SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education Charter

Article V. Officers

  •  Section 1.The Executive Committee of this SIGMAA is composed of the Chair-Elect, Chair, Past-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and Program Chair, all elected officers. The Webmaster is an appointed officer. The Chair-Elect/Chair/Past-Chair will serve for a three year term, with one year in each office. The Secretary-Treasurer and Program Chair will serve staggered two-year terms. Terms will start at the beginning of January.  
  •  Section 2 Duties of officers:
    • The Chair will preside at SIGMAA meetings, will organize and direct the activities of the group, will serve as liaison with the MAA administration and with other organizations that work with statistics and data science education, and will be the chief spokesperson for the SIGMAA. In this last capacity the Chair will communicate with members through the email listserve and through the web page to keep members apprised of SIGMAA activities. The Chair also appoints the Webmaster. 
    •  In addition to assisting the Chair, the Chair-Elect will serve as the Nominations Officer, working with the rest of the Executive Committee to select a slate of candidates for the two offices (Chair-Elect and either Secretary-Treasurer or Program Chair) open in any year.  The Chair-Elect will solicit suggestions and volunteers for serving as officers from the membership
    • The Secretary-Treasurer will keep a record of the affairs of the SIGMAA, handle correspondence, and submit written reports to the MAA as required, and will be responsible for all finances of the SIGMAA and for preparation of financial reports as required
    • The Program Chair  will solicit proposals for sessions such as contributed paper sessions and minicourses at MathFest, as well as other workshops, conferences, etc., from the SIGMAA membership. The program chair will also submit the proposals for sessions that are to be part of the MAA scientific program at MathFest via MAA’s online proposal submission system by the posted deadlines. The program chair will arrange sessions at MathFest that are directed primarily at the SIGMAA membership, such as guest lectures and business meetings, by contacting the MAA associate secretary.  
    • The Webmaster will be responsible for maintenance and updates to the SIGMAA website.
  • Section 3. Elections, Appointments, and Terms of Office
    •  a. The chair, chair-elect, and past-chair will serve for one year in each office. The program chair and secretary-treasurer will each serve a two-year term. The program chair will be elected in even years, while secretary-treasurer will be elected in odd years. It will be necessary for either the first program chair or the first secretary-treasurer to serve a one year term, depending on the year of charter. Terms will start at the beginning of January.
    •  b. A Nominating Committee will consist of the chair-elect and two SIGMAA members appointed by the SIGMAA Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee will solicit suggestions and volunteers for office from the membership and then select a slate of one or more candidates for office open in any given year
    •  c. Election of officers will take place by electronic ballot of the membership. By October 1, the MAA will distribute to the SIGMAA members instructions for voting, and voting must be completed by October 31. The electronic ballot will indicate that write-in votes are permitted. The winner will be the candidate receiving the most votes. Ties will be broken by a fair, unbiased random process supervised by the MAA.
      • If fewer than 20 members vote, the current officers will remain in office until further deliberate actions are taken to achieve a quorum (see section V.1 for the definition of quorum.)
      • Note: The use of the term "electronic" throughout this document will be understood to refer to any widely accepted form of electronic communication, such as e-mail, internet chat or call, web-conferencing, web-surveying, discussion board, etc.
    •  d. Should an office other than chair become vacant midterm, the SIGMAA Executive Committee, in consultation with the most recent Nominating Committee, will appoint a member of the SIGMAA to fill that office for the remainder of the term of office.Should the office of chair become vacant midterm, the SIGMAA Executive Committee will appoint a member of the SIGMAA Executive Committee to fill the office of chair for the remainder of the term. Should this appointment in turn create a vacant office, the SIGMAA Executive Committee will fill the vacant position according to the rules just given.
    • e. The Webmaster is an appointed position, with a fixed term of 2 years and reappointment possible.