SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education Charter


Article I. Identification

  • Section 1. The name of the SIGMAA will be the SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education.
  • Section 2. The purpose of this SIGMAA is to:
    • 1. facilitate the exchange of ideas through meetings, sessions, publications, and electronic media, about:
      • a) teaching statistics and data science, from introductory service courses through advanced undergraduate courses,
      • b) the undergraduate statistics and data science curriculum and its role within programs of mathematical sciences,
      • c) all other issues related to providing students with effective and engaging encounters with statistics and data science in their courses of study;
    • 2. foster increased understanding of statistics and data science among members of the MAA and among broader constituencies, for example by encouraging the publication of expository articles and statistical and data science theory and practice;
    • 3. promote the discipline of statistics and data science among students;
    • 4. work cooperatively with other organizations to encourage effective teaching and learning of statistics and data science.