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Special Interest Group on
Mathematics and the Arts

of the Mathematical Association of America


Upcoming and Ongoing Exhibits

Robert Fathauer’s “Math, Nature and Form” at the Museum of the Southwest in Midland, TX (August 26 - October 22, opening reception September 22): https://www.museumsw.org/explore/exhibitions/by-year/2017-exhibitions/459-robert-fathauer-s-math-nature-and-form

Omi Sculpture Park, Ghent, NY

Boston Cyberarts Gallery, Boston, MA

Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, Switzerland

Museum of Mathematics, New York, NY

The Octa-Tetra Museum, San Antonio, TX

Archived Exhibits

For all Art Exhibitions of JMM and Bridges see the Bridges web site:


Future Exhibits

For information on submitting artwork for the Bridges Mathematical Art Exhibition at The National Museum of Science and Technology (Tekniska Museet), Stockholm, Sweden, July 27-31, 2017 see the web site:








