

How to join:

If you are a member of MAA (the Mathematical Association of America), you can join by calling the MAA at 800-331-1622. It costs $12 to join POM SIGMAA. Alternately, when you renew your MAA membership, you will be able to add your POM SIGMAA membership for $12 at that time.

If you are not a member of MAA, you will need to first join MAA to be a member of POMSIGMAA. When joining, there is an option to pay an extra $12 to join POMSIGMAA.

See here for a FAQ about joining SIGMAAs in general.

Most recent newsletter:

Dec. 2023 (pdf)

Most recent report:

Report for 2020 (pdf)

MAA Connect group

Interact with others interested in philosophy of mathematics at our MAA Connect group. If you are a POM SIGMAA member, you can sign up for an account, read through the ongoing discussion threads, reply to them, or start a new thread. You can also choose to have these messages (or a daily digest of these messages) sent to your email address if you like.

Go to the MAA Connect group

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