Replacing all the current By-Laws by those suggested.

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Proposal 1.
In order to implement the proposed changes to the Charter and By-Laws we propose the following procedures be adopted for use at the January 2001 - Business Meeting:

  1. Elect New Treasurer for two-year term.
  2. Elect Organizational Director for two-year term.
  3. Ed Dubinsky will have completed his responsibility as Past-Coordinator.
  4. Marilyn Carlson continues for one more year as Coordinator-Elect.
  5. David Meel will begin his second year as Secretary.

  6. Also note that:
  7. Julie Clark will begin her second year as Program Chair.
  8. Annie Selden will begin her second year as Coordinator.

Proposal 2:
We propose that ARUME adopt the following Charter and By-Laws as proposed by the Governance Committee.


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Charter of the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. (SIGMAA on RUME)

Article I. Identification.

Section 1. The name of this SIGMAA is the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME).

Section 2. SIGMAA on RUME is formed for the purpose of encouraging quality research in undergraduate mathematics education (RUME) and its application in teaching practices. SIGMAA on RUME provides organizational support for researchers conducting RUME and to those interested in using the results of RUME. It also provides organizational support for the dissemination of the results of this research.

Article II. Activities.

Section 1. SIGMAA on RUME conducts activities such as talks, conferences, publications, and mentoring. In addition, it maintains a listserv of the membership for the purposes of sharing information. It sponsors a reception at the January meeting of the MAA as well as sponsoring contributed paper and poster sessions at those meetings.

Section 2. SIGMAA on RUME seeks to build relationships with all other organizations concerned with the learning and teaching of mathematics at all levels, from pre-school to graduate school. SIGMAA on RUME conducts its activities within the structure of the MAA.

  1. The activities of SIGMAA on RUME will be closely related to the work of the Joint AMS/MAA Committee on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (CRUME). SIGMAA on RUME will work closely with that committee to ensure complementary programs that enhance the aims of both the Joint Committee and SIGMAA on RUME. Many activities of SIGMAA on RUME will also relate to the work being coordinated by the MAA Council on Education (COE) and whether this council is the one to which SIGMAA on RUME is assigned or not, the leadership of SIGMAA on RUME will work with COE to assure that SIGMAA on RUME education activities are, in effect, under COE coordination. In particular, some of SIGMAA on RUME'S activities may relate to the work of the MAA Committee on the Mathematical Education of Teachers and perhaps other committees as well. In all cases, SIGMAA on RUME will consult with the appropriate MAA Council for coordination.
  2. Without prior approval of the Executive Committee of MAA, any activities of SIGMAA on RUME, including publications will be represented as coming from SIGMAA on RUME and not from the MAA at large.
  3. Reports of SIGMAA on RUME's activities will be submitted regularly by SIGMAA on RUME to the SIGMAA Task Force with copies to the chair of the Coordinating Council to which SIGMAA on RUME is assigned.

Article III. Meetings.

Section 1. Business meetings will usually be held twice per year, normally in conjunction with the annual January and summer meetings of the MAA, but may be held at other times and/or more often.

Section 2. Prior to a business meeting the Coordinator of SIGMAA on RUME will solicit agenda items from the membership. At the beginning of the business meeting the agenda shall be shared and an opportunity given to modify the agenda by consensus or by a majority vote. The presiding officer will then work through the agenda providing time for discussion. When decisions are to be made the presiding officer will attempt to find a consensus. If consensus cannot be found an issue may be decided by a vote using commonly accepted rules for making, amending and adopting motions.

Section 3. A quorum for the purpose of making decisions at business meetings will be at least twenty-five members including at least two officers.

Article IV. Membership.

Section 1. Membership in SIGMAA on RUME is open to any MAA member interested in joining in the support of its purpose. In addition to those engaged in undergraduate mathematics education research, SIGMAA on RUME welcomes members who teach post secondary mathematics or are interested in the findings of RUME as such members often provide critical assistance in the grounding of research efforts in the realities of classrooms. To signify one's intent to become a member, an individual must join MAA if not already a member, pay SIGMAA on RUME dues and notify the Secretary of SIGMAA on RUME who will add the individual's name to the SIGMAA on RUME membership list.

Article V. Officers.

Section 1. The SIGMAA on RUME officers are Coordinator, Coordinator-Elect, Past-Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Organizational Director, and Program Chair. These officers shall form the members of the Executive Committee. Since the Coordinator-Elect becomes the Coordinator; the Coordinator, Past-Coordinator and Coordinator-Elect can not succeed themselves in office. However other officers can succeed themselves in office.

