SIGMAA on Statistics Education Business Meeting Minutes

Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 7, 2016, Seattle WA

Started 6:05pm Ended 7:00pm


I.               Welcome – Patti Frazer Lock, Chair

II.              Introductions

n  Be sure to sign the sheet!

n  There were 43 attendees at the start of the meeting

III.            Introduction of New and Continuing Officers

n  Sue Schou (Chair), Patti Frazer Lock (Past-Chair), Stacey Hancock (Chair-Elect), Judith Canner (Secretary), Phil Yates (Treasurer), Todd Iverson (Webmaster)

IV.            Thanks to your retiring officers

n  Randy Pruim (Past-Chair), Stacey Hancock (Treasurer)

n  Consider running for office!

V.              SecretaryÕs Report and Approval of Last YearÕs Minutes – Judith Canner, Secretary

a.     Minutes approved from 2015 by a vote of yes by all members in attendance

b.     Email vote suggested in the future

VI.            TreasurerÕs Report – Stacey Hancock, Treasurer

a.     The control of the budget remains with the MAA so the balance remained $0.  The costs associated with the SIGMAA for the last year include the JMM reception, the two awards, and administrative expenses (copies, etc.)

VII.           ChairÕs Report and Discussion – Patti Frazer Lock, Chair

n  Joint Reception with SIGMAA QL this year

n  2015 Curriculum Guide

      Course Reports:  Intro Stats, Stats 2, Math Stats 

                   --Thanks to Nancy Boynton (Stats 2) and Erin Blankenship (Math Stats)

           Intro Stats report is almost final, they are still working on the Math Stats report

n  SIGMAA Events here at JMM

     Contributed Papers ÒInnovative Targeted Solutions in Teaching Introductory StatisticsÓ:   29 talks!

               Wednesday, 2:15 – 5:50 pm

               Thursday, 1:00 – 4:15 pm

               Friday, 2:40 – 5:15 pm

     Contributed Papers ÒNew Ideas in Teaching Upper-Level Statistics ClassesÓ:  5 talks

               Friday, 1:00 – 2:15

     Panel Presentation  ÒGuidelines in Statistics Education:  MAA Curriculum Guide, GAISE 2016, SET, ASA GuidelinesÓ with Patti Frazer Lock, Michelle Everson, Anna Bargagliotti, Beth Chance

              Friday, 8:00 – 9:20 am, Room 609 CC

     Guest Lecture:  Tim Hesterberg of Google, ÒBig data, Experiments, and Resampling at GoogleÓ

                TONIGHT, 6:50 – 7:30 pm

n  SIGMAA listserve – DISCUSSION

o   Originally, the EC conceived that anyone on the listserve would have access to email/post without monitoring.  After the SIGMAA officer meeting, the MAA made it clear that a moderator is mandated.  Therefore, the EC will continue to serve as moderators for the listserve.

n  Changes to our Charter – DISCUSSION

o   Proposed changes (see attached)

o   Question about who currently coordinates the Contributed Paper Sessions.  The purpose of the Program Chair was clarified to include organizational aspects of the workload for scheduling and abstract review in collaboration with the EC.

o   34 members voted yes including all of the executive committee, 0 no, 0 abstentions

n  Topics for Future SIGMAA Sessions – DISCUSSION

o   Resources for teaching intro statistics

o   Teaching Probability

o   Teaching the Math Stat/Probability Sequence

o   Statistics for Math Majors

o   Specific Topics in statistics

o   Data Science

o   Big Data Ideas in the stat classroom

VIII.         Upcoming Events

n  E-COTS, May 16 – 20, 2016, Everywhere.  Proposals due Feb. 1.

o   In addition, regional meetings are being proposed for 1 day across the country.

n  JSM, July 30 – August 4, 2016, Chicago, IL.  Deadline February 1 for contributed papers.

n  JMM, January 4 – 7, 2017, Atlanta, GA.

n  USCOTS, 2017

n  JSM, July 29 – August 3, 2017, Baltimore, MD.

IX.            Presentation of Awards

n  The Dex Whittinghill Award for Best Statistics Education Contributed Paper at JMM 2015

o   Awarded to RaKissa Manzanares  for her talk ÒCreating Critical Thinkers in an Introductory Statistics CourseÓ

n  The Robert V. Hogg Award for Excellence in Teaching Statistics

o   Awarded to Kumer Das, Lamar University

X.              Other Business

a.     Special Issue of the American Statistician on Statistics Education

XI.            Door Prizes

XII.           Adjourn.  Continue socializing.  Guest Lecture.

XIII.         Guest Lecture – Tim Hesterberg, Google (170 people attended the guest lecture)