The UR SIGMAA was chartered after a discussion by members of the governing council of the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Division of Mathematics & Computer Science. We held our first elections in 2018, and have already started a tradition of holding events at the JMM and MathFest. We aspire to offer programming at the MAA section level, and more generally to meet the changing needs of the MAA community.

The stated focus and purpose of the SIGMAA, as laid down in our charter, is to promote and broaden participation in undergraduate research in mathematics by supporting faculty serving as mentors and by supporting interested students. Specific objects include:

  1. 1. Facilitating discussion among mathematicians and mathematics educators interested in undergraduate research.            
  2. 2. Promoting undergraduate research within the MAA, through greater awareness of the work in this area currently underway, and by encouraging members to become involved.
  3. 3. Providing development opportunities for faculty interested in beginning work in undergraduate research.
  4. 4. Recognizing accomplishments in undergraduate research in mathematics.
  5. 5. Promoting ties between the MAA and the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)

UR SIGMAA Leadership Team

Chair.  Lauren Rose — Bard College.  

The Chair will preside at all UR SIGMAA business meetings, will organize and direct the activities of the SIGMAA, and will serve as its chief spokesperson. The Chair will serve as liaison with the MAA Committee on SIGMAAs and with other organizations. The Chair will also regularly communicate with UR SIGMAA members about the activities of the Executive Committee and the SIGMAA in general. The Chair will also perform other duties as may be directed from time to time by the Executive Committee.  Elected position, 3 years.

Patrick’s term as chair will take place from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2020 (shortened due to revival of SIGMAA and need to stagger terms).


Chair-Elect.  Anant Godbole – chair elect --  East Tennessee State University.  The Chair-Elect will serve as vice-chair, assisting the chair in UR SIGMAA activities.  One of the primary duties of the chair-elect is to become familiar with the operations of the SIGMAA, so that the transition to their position as Chair will occur as seamlessly as possible.  The Chair-Elect will become the Chair upon completion of the latter's term of office.  Elected position, 1 year followed by 3-year chairship.  

Anant’s term as chair-elect will take place from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2020, and the term as chair will take place from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2023 (note the different lengths due to revival of SIGMAA and need to stagger terms).

Next elections:  Fall 2022, 2025, 2028, etc.

Program Coordinator.  Allison Henrich -- Seattle University.  The Program Coordinator will solicit proposals for special sessions at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, workshops, conferences, etc., from the UR SIGMAA membership, and present proposals to the Executive Committee. The Program Coordinator will coordinate, with the MAA Associate Secretary, the implementation of those proposals approved by the Executive Committee. Criteria for accepting proposals will include whether the objectives of the proposed sessions are concordant with the missions of UR SIGMAA and the MAA. The Program Coordinator will also perform other duties as may be directed from time to time by the Executive Committee.  Elected position, 3 years.  

Allison’s term will take place from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2021.

Next elections:  Fall 2021, 2024, 2027, etc.


Outreach Coordinator. Laramie Paxton.  The Outreach Coordinator will be responsible for publicity, outreach, and advocacy activities of UR SIGMAA.  The Outreach Coordinator will be responsible for distributing information about undergraduate research in mathematics to the SIGMAA membership, to other MAA members, and to institutions and forums outside of the MAA.  The Outreach Coordinator will also perform other duties as may be directed from time to time by the Executive Committee.  Elected position, 3 years.

Laramie’s term will take place from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2020 (shortened due to revival of SIGMAA and need to stagger terms).

Next elections:  Fall 2020, 2023, 2028, etc.

Secretary / Treasurer.  Suzanne Lenhart -- University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  The Secretary/Treasurer will keep records of official meetings of the UR SIGMAA and its Executive Committee, and will hold and disburse funds as directed by the UR SIGMAA Executive Committee. Other duties include keeping a record of the affairs of UR SIGMAA, handling correspondence, preparing written reports for submission to the MAA as required, being responsible for all finances of the UR SIGMAA and for preparation of financial reports as required by the UR SIGMAA Executive Committee. The Secretary/Treasurer will also perform other duties as may be directed from time to time by the Executive Committee.

Suzanne’s term will take place from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2021 

Next elections:  Fall 2021, 2024, 2027, etc.


Electronic Resources Coordinator.  Cara Sulyok — Lewis University. The Electronic Resources Coordinator will be responsible for dissemination of information to the UR SIGMAA membership, primarily through electronic media. The Electronic Resources Coordinator will assist the Secretary/Treasurer, as needed, with correspondence, and with recording and disseminating the activities of the UR SIGMAA. The Electronic Resources Coordinator will also perform other duties as may be directed from time to time by the Executive Committee.  Appointed position.

Newsletter Editor (2019-2021).  Brandy Wiegers -- Central Washington University.  Publish a newsletter and maintaining a Web page of links related to undergraduate research.  Appointed position.

Are you interested in joining our team? 

Elections are held each fall, and terms are 3 years starting in January.  The positions of Electronic Resources Coordinator and Newsletter Editor are by appointment; let the SIGMAA chair know if you are interested in a position.  Business meetings are held quarterly via videoconference, with an annual business meeting on site at either JMM or MathFest.