Special Interest Group of the MAA
SIGMAA on Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Minutes for 12 January 2001
Minutes of SIGMAA on RUME Winter Business Meeting
Friday, January 12, 2001, New Orleans, LA
  1. The meeting was called to order by Annie Selden, Coordinator of the SIGMAA on RUME, at 6:15 p.m. with 67 members (a quorum) present.
    1. Annie began by outlining the order of the business meeting:
      1. Discussion/Acceptance/Revision of Agenda.
      2. Corrections/Additions/Acceptance of the Minutes of the September 2000 Business Meeting.
      3. Discussion/vote on the proposed Charter and Bylaws changes
      4. Election of officers (contingent upon passage of Charter and Bylaws changes)
      5. Coordinator's report
      6. Committee reports
      7. New Business/Questions from the Floor.
      8. Adjournment.
    2. The motion to accept the agenda was made by David Olson and seconded by Rina Zazkis.

  2. Annie opened the floor to discussion of the Minutes of the September 22, 2000 Business Meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made by John Donovan and seconded by Jim Cottrill.
  3. Annie then began a discussion of the proposed changes to the by-laws and charter.  She indicated that the changes were necessary to satisfy requirements of being a SIGMAA, build continuity between the documents, and eliminate inconsistencies.  At that point, she introduced the current members of the Executive Committee,
    • Past-coordinator: Edward Dubinsky
    • Coordinator-elect: Marilyn Carlson
    • Secretary/Treasurer: David Meel
    • Organizational Director: Mickey McDonald
    • Program Chair: Julie Clark
  4. Dave DeVries and Kathy Heid (Co-chairs of Governance Committee) were asked if they had anything to add to the handouts which were provided to those attending the business meeting and were posted to both the listserv and the website (http://www.maa.org/sigmaa/arume).  Neither of them wished to add anything to the discussion beyond those elements outlined in the documents.  A question was raised by Jim Cottrill concerning the need for two documents (Charter and By-laws).  Annie responded that the By-laws were extremely brief and added to the overall structure of the SIGMAA whereas the Charter contained the details of that structure, as required by MAA.  Annie also mentioned that she broached the subject of Charter and By-law changes to Jerry Porter and Martha Siegel.  Their responses indicated that the changes would be viewed as housekeeping changes and should not take a long time to move through the MAA Executive Committee.  A motion to accept all proposed Charter and By-laws changes was made by Mickey McDonald and seconded by Shandy Hauk.  The motion passed unanimously by a showing of hands.

    There were no negative votes or abstentions.

  5. With the acceptance of the new Charter and By-laws, the next order of business was to elect a replacement for Organizational Director since Mickey McDonald requested to step down from that position and for the newly created position of Treasurer.
    • Libby Krussel and Chris Rasmussen were introduced for the office of Treasurer.  Nomination from the floor were solicited with no other names placed in nomination.
    • Jim Cottrill and Shandy Hauk were introduced for the office of Organizational Director.  Nomination from the floor were solicited with no other names placed in nomination.
    A motion to close the nomination process and begin to vote on the nominees was proposed by John Donovan and seconded by T. J .Murphy.  Ballots were then passed out (with many a joke about dimpled chads) and counted by Mickey McDonald and Barbara Edwards.  The results of the election were Chris Rasmussen taking the position of Treasurer and Jim Cottrill taking the position of Organizational Director.
  6. During the counting of the ballots, Annie turned to committee reports:
    1. Coordinator's report: The SIGMAA on RUME is alive and well, a conference will be held in September (September 20-23, 2001) in Chicago with proposals due May 15, 2001.

      Membership: 215 dues paying members was announced by Edward Dubinsky.

    2. Guidelines Committee: Marilyn Carlson stated that the guidelines committee has been working on the guidance document for Mathematics Departments on how to evaluate mathematics education faculty housed in Mathematics Departments for promotion and tenure, amongst other things.  A draft guidelines document was previously circulated on the listserv and members were invited to submit comments/reactions.
    3. Literature Committee: Draga Vidakovic discussed the movement of the Literature Committee to develop a search engine and begin reviewing papers.  They have been in the process of contacting journals for permission to use abstracts from those journals.  Eric Hsu has built a preliminary search engine and they are in the process of attempting to build a submission engine.  Kent State graduate students have indicated willingness to work on the database.
    4. Committee on Mentoring: Mickey McDonald (along with Rina Zazkis and Karen King as reviewers of proposals) identified that nine (9) mini-grants have been disbursed.  There will be mini-grant competitions in both the Summer and Fall of 2001. On a separate front, the bio's project according to Harel Barzilai, has been moving along and a final format needs to be completed before adding to the database.
    5. Newsletter Committee:  Nothing to add.
    6. Website committee: Shandy Hauk, using an overhead of the front page of the ARUME web site (http://www.maa.org/sigmaa/arume), henceforth to be called RUMEonline!, toured those in attendance through the components of the website, where to find the information on publishing RUME work, literature database, mini-grant info, and announcements of upcoming meetings.  She asked members to provide feedback and suggestions on the website.
  7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Submitted by:
David E. Meel, Ed.D.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
406 Mathematical Sciences Building
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
(419) 372-7452 [Office]
(419) 372-6092 [Fax]

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