SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education Charter
Article III. Meetings
- Section 1. Frequency and place of meetings. The general
membership meeting of this SIGMAA shall take place at the August MAA MathFest. Other activities may be scheduled at the summer MAA
meeting and at MAA Section meetings. SIGMAA business may also be conducted by
e-mail provided that a quorum is attained.
- Section 2. Conduct of meetings. The SIGMAA Chair shall
preside over the annual business meeting. The Chair will circulate an agenda
via e-mail one month in advance and will ask for additional agenda items at
that time. The Chair will allow ample time for discussion and will seek to
achieve consensus. When a consensus is not reached, decisions will be made by
a vote using Robert's Rules of Order. When the Executive Committee decides
that an issue requires attention of the entire SIGMAA before the next general
meetings, it may conduct a business meeting over e-mail. The same definition
of a quorum applies to any vote taken over e-mail, and again it is expected
that ample time for discussion will be allowed. Members will be given at least
two weeks to vote on any issue requiring a vote over e-mail.
- Section 3. A quorum at membership meetings, including
e-mail meetings, shall consist of at least 20 members and at least three
officers. At least two of the three officers must be elected, as opposed to
appointed officers.