Association for Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education
Minutes of ARUME Summer Business Meeting
Friday, September 22, 2000, Chicago, IL

The meeting was called to order by Annie Selden, Coordinator of ARUME
  1. Annie Selden called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm with 48 members by outlining the order of the business meeting 1. Acceptance/Revision of Agenda.
    2. Corrections/Additions/Acceptance of the Minutes of the Jan. 21, 2000 Business Meeting.
    3. Coordinator's Report.
    4. Committee Reports.
    5. Discussion of Proposed Changes to Charter and Bylaws.
    6. Discussion of Submission Rates to RCME and Other Journals. Led by Ed Dubinsky.
    7. New Business/Questions from the Floor.
    8. Adjournment.
    The motion to accept the agenda was made by Lisa Murphy and seconded by David Olsen.
  2. Annie, after introducing the members of the executive committee, Past-coordinator: Edward Dubinsky
    Coordinator-elect: Marilyn Carlson
    Secretary/Treasurer: David Meel
    Organizational Director: Mickey McDonald
    Program Chair: Julie Clark
    described the various elements of the agenda. A motion to accept the minutes of the January 21, 2000 business meeting were made by Marilyn Carlson and seconded by Julie Clark.
  3. Using an overhead of the front page of the ARUME web site (, Annie identified that a coordinators report is contained on-line, and then turned to committee reports:
    • Governance committee: Considerable time had been spent reconciling the charter and by-laws.
    • Literature Committee: Draga Vidakovic and Shandy Hauk identified that the literature committee has coordinated with the web committee to produce a database of articles.
    • Listserv: David Meel outlined that the listserv is a closed list and all inquiries to join must be submitted to him. He also noted that he needs to be informed of changes to e-mail addresses in order to up-date the list and ensure that members can post. The website directions will be changed to reflect these issues.
    • Committee on Mentoring: Mickey McDonald described the mini-grant program and noted that 7 grants have been given, (2 in the Spring and 5 in the Summer) for a total value of $10,500. Applications for the next round of mini-grants will be due on Oct. 30th (the Oct. 1 deadline posted on the website will be changed) and notification of support would be received by Nov. 30th.
  4. Discussion of membership and dues ensued with Annie identifying that given our accepted change to being a SIGMAA, there are correspondent responsibilities to joining the SIGMAA on RUME:
    • Be a member of the MAA
    • Pay the $10.00 dues supplement for SIGMAA on RUME
  5. Governance Committee Report

    The current set of by-laws and charter (2nd set) was adopted in July of 1999. The first set was a provisional set designed to allow the formation of the organization.

    A variety of issues arose as the Governance Committee (co-chairs of Dave DeVries and Kathy Heid along with the other committee members: Annie Selden, Pao-Sheng Hsu, Claudia Giamati and Yeping Li) examined the Charter and By-laws looking for discrepancies between the two and seeking to align the by-laws to those for a SIGMAA. Quite expected was the name change from ARUME to SIGMAA on RUME, a need to fix terms and transference between administrative positions in order to maintain continuity, a reduction in overlap between by-laws and charter. A variety of changes were suggested (see Governance Committee Proposals for complete documentation):

    • Mickey McDonald is stepping down as Organizational Director
    • The Secretary/Treasurer position is being partitioned to accommodate the increased financial responsibilities since becoming a SIGMAA.
    • In order to maintain continuity, the terms of the Program Chair and Organizational director will be staggered in addition to the Secretary and the Treasurer.
    • Marilyn Carlson, the Coordinator-elect, will serve another year as coordinator-elect until Annie Selden's term as coordinator is finished in January 2002.
  6. A member of the audience at the business meeting raised the question of why in Article II Section 2a there was mention of COE and CRUME in the Charter. Ed Dubinsky noted that these two groups were identified as closely aligned with SIGMAA on RUME and therefore we wanted to ensure clarity about our communication with them.
  7. Ed Dubinsky was called forward by Annie Selden to discuss the state of submission rates of collegiate mathematics education research to various journals including RCME.
  8. New Business was entertained with discussion of the place for the 2001 RUME Conference. A mention was made to fill out the conference evaluation forms and make suggestions for other places if Chicago is not the best. However, a local point person is needed to make arrangements. Suggestions can be forwarded to Julie Clark (email:

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

    Submitted by:
    David E. Meel, Ed.D.
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    406 Mathematical Sciences Building
    Bowling Green State University
    Bowling Green, OH 43403
    (419) 372-7452 [Office]
    (419) 372-6092 [Fax]

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