Online Proceedings
for the Thirteenth SIGMAA
 on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference
Marriott Raleigh City Center - Raleigh, North Carolina
February 25 – February 28, 2010


Listed alphabetically by author. Links to PDFs appear beneath title when available.

Student Understanding of Partial Derivatives in Physical Chemistry

Proceedings Paper

Nicole Becker

Purdue University

Renee Cole

University of Central Missouri

Chris Rasmussen

San Diego State University

Marcy Towns

Purdue University

Upper-level undergraduate physical chemistry courses require students to be proficient in calculus in order to develop an understanding of thermodynamics concepts. Here we will present the findings of a study that examines the relationship between math and chemistry in two undergraduate physical chemistry courses. Students participated in think-aloud interviews in which they responded to a set of questions involving mixed second partial derivatives with either abstract symbols or thermodynamic variables. Preliminary results and analysis of the study will be discussed.


Building Classroom Mathematical Knowledge: Extending a Framework for the Co-Construction of Knowledge to the Classroom Context 


Proceedings Paper

Jason K. Belnap

The University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh

Discussions are present in and central to most instructional forms. It is of upmost importance to understand the nature of student involvement in classroom discourse, particularly in learner-centered classrooms. The nature of student involvement and quality of instruction may be revealed through analysis of classroom discussion; however, student involvement complicates discussion structure and discourse analysis.

While studying unfacilitated discussions among teachers, in a professional development program, Belnap and Withers (2008) developed a framework describing how individual contributions construct a discussionŐs content. I plan to extend this framework to the classroom context, in order to reveal the nature of student involvement in classroom discourse.

This presentationŐs discussion will focus on preparing for such a study. Questions include: What critical differences are there between professional development and classroom contexts? How should these be addressed in study design? and What literature may be related to, add to, or inform this effort?


Evolution of Mathematical Discourse with the Mediation of Electronic Environment: The case of Tangent Line

Proceedings Paper

Irene Biza

University of East Anglia (UK)

This study focuses on a teaching experiment applied in a Year 12 class for the introduction of the derivative and the tangent line of function graph. This experiment was based on research results concerning studentŐs perceptions about tangents when they had met the notion of tangent in different mathematical contexts (Geometry and Analysis). For the experimental needs an electronic environment was developed, utilizing Dynamic Geometry software. The analysis focuses on the evolution of classroom mathematical discourse with the mediation of the electronic environment and with specific examples. Here I focus on an incident of the experiment. This incident exemplifies: how an image of a curve magnified in order to look straight in the electronic environment did not act as visual mediator for a student towards a claim that a curve has a tangent; the conflict in mathematical discourse about tangents; and, its resolution through the discussion of a particular example.


Testing Conceptual Frameworks of Limit: A Classroom-Based Case Study

Proceedings Paper

Timothy Boester

Wright State University

The purpose of this study is to test three proposed conceptual frameworks of how students come to understand informal (dynamic) and formal (static) definitions of limit: one based on embodied cognition (Lakoff & Nunez, 2001), one based on APOS theory (Cottrill et al., 1996), and one created by the researcher. Predictions are made of how students would respond, based on each conceptual framework, to instructional tasks posed in a first-semester college calculus discussion section. These predictions are then compared to the responses of eight students during a sequence of interviews spanning the course of the semester. The results support the conceptual framework proposed by the researcher, with specific responses suggesting a further refinement, explaining how students come to bridge dynamic and static conceptions of limit.


Assessing Proofs with Rubrics: The RVF Method

Proceedings Paper

David E. Brown and Shayla Michel

Utah State University

Department of Math and Statistics

We present an easy-to-implement 3-axis rubric for the formative and summative assessment of open-ended solutions and proofs. The rubric was constructed for the use on the written work of students in a Discrete Mathematics class at a research-oriented university, with the following in mind: (1) To aid in the efficiency and consistency of assessment of proofs and open-ended solutions, with the possibility of being comfortably implemented by an undergraduate assistant; (2) To provide the simultaneous formative and summative assessment of the studentsŐ written work. Consequently, the questions we addressed for the rubricŐs construction are: (1) How can we foster good technical writing skills in a way that improvement can be measured? (2) How can large amounts of written work be processed and assessed so that summative and formative judgments are passed but without much time used by the instructor/professor/TA? The rubric we devised operates with the categories readability, validity, and fluency, (whence, ŇRVFÓ) corresponding to (respectively) the ease with which the solution or proof can be read, correctness of calculations and deductions, and the extent to which a student is able to use and communicate via the technical notions relevant to the problem or proof. In order to show the independence of the categories, we will give examples of solutions with high scores in any one or two of the categories only. The rubric format is communicated to the students and discussed in class before any written work is assessed. The rubric has been implemented by professors and teaching assistants only after being trained in its use.


The Role of Skepticism and Uncertainty in the Emergence of the Practice of Proving

Proceedings Paper

Stacy A. Brown

Pitzer College

The purpose of this paper is to contrast uncertainty and skepticism in terms of their role in the emergence of the practice of proving. In particular, drawing on data from a series of teaching experiments, distinct paths to a disposition of skepticism are illustrated. These paths to skepticism are contrasted with the paths to uncertainty identified by Zaslavsky (2005). This analysis points to the dynamic interplay between the unknown and belief, which is foundational to the emergence of the practice of proving in classroom communities.


