Article I Identification.
Section 1.
The name of this SIGMAA will be the SIGMAA on Quantitative Literacy (SIGMAA QL).
Section 2.
Quantitative literacy (QL) can be described as the ability to adequately use elementary mathematical tools to interpret and manipulate quantitative data and ideas that arise in individuals’ private, civic, and work lives. Like reading and writing literacy, quantitative literacy is a habit of mind that is best formed by exposure in many contexts. While developing a quantitatively literate citizenry is the responsibility of a much larger community, it is the obligation of the collegiate level mathematics community to take leadership in (a) identifying the prerequisite mathematical skills for QL, (b) finding innovative ways of developing and implementing QL curricula, (c) assisting colleagues in other disciplines to infuse appropriate QL experiences into their courses, and (d) stimulating the national dialogue concerning QL. The purpose of this SIGMAA is to provide a structure within the mathematics community to achieve these goals.
Article II Activities.
Section 1.
The activities of the SIGMAA QL will include:
- Hosting receptions at MAA meetings
- Organizing talks, panels and paper presentations at MAA meetings
- Providing e-mail bulletins of timely events/issues (Call for papers, Announcements of workshops, etc.) via a list-serv restricted to members of the SIGMAA.
- Maintaining a web page of QL information and distribute a semi-annual newsletter to the SIGMAA membership.
- Promoting submissions to publications that further the QL movement.
Section 2.
- The SIGMAA QL will regularly communicate, and co-ordinate its activities with, the appropriate education committees of the MAA. These include the CUPM, the CUPM Subcommittee on Quantitative Literacy, the CUPM Subcommittee on the First Year, the CUPM Subcommittee on Service Courses, and CRAFTY.
- Since quantitative literacy is a potential topic of interest to some other SIGMAAs, the SIGMAA QL will coordinate its activities, when appropriate, with other SIGMAAs.
- Without prior approval of the MAA Executive Committee, any activities of the SIGMAA QL, including publications, will be presented as coming from this SIGMAA and not from the MAA at large.
- Reports of the SIGMAA QL’s activities will be submitted annually by the SIGMAA to the SIGMAA Task Force with copies to the chair of the Coordinating Council to which the SIGMAA is assigned.
Article III Meetings.
Section 1.
General membership meetings shall take place at national meetings of the MAA. Other activities may be scheduled at the national MAA meetings and/or at MAA section meetings.
Section 2.
Membership meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3.
When making decisions at meetings, a quorum shall consist of 10 members. When making decisions via email, a quorum shall consist of 50% of current members.
Article IV Membership.
Section 1.
Membership in this SIGMAA shall be open to any MAA member.
Article V Officers.
Section 1.
Officers of the SIGMAA QL will be the Chairperson, Past Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Web Page Manager (collectively referred to as the Executive Board). An appointed Executive Board will serve during the SIGMAA’s first year. A new Chair-Elect will be elected every year and will serve on the Executive Board for one year prior to becoming Chair. The Chair will serve for one year before becoming the Past Chair and will serve in that capacity for one year. The Secretary-Treasurer and the Web Page Manager will be elected to serve three-year terms. The elections of the Secretary-treasurer and Web Page Manager will be staggered, with the election of the Web Page Manager occurring during the year following the election of the Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 2.
The Chairperson chairs the meetings and oversees the SIGMAA’s current activities. The Past Chair acts as advisor to the SIGMAA generally and to the Executive Board in particular. The Past Chair will chair SIGMAA QL meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. The Chair-Elect is responsible for future activities of the SIGMAA.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall have the usual duties pertaining to the office, including the custody of the records and minutes of the SIGMAA, serving as liaison with the MAA Associate Secretary, submitting written reports to the MAA as required. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also be responsible for all finances of the SIGMAA, including the monitoring of income coming from dues paid to the MAA for membership in this SIGMAA and the preparation of the annual budget and financial reports as required.
The Web Page Manager is responsible for maintaining the SIGMAA’s web page and general correspondence with SIGMAA QL members, including giving general due notice of all meetings and elections.