Section 2. Organizational Procedures.

  1. The Executive Committee will be responsible for carrying out the directives of the membership, as well as day-to-day business.
  2. Officers other than the Coordinator and Past-Coordinator will assume their duties after the January business meeting at which they were elected. The Past-Coordinator and Coordinator-Elect serve one year terms and all other officers serve two year terms.

    1. The Coordinator or a member designated by the Coordinator will preside at SIGMAA on RUME business meetings. The Coordinator will organize and direct the activities of the group, and will serve as its chief spokesperson. The Coordinator will serve as liaison with the MAA Associate Secretary.
    2. The Coordinator-Elect and Past-Coordinator will serve as vice-coordinators, assisting the Coordinator. The Coordinator-Elect will become the Coordinator upon completion of the latter's term of office.
    3. The Secretary will keep records of official meetings of SIGMAA on RUME and its Executive Committee including a record of those attending, and will maintain the membership roll. Other duties include keeping a record of the affairs of SIGMAA on RUME, handling correspondence and preparing written reports for submission to the MAA as required. Minutes of the last Business Meeting and a tentative agenda for the next meeting shall be made available electronically no less than one month prior to the next business meeting by the Secretary.
    4. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining all financial records of SIGMAA ON RUME and for preparation of financial reports as required by the MAA Executive Committee or by the SIGMAA ON RUME Executive Committee. The Treasurer is responsible for authorizing disbursement of organizational funds as directed by the membership or the SIGMAA ON RUME Executive Committee.
    5. The Organizational Director will oversee the organization of the activities of SIGMAA on RUME such as conferences, workshops, etc., in accord with the decisions of the Executive Committee and the SIGMAA on RUME membership.
    6. The Program Chair will assist the Organizational Director in programmatic details such as the planning of conferences and SIGMAA on RUME paper sessions which may be held in conjunction with the January AMS/MAA and Summer MAA meetings, in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  3. Decisions of the Executive Committee will be by majority vote.
  4. The Executive Committee will appoint a Nominating Committee of three members and will designate one of the three as Chair. No more than one member of the Executive Committee may serve on the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee will notify the membership of SIGMAA- on-RUME regarding the composition of the Nominating Committee at least two months prior to the meeting at which elections are to be held and will request that suggestions for nominations be sent to the Chair of the slate of more than one officer per position, if possible, at least one month before the January business meeting at which the election is to occur. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at that annual meeting. Voting for all officers will be by secret ballot at the appropriate January business meeting, provided a quorum is present. If there is only one nominee for a given office, that person will be deemed elected. For all other offices, the person receiving the most votes will be elected. If a quorum is not present, current officers will serve until the next business meeting at which there is a quorum and an election can be held.

Article VI. Finances.

Section 1. An MAA dues supplement shall be assessed each member of SIGMAA on RUME. This fee will be used to support in part the activities of SIGMAA on RUME. Any change in the amount of the dues supplement is voted on at the January business meeting. The manner of collection and disbursement of these funds will be determined by the MAA Executive Committee.

Section 2. SIGMAA on RUME shall submit an expense budget for each calendar year to the MAA Executive Committee by no later than October 1 of the preceding year. It shall include the projected cost for any receptions, room charges, equipment, etc. at national meetings. The budget is subject to the approval of the MAA Executive Committee.

Section 3. SIGMAA on RUME may apply to the MAA for specific funding beyond what is provided from dues. All requests for funds shall be substantiated by a budget for the proposed expenditures.

Article VII. External Funding.

Section 1. No officer or member of SIGMAA on RUME may apply for a grant to support official SIGMAA on RUME activities or enter into any contract to support such activities or to provide services without specific approval in writing by the president of the MAA or designee thereof. If SIGMAA on RUME wishes to apply for external funds, it shall coordinate this activity with the MAA Subcommittee on Externally Funded Projects and go through the standard procedures for applying for external funding under the auspices of the MAA.

Section 2. Neither SIGMAA on RUME nor any officer nor representative thereof shall have any authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the MAA.

Article VIII. Changes.

Section 1. This Charter may only be amended at business meetings attended by at least 70% of the number of members who attended the previous January business meeting including at least two officers. Amendments must be proposed in writing either at a business meeting or through electronic mail at least one month before the business meeting. They cannot be voted upon at the same meeting at which they are first proposed, but must be voted on within two years of being proposed. To be adopted, an amendment must be approved by two-thirds of those members in attendance. The proposed changes must then be submitted for approval by the MAA Executive Committee.

Section 2. The MAA Executive Committee may also initiate changes to this Charter. In this event, the Board of Governors of the MAA must approve changes.