Inclusion of Students with Disabilities

Joanne C. Caniglia

Kent State University

The purposes of this preliminary study are to explore the beliefs of future mathematics and special education teachers regarding inclusionary practices and to investigate reasons for differences if they exist. Twenty-two secondary mathematics pre-service teachers and 17 special education teachers participated in the study.  Q methodology was used to analyze 25 statements regarding the mathematics teacherŐs role, attitude and knowledge of collaboration and disabilities, the role of special educators in inclusion, and the impact of special education students in inclusive settings.  Preliminary results indicate that pre-service teachers have a positive attitude toward inclusion.  Some differences, however, were found between the attitudes of special and mathematics pre-service teachers. The results of this study may assist in the identification of areas of need for pre-service as well as graduate coursework pertaining to inclusive education in an era of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


The Effect of a StudentŐs Attention to Context on their Development and Interpretation of a Phase Plane model for Exponential Growth

Carlos Castillo-Garsow

Arizona State University

Derek, an Algebra II student, was given the task of evaluating the same model that he had used for continuously compounding financial growth in a context of human population growth. Although Derek was tasked with using the same model, the conclusions that he reached about the financial account and the population were influenced by his understanding of the problem context. In the financial situation, Derek imagined that the account grew continuously though every real number, while in the population context, Derek first concluded that the same model grew discretely, and then later concluded that the model predicted unrealistic continuous growth.

This paper examines DerekŐs interaction with his idea of a mathematical model as he engaged in these tasks. Specifically it argues that Derek never distinguished between a ŇrealÓ world and a ŇmathematicalÓ world that was a model of the ŇrealÓ worldâ but rather developed the situation and the mathematics together.


Adapting a Methodology for Documenting Collective Growth to an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Class

Proceedings Paper

Renee Cole

University of Central Missouri

Marcy Towns

Purdue University

Chris Rasmussen

San Diego State University

Nicole Becker

Purdue University

George Sweeney

San Diego State University


Megan Wawro

San Diego State University


Physical chemistry is a subject that uses mathematical inscriptions to carry chemical meaning. In order to gain understanding, both curricular and pedagogical, of how students build an understanding of mathematical inscriptions that are used in chemistry, it is necessary to document student reasoning and classroom practices. A three-phase approach grounded in ToulminŐs argumentation scheme was developed to trace the growth of ideas in an inquiry classroom. This method of documenting collective production of meaning was adapted for use in analyzing an inquiry-oriented physical chemistry classroom. The difference in classroom structure necessitated modifications to the application of the methodology, but the analysis provided empirical evidence for common themes that define classroom chemistry practice. This evidence will be presented along with the implications for instructional design and teaching.                   


Exploring Teachers' Capacity to Reflect on their Practice

Proceedings Paper

Scott Courtney

Arizona State University

Although the idea of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has been elaborated in numerous studies, there has been little clarification of what constitutes it or research into its development. Furthermore, studies that have investigated PCK, or mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) as first introduced by Thompson and Thompson (1996), have historically focused on pre-service teachers at the elementary level. This study contributes to filling these voids by investigating in-service secondary school teachersŐ ways of thinking that supported or constrained their capacity to reflect on their practice as they engaged in activities designed to promote powerful mathematical knowledge for teaching as proposed by Silverman and Thompson (2008). Findings indicate that teachers whose personal mathematics focused on facts and skills found reflection most difficult; their mathematical knowledge constrained their capacity to reflect on the reasoning that they engaged in through instruction, impeding the level of coordination of meanings required to sustain propitious reflection.


Communal Communication in Undergraduate Real Analysis: the Case of Cyan

Proceedings Paper

Dr. Paul Christian Dawkins

The University of Texas at Arlington

Vygotsky (1978) and Cobb, Wood, & Yackel (1993) have especially informed the research community about the role social interaction plays in individual learning, however much of their work has been with younger children. Social and interactive learning generally stands in contrast to the traditions of proof-based classrooms (Weber, 2004), but this study describes the manner in which one undergraduate real analysis student built an intellectual community around himself to facilitate his learning and the learning of his classmates. He pursued multiple pathways of communication and described some of the benefits of each. I discuss the classroom norms and departmental culture that facilitated this studentŐs social learning.


How do Undergraduate Students Navigate their Example Spaces?

Proceedings Paper

Anthony Edwards

Loughborough University (UK)

Lara Alcock

Loughborough University (UK)

In this presentation we will report on a study where first year undergraduates were asked to generate examples of real sequences satisfying certain properties. Following earlier work by Antonini (2006), who classified the example generation strategies of expert mathematicians into three types—trial and error, transformation and analysis—we use a graphical representation of Watson and MasonŐs (2005) construct of example spaces to explicate AntoniniŐs classification, and extend it to include cases of false-transformation and false-analysis.


Point/Counterpoint: Should We Teach Calculus Using Infinitesimals?

Proceedings Paper

Robert Ely

Department of Mathematics

University of Idaho

Timothy Boester

Wright State University


During the first 150 years of its life, calculus was developed and widely applied by mathematicians who conceptualized and notated integrals and derivatives using infinitesimals.  Although the rigorous notion of limit took the place of infinitesimals, it has been since shown that infinitesimals can be used to define calculus with equal rigor.  So why should calculus not be taught today using infinitesimals?  This paper presents a point/counterpoint debate about the merits and drawbacks of the infinitesimal approach to calculus, appealing to educational research findings, issues of notational affordance, formal abstraction, and the various student conceptions of limits as dynamic and static entities. 


Counting Two Ways: The Art of Combinatorial Proof

Proceedings Paper

Nicole Engelke

California State University Fullerton

Todd CadwalladerOlsker

California State University Fullerton

Combinatorial proofs are used to show that many interesting identities hold. Typically, after examining an identity, one poses a counting question and proceeds to answer it in two different ways. This poses a challenge for students as it requires a way of thinking other than they have traditionally encountered. The newly introduced proof technique requires students to either create new strategies or adapt their old strategies to write such proofs. We will discuss the results of a preliminary study on the combinatorial proofs written by students in an upper-division combinatorics course and a graduate-level discrete mathematics course. In particular, we will identify some common difficulties that students have and suggest ways to overcome them.


