Current POM SIGMAA Officers: (as of Feb. 2024)

Chairperson: (through 1-25, after which he becomes Past Chair for one year)
Jason Douma, University of Sioux Falls, jason.douma@usiouxfalls.edu

Chair-Elect: (through 1-25, after which he becomes Chair for two years)
Thomas Drucker, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater (emeritus), drucker@uww.edu

Program Coordinator: (through 1-26)
Steve Deckelman, University of Wisconsin, Stout, deckelmans@uwstout.edu

Secretary-Treasurer: (through 1-27)
Sally Cockburn, Hamilton College, scockbur@hamilton.edu

Public Information Officer: (through 1-26)
Kevin Iga, Pepperdine University, kiga@pepperdine.edu

At Large member: (through 1-25)
Bonnie Gold, Monmouth University (emerita), bgold@monmouth.edu

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