Section 3.
Elections shall be held by the end of November. Nominations and ballot shall be handled by e-mail except that members who have notified the secretary that they are without access to e-mail shall be sent ballots and requests for nominations by regular mail. The secretary will send members a request for nominations one month prior to the election. Ballots will be sent out two weeks prior to the deadline for receipt of votes. Elections will be decided by “approval voting”; that is, members will vote for all candidates of whom they approve, and the candidate receiving the most votes will be elected. If less than 1/3 of the members of the SIGMAA cast ballots, the election will be rerun.
Terms for all officers shall begin on February 1, following the election.
Section 3. (Proposed)
Elections shall be held during the month of October. Nominations and ballots shall be handled by web-based voting, administered by the MAA, except that members who have notified the secretary that they prefer to vote by paper ballots shall be sent ballots and requests for nominations by regular mail. The secretary will send members a request for nominations at least two months prior to the election. Elections will be decided by “approval voting”; that is, members will vote for all candidates of whom they approve, and the candidate receiving the most votes will be elected. If a minimum number of 20 members of the SIGMAA do not cast ballots, the election will be rerun.
Terms for all officers shall begin on February 1, following the election.
Section 3. (Differences between Current and Proposed)
Elections shall be held during the month of Octoberby the end of November. Nominations and ballots shall be handled by web-based voting, administered by the MAA,e-mail except that members who have notified the secretary that they prefer to vote by paper ballotsare without access to e-mail shall be sent ballots and requests for nominations by regular mail. The secretary will send members a request for nominations at least two monthsone month prior to the election. Ballots will be sent out two weeks prior to the deadline for receipt of votes. Elections will be decided by “approval voting”; that is, members will vote for all candidates of whom they approve, and the candidate receiving the most votes will be elected. If a minimum of 20 members of the SIGMAA do not cast ballots,less than 1/3 of the members of the SIGMAA cast ballots, the election will be rerun.
Terms for all officers shall begin on February 1, following the election.
Article VI Finances.
Section 1.
An MAA dues supplement of $10 shall be assessed each member of this SIGMAA. This fee will be used to support in part the activities of this SIGMAA. The manner of collection and disbursement of these funds will be determined by the MAA Executive Committee. This supplement may be changed by a majority vote of the members of the SIGMAA.
Section 2.
The SIGMAA shall submit an expense budget for each calendar year to the MAA Executive Committee by no later than April 1 of the preceding year. It shall include the projected cost for any receptions, room charges, equipment, etc. at national meetings. The budget is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 3.
The SIGMAA may apply to the MAA for specific funding beyond what is provided from dues. All requests for funds will be substantiated by a budget for the proposed expenditures.
Article VII External Funding.
Section 1.
No officer or member of this SIGMAA shall apply for a grant to support this SIGMAA’s activities or enter into any contract to support such activities or to provide services without specific approval in writing by the president of the MAA or designee thereof. If this SIGMAA wishes to apply for external funds, it shall coordinate this activity with the MAA Subcommittee on Externally Funded Projects and go through the standard procedures for applying for external funding under the auspices of the MAA.
Section 2.
Neither the SIGMAA nor any officer nor representative thereof shall have any authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the MAA.
Article VIII Changes.
Section 1.
Members of SIGMAA QL will be notified of the text of proposed changes to this Charter at least two months ahead of the vote. Changes to this Charter will be approved by a 2/3 majority vote either of the members present at a general meeting or of the members voting if the vote is taken by email. The proposed changes must then be submitted for approval by the MAA Executive Committee.
Section 2.
Changes to this Charter may also be initiated by the MAA Executive Committee. In this event, changes must be approved by the Board of Governors.
Article IX Dissolution.
Section 1.
This SIGMAA shall be dissolved for either of the following reasons:
- Failure to maintain at least 30 members for two consecutive years.
- For reasons agreed to by a majority vote of the MAA Board of Governors.
Section 2.
If dissolved, any unspent funds of this SIGMAA shall be returned to the MAA’s general fund.