Conceptualizing Multivariable Limits:  From Paths to Neighborhoods

Proceedings Paper

Brian Fisher

Pepperdine University

It is well accepted that the limit concept plays a foundational role in present-day calculus education.  At the same time, there is widespread agreement among both educators and researchers that most students struggle to develop a solid understanding of this important idea. In this preliminary report I will discuss the results of two teaching experiments exploring the concept of limit in multivariable calculus.  I will describe how students participating in these experiments changed the way they view the concept of limit by changing their emphasis from dynamic motion placed upon paths to an emphasis of closeness.  


Modeling Mathematical Behaviors; Making Sense of Traditional Teachers of Advanced Mathematics Courses Pedagogical Moves

Proceedings Paper

Tim Fukawa-Connelly

University of New Hampshire

This study investigates proof writing strategy within a traditionally taught abstract algebra classroom. Drawing on Rasmussen and MarrongelleŐs (2006) construct of Pedagogical Content Tools (PCTs) I expand the domain of analysis to include traditional instruction, and increase the number of PCTs under consideration.  I describe how the instructor modeled behaviors that are important in learning advanced mathematics and characterize this a broad category of PCTs called Modeling Mathematical Behavior. Proof-writing was one of the most important of the classroom activities that I observed.  During proof discussions, the instructor made significant use of questions, both directed at students and rhetorical.  These questions, along with her statements, modeled strategies that students could use to help develop their proof-writing skills.  While students were not observed to have adopted any of the modeled behaviors, I believe that these teaching techniques hold promise for changing instruction and improving student learning.


Classroom Interactions and Proof in an Exploratory College Geometry Class

Susan Generazzo

University of New Hampshire

Current research indicates that classroom discourse can have a significant impact on the ways students make sense of mathematical proof. Students are known to struggle with proof construction and proof understanding, skills that are particularly important at the college level. This study looks at classroom dynamics in a college level geometry class of pre-service teachers. Data was obtained by videotaping and audiotaping classroom observations, and by interviewing groups of students. This presentation focuses on interactions between the instructor and the class as they construct proofs.  Excerpts of classroom dialogue and preliminary coding and analysis of data will be shared. A framework for data analysis will be based in part on instructional scaffolding and characterization of utterances described by Blanton et al. (2009). Data analysis will also build on the ERE (elicitation, response, elaboration) pattern observed by Bowers & Nickerson (2001), which stems from the IRE (initiation, response, evaluation) pattern defined by Mehan (1979). Participants are invited to critique the analythe instructor during the selected episodes.


Effect of Class Size on Student Outcomes in Mathematics Courses with Technology Assisted Instruction and Assessment

Proceedings Paper

Jim Gleason

The University of Alabama

The implementation of online texts, videos, homework, and tests has changed the process of instruction in introductory college mathematics courses. With this change, more student learning is taking place outside of the traditional college classroom and in places such as tutoring centers and dorm rooms. This study explores how these changes change the impact of the size of the classroom portion of the learning experience on student involvement in the learning process, instructor interaction with and feedback to students, and studentsŐ academic performance. A mixed ANOVA design is used to analyze data generated from College Algebra and Applied Calculus courses with class sizes ranging from 37 to 129 with common syllabi, homework, quizzes, and tests.


Student Misconceptions of the Language of Calculus: Definite and Indefinite Integrals

Proceedings Paper

William L. Hall, Jr.

University of Maine

Many mathematical terms are also used in everyday English. We say things like origin, derivative, sum, tangent and we mean very specific things when we are inside a mathematics classroom. The problem here is that when we step outside a mathematics classroom, these words take on a whole new life; sometimes they mean the very same thing, and sometimes they are entirely different entities. In this study, twenty- five students in an introductory calculus course were interviewed about their knowledge of integration. Participants were asked to discuss various integration problems, both definite and indefinite, as well as defining the terms "definite integral" and "indefinite integral." Students provided many different kinds of responses, but most interestingly, a handful of participants brought up the point that the definite integral is more "precise" than the indefinite integral and the indefinite integral is "vague." Additionally, one student when asked what an indefinite integral was, responded "I don't know, opposite of a definite integral, obviously." These types of responses are indicative of not only poor understanding of mathematical concepts, but also conflict between the students' knowledge of mathematical terms and their everyday English counterparts.


An Actor-Oriented Perspective on Teaching and Learning Mathematical Physics

Mark P. Haugan

Purdue University

Traditional physics instruction, like the traditional transfer paradigm, is based on the metaphor of application.  This is problematic because, as in LobatoŐs transfer studies, students have difficulty reasoning about the relationships among measurable quantities in physical situations and, thus, difficulty applying relevant mathematical knowledge to physics.

Reformed physics instruction which focuses on building models to predict or explain the behavior of physical systems in their surroundings is based, like LobatoŐs reconceptualization of transfer, on the metaphor of construction.  The Pirie-Kieren model of the growth of mathematical understanding, informed by EllisŐ recent research on the interplay between generalizing and justifying, allows us to present one account of how students construct formalized physics knowledge and knowledge of underlying mathematical structures in the course of such instruction.  This account is offered for criticism to foster discussion of opportunities for productive collaboration between the physics and mathematics education research communities.


