Quick Links
The Group
SIGMAA QL is the Special Interest Group of the MAA which focuses on Quantitative Literacy (QL). SIGMAA QL aims to provide a structure within the mathematics community to identify the prerequisite mathematical skills for quantitative literacy (QL) and find innovative ways of developing and implementing QL curricula. We also intend to assist colleagues in other disciplines to infuse appropriate QL experiences into their courses and hope to stimulate the general national dialogue concerning QL.
This Website
You can navigate the web site with the links to the right or below. Here is a short description of what you will find at the end of the links.
- Home:
- leads to this page.
- About:
- leads to a short description of QL as well as a background of SIGMAA QL.
- Meetings:
- will lead to information about SIGMAA QL Business Meetings and activities at mathematical meetings such as Math Fest and the Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- News:
- short descriptions of upcoming events related to QL. Please email the Web Master if you know of such an event.
- Resources:
- leads to information about resources related to QL (including job postings and textbook listings).
- Membership:
- leads to a page describing how to join SIGMAA QL.
- Business:
- leads to the official charter of SIGMAA QL, archived versions of the charter and minutes from the annual business meetings.
- Officers:
- leads to a page listing current and previous officers of SIGMAA QL.
The photos in the right sidebar are randomly chosen from a collection of photos involving QL activities. If you have a photo you want to add to the collection, or you want a photo removed, or you want to provide the name of someone in a photo, email the Web Master. You can also submit photos in either orientation, only tall thin photos end up in the sidebar. There are plans for a more general photo gallery which will use any size of photo.