Invited Guest Lectures at Mathfest

POMSIGMAA has sponsored invited guest lecturers at the Mathfest from 2003 to 2017, and since 2021:

At the Mathfest 2024 in Indianapolis, IN, August 9, 2024, 6:00 pm - 7:30 p.m., Timothy Bays, University of Notre Dame, Department of Philosophy, will give the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "Why should we care about 'foundations'" Abstract

At the Mathfest 2022 in Philadelphia, PA, August 5, Yale Weiss, co-Director of the Saul Kripke Center, City University of New York, The Graduate Center, gave the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "Logic in the Integers" Abstract Slides: pdf

At the Virtual Mathfest 2021, August 4 - 7, Elaine Landry, Philosophy Department at the University of California-Davis, gave the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "As-if Mathematics were True." Abstract. Slides: pdf Video

At MathFest 2017 in Chicago, IL, July 26 - 29, John Baldwin, Emeritus Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, gave the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory." Abstract. Slides: pdf

At MathFest 2016 in Columbus, OH, August 3 - 6, Stewart Shapiro, of Ohio State University, gave the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "Potential infinity: a modal account." Abstract. Slides (pdf)

At MathFest 2015 in Washington, DC, August 5 - 8, John Burgess, of Princeton University, gave the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "What are mathematical objects, and who cares?" Abstract.

At MathFest 2014 in Portland, OR, August 6 - 9, Paul Zorn of St. Olaf College gave the POMSIGMAA Invited Address, "Math-Speak: Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics." Abstract.

At MathFest 2013 in Hartford, CT, July 31 - August 3, the MAA met jointly with the Canadian Society for the History and Philosphy of Mathematics. POMSIGMAA cosponsored contributed paper sessions running throughout the meeting, as well as a plenary talk (the Kenneth O. May Lecture) on Saturday, August 3 by Jeremy Gray, of the University of Warwick and the Open University, on "Henri Poincaré: Mathematician, Physicist, Philosopher." Abstract.

At MathFest 2012 in Madison, WI August 2 - 4, Janet Folina, of Macalester College, gave the POMSIGMAA invited address, "Is the Proof in the Picture? Seeing, Believing, and Provings." Abstract.

At MathFest 2011 in Lexington, KY, August 4 - 6, Neil Tennant, of the Department of Philosophy of The Ohio State University gave the POMSIGMAA invited address, "Natural Logicism for Mathematics." Abstract. Full text (pdf)

At MathFest 2010 in Pittsburgh, PA, August 5 - 7, Wilfried Sieg, of Carnegie Mellon University, gave the POMSIGMAA invited address, "Structural Proof Theory: Uncovering capacities of the mathematical mind." Abstract. Full text (pdf). PowerPoint slides

At MathFest, August 6-8, 2009 in Portland, OR, POMSIGMAA held a Reception and Moderated Discussion led by Martin Flashman, Humboldt State University, Past-Chair POM SIGMAA, on "The Role of The Philosophy of Mathematics in Teaching and Learning."

At MathFest 2008, in Madison, WI, Morris W. Hirsch (University of Wisconsin) gave an invited POMSIGMAA address, "Mathematics: the divine madness." Abstract. Slides.

At Mathfest 2007, in San Jose, Michael Beeson, of San Jose State University, gave an invited address at the POMSIGMAA session, "The meaning of existence in mathematics." Abstract.

At Mathfest 2006, in Knoxville, TN, Michael Resnik, of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, gave an invited address at the POMSIGMAA session, "Some Problems and Solutions in Contemporary Philosophy of Mathematics." Abstract.

At MathFest 2005 in Albuquerque, NM, Reuben Hersh gave an invited address, "Subversive essays on the nature of mathematics". Abstract.

At MathFest 2004 in Providence, RI, Philip Davis, of Brown University, gave an invited address, "The Decline, Fall, and Current Resurgence of Visual Geometry." Abstract.

At the MathFest 2003 in Boulder, CO, there was an 80 minutes open discussion involving approximately 25 people, on the topic, "What is Mathematics?" Bonnie Gold moderated this discussion and it included representatives of most of the modern points of view: social constructivism, formalism, versions of platonism. The discussion ebbed and flowed, sometimes being fairly carefully focused, sometimes wandering a bit off the topic.

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