No Teacher Left Behind: Assessment of Secondary TeachersŐ Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Proceedings Paper

Shandy Hauk


Kristin Noblet

University of Northern Colorado

Billy Jackson

University of Northern Colorado

The article provides results of five iterations over three years in developing a written assessment of the mathematical content and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of middle and high school mathematics teachers. Of the 100 teachers to complete written items, half were already "Highly Qualified" according to No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 criteria and half were not. Content knowledge items addressed essential understandings for number and operations, algebra and functions, and proof. PCK measures included sub-scores on curricular content, syntactic, anticipatory, and classroom action knowledge. Results indicate that a "Highly Qualified" teacher with robust PCK may benefit most from professional development that explicitly addresses building mathematically rich anticipatory and classroom action knowledge in addition to opportunities to enrich mathematical vocabulary and content understandings.


Teaching Assistants and Mid-Term Feedback from Students

Proceedings Paper

Shandy Hauk

West Ed

Nasir Awill

University of Northern Colorado

Nissa Yestness

University of Northern Colorado

As part of a larger study around the development of pedagogical content knowledge for college mathematics instruction, this preliminary report explores how graduate student teaching assistants (TAs) anticipate and adjust to mid-semester feedback from their students. We interviewed three TAs just before they administered a mid-course evaluation in their classes and did follow-up interviews as they went through the completed forms and thought aloud about their immediate and considered responses to student comments. The goal of the work is to develop a guide, including a selection of mid-term evaluation forms, for novice college mathematics teachers to use to get the most out of soliciting and reviewing student feedback.


Self Efficacy and Mathematical Proof: Are Undergraduate Students Good at Assessing Their Own Proof Production Ability?

Proceedings Paper

Paola Iannone

School of Education and Lifelong Learning

University of East Anglia

Matthew Inglis

Mathematics Education Centre

Loughborough University

The aim of this research in progress is to investigate how university students assess their own proficiency in producing mathematical proofs and how this compares to their actual performance in proof tasks. There is strong evidence in the educational psychology literature that self-efficacy is an accurate predictor of academic achievement and the aim of this small study is to investigate self-efficacy in terms of undergraduate studentsŐ proof production. The particular focus on proof is of relevance for its implications for our understanding of undergraduate studentsŐ perception of what constitutes an acceptable proof. If the findings indicate that self-efficacy is not a good predictor of proof production then we could argue, in line with the current literature, that this is a consequence of the studentsŐ misinterpretation of what they are required to do when asked to write a proof. The study so far consists of a two-parts questionnaire administered to 72 undergraduates in a university in the UK. The first part is a series of questions (using five-point Likert items) from standard self-efficacy questionnaires, complemented by questions aimed more directly at proof ability. The second part consists of four proof tasks, which the students are asked to complete. We report on the findings from this questionnaire and the implications of the results on studentsŐ understanding of what is a mathematical proof. Implications for teaching are also discussed.


Language, Semantic Contamination and Mathematical Proof

Proceedings Paper

Matthew Inglis

Mathematics Education Centre

Loughborough University

Juan Pablo Mejia-Ramos

Graduate School of Education

Rutgers University

The way words are used in natural language can influence how the same words are understood by students in formal educational contexts. Here we show that this so-called semantic contamination effect plays a role in determining how students engage with mathematical proof, a fundamental aspect of learning mathematics. Analyses of responses to argument evaluation tasks suggest that students may hold two different and contradictory conceptions of proof: one related to conviction, and one to validity. We demonstrate that these two conceptions can be preferentially elicited by making apparently irrelevant linguistic changes to task instructions. After analyzing the occurrence of ŇproofÓ and ŇproveÓ in natural language, we report two experiments that suggest that the noun form privileges evaluations related to validity, and that the verb form privileges evaluations related to conviction. Implications of this finding for the linguistic content of university-level assessment materials are discussed.


Cognitive and Emotional Aspects of Mathematics UndergraduatesŐ Experience of Visualization in Abstract Algebra

Proceedings Paper

Marios Ioannou

University of East Anglia

Elena Nardi

University of East Anglia

Abstract Algebra is considered by students as one of the most challenging topics of their university studies. Our study is an examination of the cognitive, social and emotional aspects of mathematics undergraduatesŐ learning experience in Abstract Algebra. Our data consists of: observation notes and audio-recordings of lectures and group seminars of a Year 2 course in the UK; student and lecturer interviews; and, coursework and examination papers. Data analysis is currently in progress. For the purposes of this paper, following some of our preliminary observations on the studentsŐ apparently diminishing engagement over the ten weeks of the course—and, particularly, their comments on the effect that the abstract, not easily visualizable nature of Abstract Algebra has on their relationship with the topic—we scrutinize the data sources listed above for evidence of their perceptions about/attitudes towards/employment of visualization in Abstract Algebra.


MathematiciansŐ Mathematical Thinking for Teaching: Responding to StudentsŐ Conjectures

Proceedings Paper

Estrella Johnson, Sean Larsen, and Faith Rutherford

Portland State University

As part of a project involving an inquiry oriented abstract algebra curriculum we have observed differences in how the mathematicians using the curriculum responded to student conjectures.  Our goal is to characterize these different responses and to explore possible connections between these pedagogical moves and the teachersŐ mathematical knowledge for teaching. To do so, we are analyzing video-recordings data taken during the class sessions to identify and categorize types of responses given by teachers. Our efforts to explore connections between these responses and the mathematiciansŐ mathematical knowledge for teaching are supported by coordinated analyses of the teaching episodes and debriefing sessions conducted with the mathematicians.


Novice Teacher Reflections: A Case Study of Novice TeachersŐ Self-Analyses of Videos of Their Own Teaching

Proceedings Paper

Rachael Kenney

Purdue University

The purpose of this study is to look at undergraduate mathematics education majors engaged in their first full teaching experience and to examine what they attend to most when watching videos of their own teaching. The pre-service teachers in this study taught a College Algebra course at a large university and met in a seminar after each lesson to discuss pedagogical and mathematical concerns. Teachers were asked to videotape one lesson and to watch the video with the researcher, who recorded comments made by the teachers as they analyzed their own teaching. An examination of the collected data from this activity can identify the issues in the classroom that are most important to novice teachers and can inform efforts to teach teachers how to reflect on their practice.   