Article IX. Dissolution.

Section 1. SIGMAA on RUME shall be dissolved for either of the following reasons

a. Failure to maintain at least 50 (fifty) members for two consecutive years;

b. For reasons agreed to by a majority vote of the Board of Governors of the MAA.

Section 2. If dissolved, any uncommitted funds left in accounts established by MAA in support of SIGMAA on RUME shall be returned to the MAA's general fund unless otherwise specified by MAA when the account was established.


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These By-Laws of SIGMAA on RUME along with the Charter are the governing documents of the organization. Included in the By-Laws are details necessary to implement the Charter.

Section 1. Elections of the Executive Committee

  1. At the January business meeting of odd numbered years.
    1. The following shall be elected -Coordinator-Elect for a one-year term.
      -Treasurer for a two-year term.
      -Organizational Director for a two-year term.
    2. The Past-Coordinator will have completed his/her one year term at the end of this meeting.

  2. At the January business meeting of even numbered years.
    1. The following will be elected -Secretary for a two year term.
      -Program Chair for a two year term.
    2. The Coordinator-Elect assumes duties of Coordinator and the Coordinator begins a one-year term as Past-Coordinator.

Section 2. Replacement of Elected Members of the Executive Committee.

If a member of the Executive Committee resigns or is unable to continue until her or his term is completed the Executive Committee may either appoint a replacement to complete the term or call for a special election.

Section 3. Appointment of Committees

The Coordinator, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may from time-to-time appoint Committees to carry out the work of the organization. These Committees serve until the end of the term of office of the Coordinator who made the appointment.

Section 4.

SIGMAA on RUME abides by the current policy statement of MAA on SIGMAA the latest of which is attached to these By-Laws for reference.


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1. Each SIGMAA shall have and maintain the following features A minimum number of members initially and in perpetuity (exact number to be determined by the Task Force in consultation with each individual SIGMAA). A web page. A newsletter (probably electronic). Regular, scheduled annual business meetings at MAA national meetings. A governance structure voted on by the members. A charter.

2. The charter for a SIGMAA shall be based on a model to be designed by the Task Force. The SIGMAA charter is subject to approval of the Executive Committee on recommendation by the Task Force. A SIGMAA can make amendments to its charter, but these are subject to approval of the Executive Committee on recommendation by the Task Force.

3. Every member of a SIGMAA must be a member of the MAA.

4. In addition to annual MAA dues, each member of a SIGMAA will pay a dues supplement that will support in part the activities of the SIGMAA. The amount of the supplement, which will be specific for each SIGMAA, will be determined annually by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Task Force.

5. Each SIGMAA will be provided appropriate facilities to have a business meeting at an annual meeting of the MAA. If a SIGMAA desires to invite someone to give a special presentation, to hold a reception, to conduct a panel discussion, workshop, or similar activity, it must inform the Associate Secretary of the details of such plans at least nine months prior to the meeting. The Associate Secretary will make every reasonable effort to provide time and space for such an activity. The cost of a reception will be paid by the SIGMAA. The activities approved will be advertised in the meeting announcements. In addition, if a SIGMAA desires to organize a contributed paper session, it applies to the Committee on Paper Sessions (CPS) according to prescribed procedures of that Committee. The CPS will make every REASONABLE effort to accommodate the SIGMAA's request and will consider the fact that the CPS is being run by a SIGMAA as a positive factor. If the CPS is unable to accept the request of a SIGMAA for a given meeting, then the SIGMAA can request the Associate Secretary to schedule an "in house" contributed paper session. If the Associate Secretary is able to schedule such a session, then the SIGMAA is responsible for providing to the MAA material advertising for papers on the web and in Focus. The Associate Secretary will include the in-house session in all announcements of activities of the meeting. The SIGMAA will inform the SIGMAA Task Force [COMMITTEE ON SIGMAAs eventually] of all of its requested and scheduled activities at a meeting. If any MAA Committee that approves requests for activities at meetings receives a request that falls in the area of interest of a SIGMAA, to avoid any duplication of effort the chair of that committee will communicate with the appropriate SIGMAA if there is sufficient time before the committee makes a decision.

6. Each SIGMAA will describe in its charter how it will work cooperatively with sections and with any existing MAA committee or other structure concerned with the special interest of the SIGMAA.

7. Any SIGMAA that wishes to apply for external funding must follow the procedures set up by the MAA Subcommittee on Externally Funded Projects, which include provisions for full consideration by appropriate councils and/or committees and approval by the Executive Committee, as is the case for any member of, or group within, the MAA.

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