SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education Charter

Article VIII. Changes

  •  Section 1. Changes to the Charter may be proposed by a 2/3 vote either of the members present at a general meeting or of the members voting if the vote is taken by e-mail, provided that a quorum exists. Notice of the proposed changes must be sent to the membership via e-mail, allowing at least one month for discussion. The proposed changes must them be submitted for consideration to the Committee on SIGMAAs, which will forward a recommendation on approval to the MAA Executive Committee.
  • Section 2. Changes to this Charter may also be initiated by the MAA Executive Committee, which will forward such a request to the MAA Committee on SIGMAAs. In turn, the Committee on SIGMAAs will work with the SIGMAA to develop specific new language for the charter that is acceptable to the SIGMAA. The Committee on SIGMAAs will then forward the revised charter to the MAA Executive Committee to be considered for approval. In this event, changes must be approved by the Board of Governors.