Using Advising and Enrollment Data to Inform a First-Year Math Placement Program

Proceedings Paper

Kristin King

University of Northern Colorado

Joe Champion

University of Northern Colorado

We report on a three-year project to make data-driven improvements in the mathematics placement process at the University of Northern Colorado. We began by analyzing Fall 2007 placement recommendations for a sample of N=1,466 first-year students to the university. These recommendations came from brief faculty-student interviews during summer orientation sessions in which math instructors suggested one or more courses for students based on their most recent mathematics course and grade, high school grade point average, ACT math score, college major, and other information. We compared these recommendations to advising and enrollment data over the subsequent year, and, using logistic regression modeling, identified the background variables that best modeled success in studentsŐ first mathematics courses. This led us to make changes in the math placement process for Summer 2009. We describe the new placement guidelines and summarize preliminary findings from a follow-up study on the impact of the changes.


Using Textbook Projects to Encourage Inquiry-Based and Collaborative Learning in Multivariable Calculus—A Teaching Experiment

Brynja Kohler
Utah State University

Robyn Krohn
Utah State University   

April Lockwood
Utah State University

Many mathematics courses on university campuses are largely lecture based. However, the research suggests that students learn better through inquiry-based instruction and through collaboration with peers. The time commitment to prepare such tasks is often a problem for professors.  To encourage collaborative and inquiry-based learning in a multivariable calculus class, this study will document the results of implementing projects available in Calculus Concepts and Contexts, by James Stewart chapters 11 Partial Derivatives, 12 Multiple Integrals, and 13 Vector Calculus.  Student groups will work on the projects centered on applications or mathematical investigations given at the end of each chapter in the Stewart Calculus textbook. A rubric will be used to assess the studentsŐ work, and student surveys will be gathered to determine the amount and type of collaboration among students as well as the overall student perceptions of the project.


Connecting Beliefs and Missed Opportunities: A Model for Graduate Student Instructors' Reflection on Teaching

Proceedings Paper

David Kung
St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Natasha Speer

University of Maine-Orono


Most teachers agree that if a student understands a particular mathematical topic well, she will be able to do problems correctly. The converse, however, frequently fails: students who do problems correctly sometimes still hold significant misconceptions about the topic in question. In this paper we explore this phenomenon in the context of power series, one of the most challenging topics in the Calculus curriculum. We report on clinical interviews with students, many of whom arrive at correct answers to questions about series, explaining their answers in appropriate terms, despite having significantly flawed ideas about those series. Implications for teaching power series, other Calculus topics, and undergraduate mathematics in general are discussed.


Between Construction and Communication: What Happens During Proof Revision?

Proceedings Paper

Yvonne Lai
University of Michigan

Department of Mathematics

Keith Weber

Rutgers University

Graduate School of Education

After work on a mathematics problem, one might (be asked to) communicate a solution. Communicating mathematical reasoning is central to mathematical practice. Yet, what does it mean to communicate proof? What processes occur between proof construction and communication? What constitutes clarity? Answers to such questions can guide instructors of proof-based courses. We report analysis based on data from 10 practicing mathematicians. We presented each mathematician with a statement that uniformly took under a minute to validate as true, yet on average more than 10 minutes to finish writing its proof. We then asked each mathematician to revise proofs of a statement that again was validated swiftly yet took care to communicate. We propose an framework for the processes behind and characterization of clear mathematical communication. The results shed insight into the communicative goals of proof presentation and highlight important aspects of proof that can be emphasized to achieve these goals.


Finding Keys to the Gate: A Study of Mathematics Socialization and Identity in a Remedial Mathematics Course

Gregory V. Larnell

Michigan State University

Over the last few decades, researchers have consistently found that (a) enrollments in remedial mathematics courses at four-year universities are increasing, (b) African American and Latino students are disproportionately enrolled, and that (c) remedial mathematics courses uniquely mediate studentsŐ access to advanced mathematics and to the postsecondary education structure writ large. This report/presentation is part of a broader study in which equitable access to mathematics is defined as the convergence of structural/institutional forces and individual agency. Drawing on recent theoretical perspectives on mathematics socialization and identity, the presentation is focused on one of the studyŐs main research questions: How do studentsŐ mathematical identities relate to their current (university-level) and high school mathematics engagement? Based on analyses of student questionnaires, semi-structured student and instructor interviews, and classroom observations, preliminary findings from the studyŐs case participants—students who were enrolled in a remedial math course during the fall 2009 semester—will be shared.


On the Histories of Linear Algebra: The Case of Linear Systems

Proceedings Paper

Christine Larson

Indiana University


There is a long-standing tradition in mathematics education to look to history to inform instructional design.  An historical analysis of the genesis of a mathematical idea offers insight into (1) the contexts that give rise to a need for a mathematical construct, (2) the ways in which available tools might shape the development of that mathematical idea, and (3) the types of informal and intuitive ways that students might conceptualize that idea.  In this talk, I will discuss historic contexts that gave rise to considerations of linear systems of equations and their solutions.  In particular, I apply SfardŐs (1991) process-object framing to these historic contexts with an eye toward those contextual framings that fostered significant theoretical progress toward the development of modern linear algebra.  I will then discuss the potential of this analysis to inform the design of instructional materials for an inquiry-oriented linear algebra class.  


