The IBL SIGMAA was officially proposed to the MAA in August of 2015, and officially sanctioned in spring of 2016. We were proud to submit our application with a list of over 200 charter members.
To join IBL SIGMAA, you can simply indicate this preference when renewing your MAA membership. If you have a lifetime membership, or if you don’t want to wait Term complete in your next renewal, call the MAA membership services office and ask to join us. The MAA has more specifics on their site here.
We welcome everyone to participate in our work. Submit a talk to one of our parallel sessions at a meeting, or come by and participate in a panel discussion.
If you have ideas to share about how the IBL SIGMAA could advance its mission, or if you want to get more involved by joining the executive board, get in touch with us. The Executive Board is filled by elections each October, and we welcome nominations and volunteers!
The executive board consists of five elected positions. The Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past-Chair each serve for one year, but in a cycle progressing through all three positions. Thus, being elected Chair-Elect is a three year commitment. An election for Chair-Elect is held every year.
The Secretary/Treasurer and Program Coordinator are two-year positions, with elections in alternate years. An election for Secretary/Treasurer is held in odd numbered years, and the election for Program Officer is held in even numbered years.
The chair has the power to appoint other people to the executive board to fill our needs. The Charter calls for the appointment of a Communications Officer, and we currently also have Coordinator for Outreach and Advocacy.
In all cases, terms begin and end at the close of January, after the annual Joint Mathematics Meetings.