Student Outcomes from Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics:  A Mixed-Methods Study

Sandra Laursen, Marja-Liisa Hassi, Rebecca Crane, and Anne-Barrie Hunter

University of Colorado at Boulder

Our mixed-methods study examines the outcomes of inquiry-based learning (IBL) in a variety of undergraduate mathematics courses at four universities. Classroom observations of courses designated ŇIBLÓ reveal both similarities and differences in how instructors interpret and implement inquiry-based learning, but are nonetheless readily distinguished from traditional courses. Instructional practices are linked to student outcomes as measured by pre/post-survey items about self-reported learning gains, attitudes and beliefs, and in interviews.  Students in IBL courses report higher cognitive and affective gains than do non-IBL students, and attribute these gains to specific aspects of classroom instruction and atmosphere.  The nature and extent of gains varies by gender and by student audience, including math majors and pre-service teachers. 


Addressing Impulsive Disposition: Using Non-proportional Problems to Overcome Overgeneralization of Proportionality

Proceedings Paper

Kien H. Lim
University of Texas at El Paso

Osvaldo Morera
University of Texas at El Paso

Impulsive disposition is an undesirable way of thinking where one spontaneously applies the first idea that comes to mind without checking its relevance. In this research, we explore (a) the possibility of helping pre-service teachers improve their disposition, from being impulsive to being analytic, in one semester, and (b) the effect of using non-proportional situations. This study involves two sections of a mathematics course for pre-service teachers for Grades 4-8. The lessons were designed whenever possible to illicit studentsŐ impulsive disposition so that they could become cognizant of it and make conscious attempts to overcome it. Some test items were designed to be superficially similar but structurally different to those they had experienced in class or homework. Pre-post-end test results show that pre-service teachersŐ tendency to overuse ratios and proportions can be reduced in one semester and that the use of non-proportional problems can minimize impulsive responses.

Exploratory Case Study on Negotiation of Mathematical, Pedagogical, and Curricular Meaning Between Mathematics Education Researcher and Teacher for Professional Development

Sharon Lima

Arizona State University

This report is a contribution to ongoing research in teacher professional development.  The main objective of this emergent study is to investigate an ongoing negotiation of mathematical, curricular and pedagogical meanings between a mathematics education research and a secondary school teacher as they develop an Algebra II curriculum. This case study can be an example of needed insight as to why teachers find it difficult to incorporate and implement alternative images of classroom practices as a result of working with mathematics education researchers and as to why researchers find it difficult to communicate these images as well as understand the felt constraints teachers have in their teaching practices. This case study can lead into the improvement of teacher profession programs, the improvement of pre-service teacher preparaactive participation of teachers in classroom experiments.


An Investigation of Post-Secondary StudentsŐ Understanding of Two Fundamental Counting Principles

Proceedings Paper

Elise Lockwood

Portland State University

The addition and multiplication principles are foundational concepts in counting. Indeed, the appropriate use of these concepts is fundamental to the successful solution of a wide range of counting problems, from the very basic to the highly sophisticated. While some existing research indirectly addresses studentsŐ uses of these principles, little has been done to explicitly describe studentsŐ knowledge of these important principles. Adopting Hiebert and LefevreŐs (1986) model for mathematical knowledge, which characterizes conceptual knowledge as being marked by connections and relationships among concepts, this research seeks to provide insights into the ways in which students understand and apply the addition and multiplication principles as they solve a variety of counting problems. 


A Transition Course From Advanced Placement to College Calculus

Timothy A. Lucas
Pepperdine University

Joseph Spivey
Wofford College

A growing number of students are enrolling at universities with AP credit for Calculus I. This results in Calculus II classes with two very different groups of students, i.e., freshmen and upperclassmen. It is difficult to construct a Calculus II course that caters to the disparate needs of these two groups of students. Mathematics departments across the nation are also debating reform Calculus versus traditional Calculus. The compromise at Duke University is that two Calculus II courses are offered: (1) a Laboratory Calculus course that contains many elements of reform Calculus and (2) a more traditional course. This presents a confusing choice to incoming students. In the Spring of 2007, a group of highly motivated graduate students conducted a review of DukeŐs Calculus curriculum. As a result, this committee carefully crafted a Calculus II course that would address the needs of incoming students with AP credit and bridge the gap between traditional and reform calculus. We will present these issues, our proposed solutions, our experience with running experimental sections of this course and its future in the Duke mathematics curriculum. This talk may be of interest to faculty or graduate students who want to review calculus courses at their own institutions.


Strong Metaphors for the Concept of Convergence of Taylor Series

Proceedings Paper

Jason H Martin

Arizona State University

Michael Oehrtman

Arizona State University

We present results from questionnaires and interviews that were conducted with university calculus, real analysis, and numerical analysis students in an effort to characterize their conceptions of the convergence of Taylor series. During a detailed analysis of the interviews, we discovered that several students consistently relied on a single metaphor throughout several tasks. We were surprised by the studentsŐ commitment to these metaphors (emphasis) and the degree to which they influenced student responses (resonance). In this talk we will describe some of the metaphors that students used and how they appeared to both enable and constrain the studentsŐ reasoning.


Blending Inquiry-Based and Computer-Assisted Instruction in an Elementary Algebra Course: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Proceedings Paper

John C. Mayer
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Rachel D. Cochran
Center for Educational Accountability


Jason S. Fulmore
Center for Educational Accountability


Laura R. Stansell


Thomas O. Ingram

Center for Educational Accountability


Joshua H. Argo


William O. Bond




In an experiment conducted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Fall Semester, 2009, we compare the effect of incorporating inquiry-based group work sessions versus traditional lecture sessions in an elementary algebra course in which the primary pedagogy is computer-assisted instruction. Our research hypothesis is that inquiry-based group work sessions differentially benefit students in terms of mathematical self-efficacy, content knowledge, problem-solving, and communications. All students receive the same computer-assisted instruction component. Students are randomly assigned to a treatment (group work or lecture). Measures, including pre- and post-tests, are described. Statistically significant differences have previously been observed in a similar quasi-experimental study of multiple sections of a finite mathematics course in Fall Semester, 2008. Undergraduates who do not place into a credit- bearing mathematics course take this developmental elementary algebra course. Many pre-service elementary school teachers place into elementary algebra, thus making this course a significant component of preparing K-6 teachers.


Making Actions in the Proving Process Explicit, Visible, and ŇReflectableÓ

Proceedings Paper

Kerry McKee

New Mexico State University

Milos Savic

New Mexico State University

John Selden

New Mexico State University

Annie Selden

New Mexico State University

This preliminary report describes the practices of teachers attempting to alleviate proving difficulties in a voluntary Ňproving skills supplementÓ to an undergraduate real analysis course. What happened in the supplement and why it happened are analyzed in terms of the supplement teachersŐ theoretical perspective concerning actions in the proving process.  Their perspective included that the proving process is a sequence of actions some, of which are not visible or are difficult to recall, and that understanding the justification for an action differs from a tendency to execute it autonomously.  Also, the real analysis course and that teacherŐs primarily lecture- based teaching are briefly described, and a comparison is made between studentsŐ work in the supplement and their work in the real analysis course.  Finally, views of the supplement by the real analysis teacher, as well as those of three students, are briefly discussed. 


Modeling the Comprehension of Proofs in Undergraduate Mathematics

Proceedings Paper

Juan Pablo Mejia-Ramos

Rutgers University

Keith Weber

Rutgers University

Evan Fuller

Montclair State University

Aron Samkoff

Rutgers University

Robert Search

Centenary College

Kathryn Rhoads

Rutgers University

Although proof comprehension is fundamental in higher-level undergraduate mathematical courses, there has been no research on what exactly it means to understand a mathematical proof at this level and how such understanding can be assessed. In this preliminary report we address these issues by presenting a multi-dimensional model of proof comprehension and illustrating how each of these dimensions can be assessed. Building on Yang and LinŐs (2008) model of reading comprehension of proofs in school geometry, we contend that in undergraduate mathematics a proof is not only understood in terms of the meaning, operational status and logical chaining of its statements (as Yang and Lin delineate), but also in terms of its higher-level ideas, the methods it employs, or how it relates to specific examples. We illustrate how each of these types of understanding can be assessed in the context of a particular proof.


Novice College Mathematics InstructorsŐ Teaching Preparation and Teaching Activities

Proceedings Paper

Bernadette Mendoza Brady

University of Northern Colorado

This report is on a mixed-methods study investigating college mathematics instructors' (CMIs') perceptions of teaching. As part of a multi-year research and development project on CMI experiences, we administered a web-based College Mathematics Instructor Professional Development Questionnaire (Hauk, Speer, Kung, & Tsay, 2006).  Invitations to all instructors and teaching assistants were disseminated through the 177 PhD-granting mathematics departments in the United States. The focus of this report is exploring novice CMIs self-reporting on three of the sub-constructs in the survey:  teaching experience, teaching preparation, and teaching activities. In addition to the quantitative analysis, I will report on interviews with novice CMIs about the three constructs.


A Confucian Approach to Teach Algorithms in Pre-Service TeacherŐs Program in the United States

Proceedings Paper

Lingqi Meng

University of Northern Colorado

As the influential international studies (e.g., TIMSS, 1999, 2003, 2007; PISA, 2003, 2006) showed that Asian students outperformed their American counterparts, Eastern methods of teaching and learning have attracted much attention from Western researchers (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999; Fan, Wong, Cai, & Li, 2004). This preliminary report aims to investigate how a Confucian teaching approach benefits pre-service teachersŐ learning of algorithms in the United States. The advantages and disadvantages of the Confucian approach will be investigated theoretically and empirically. A theoretical analysis will focus on the lesson-design comparisons between the Confucian Approach and the three constructivist approaches (Simon’s HLT, 1995; KirshnerŐs Construction metaphor, 2002; Lesh & YoonŐs HLT, 2004). Twelve pre-service teachers will be selected from two sections of the same course for focus group interviews to gain the empirical data. A synthesis analysis will examine the transportability in adopting the Confucian approach in the U.S. for pre-service teachersŐ learning.


Which Path to Take? StudentsŐ Proof Method Preferences

Proceedings Paper

Melissa Mills

Oklahoma State University

Students in their first proof course often lack flexibility while writing original proofs. Learning to utilize different proof schemes is a crucial factor in their development as mathematicians.  In this preliminary report, we will consider several student interviews in which students both think through existing proofs and attempt to generate original proofs.  These interviews of beginning abstract algebra students highlight their capacity to explore multiple ways to prove the same statement.


The Role of Quantitative and Covariational Reasoning in Developing Precalculus StudentsŐ Images of Angle Measure and Central Concepts of Trigonometry

Proceedings Paper

Kevin C. Moore

Arizona State University

The presentation will report results from an investigation of three precalculus studentsŐ conceptions of angle measure, radian as a unit of measurement, and trigonometric functions. The subjects of the study were enrolled in a precalculus course using research-based curriculum that focused on developing quantitative and covariational reasoning abilities, as well as other understandings deemed foundational to trigonometry. Results from this investigation revealed that ideas of angle measure and the radian are foundational for developing coherent understandings of trigonometric functions. Specifically, these ideas were necessary to develop coherent meanings and effectively reason about the geometric objects of trigonometry (e.g., right triangles and the unit circle) in relation to trigonometric functions. It was also shown to be important that the students conceived of measureable attributes (e.g., quantities) of situations and the meaning of the units used to measure these attributes (e.g., radians) before reasoning about and formalizing relationships between covarying quantities.


From Beans to Polls: Does Understanding of Statistical Inference Within a Known Population Context Transfer to an Unknown Population Context?

Proceedings Paper

Jennifer Noll, Sonya Redmond, and Jason Dolor

Portland State University

In todayŐs society, informed citizenship requires at least an informal understanding of statistical inference.  One strategy to promote such understanding is to develop studentsŐ knowledge of sampling distributions through simulation of repeated sampling from a known population. It is supposed that students will be able to transfer their knowledge of sampling distributions created from a known population to Ňreal-worldÓ contexts such as public opinion polls. This preliminary report presents evidence suggesting that such transfer is neither immediate nor trivial. We will present case studies from a qualitative interview study of students enrolled in a statistics for teachers course, illustrating some of the ways in which students who display a robust knowledge of sampling distributions apply this knowledge to polling scenarios.


Pre-Service Teachers' Progression Through the Van Hiele Levels of Geometric Understanding

Proceedings Paper

Eric A. Pandiscio

University of Maine

This study examined the van Hiele level of geometric understanding of elementary and secondary preservice mathematics teachers, both before and after taking the geometry course required by their teacher preparation program.  Results indicate that prior to the course, preservice teachers do not possess a level of understanding at or above that which would be expected of their target students.  Upon completion of the course, findings show statistically significant gains of at least one level in preservice teachersŐ van Hiele understanding.  Finally, although statistically significant gains were attained, the magnitude of the gains was not enough to raise the sample population’s van Hiele level to that expected of their future K-12 students.


The Role of Intuition in the Development of StudentsŐ Understanding of Span and Linear Independence in an Elementary Linear Algebra Class 

Proceedings Paper

Frieda Parker

University of Northern Colorado

Hortensia Soto-Johnson

University of Northern Colorado

Cathleen Craviotto

University of Northern Colorado

In this presentation, I report on preliminary results from my dissertation study on the role of intuition in studentsŐ learning of span and linear independence in an elementary linear algebra class. The purpose of my research is to examine the relationship between the quality of studentsŐ understanding of span and linear independence with respect to the role of intuition in their learning of these concepts. This qualitative study is based on the multiple case study tradition and employs the theoretical perspective of social constructivism. Methodological issues of importance in this study are how to assess the quality of studentsŐ understanding and how to evaluate the role of intuition in that understanding. Findings from this study might inform the development of more effective teaching practices for span and linear independence.


What Makes Rico an Effective Mathematics Teacher?

Ana Lage Ramirez

Arizona State University

This study contributes to the ongoing discussion of what constitutes mathematical knowledge for teaching. This presentation will report the case study of Rico, a high school mathematics teacher, who not only developed profound personal understandings about the mathematics that he teaches, but profound pedagogical understandings that can support powerful ways of thinking in his students. The data for this study is being generated in two phases. Data for Phase 1 included videos of RicoŐs Algebra II course, post-lesson reflections, and self-constructed instructional materials. Analysis of Phase 1 data corpus will lead to Phase 2, which will consist of extensive stimulated-reflection interviews with Rico. Preliminary results reveal that Rico relies on his images of his studentsŐ ways of thinking to design instruction that is intended to develop coherent mathematical ideas that carry through the entire Algebra II course. RicoŐs curriculum is not about topics or sections from the book. Rather, it is about helping students to develop ways of thinking that allow them to internalize the curriculum as a coherent body of ideas.


Exploring the Learning of Mathematical Proof by Undergraduate Mathematics Majors through Discourse Analysis

Proceedings Paper

Katherine S. Remillard

Saint Francis University

Through the lens of small-group discourse, this study explored the learning of mathematical proof by freshman and sophomore mathematics majors. SfardŐs (2008) conception of Ňthinking as communicating,Ó or commognition, provided the theoretical framework for the study. The presentation will highlight the potentiality of the commognitive framework for research in the area of learning mathematical proof. Specifically, I will give examples of how Sfard and KieranŐs (2001) complementary discourse analysis tools of focal (object-level) analysis and preoccupational (meta-level) analysis revealed intricacies of studentsŐ thinking and learning, inaccessible from their work alone.  Moreover, I will discuss how the analyses of the small-group discourse exposed the existence of naturally occurring points in studentsŐ discussions on proof, called discursive entry points, in which expert intervention might especially profit student learning. 


Mathematics GTAsŐ Question Strategies

Proceedings Paper

Kitty Roach

University of Northern Colorado

Kristin Noblet

University of Northern Colorado

Lee Roberson

University of Northern Colorado

Jeng-Jong Tsay

University of Texas-Pan American


Shandy Hauk




As part of an earlier pilot study, we developed a framework for structuring, identification, and discussion of questions mathematics graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) ask while teaching. We continued this research through an exploratory study examining existing video of five calculus instructors who had differing levels of teaching experience. Using an analytic inductive approach, we reviewed existing literature for connections to our question categories, techniques, and strategies. This qualitative study focused on refining our framework to create a tool for identifying and discussing the questions GTAs ask while teaching an undergraduate calculus course.


Supporting Proof Comprehension: A Comparative Study of Three Forms of Presentation

Proceedings Paper

Somali Roy

Loughborough University

Lara Alcock

Loughborough University


Matthew Inglis

Loughborough University

In this session we will report on a project designed to investigate the effectiveness of three different ways of presenting mathematical proofs to undergraduates. We first discuss the research-based design principles which underlie the creation of a novel method of proof-presentation: computer-based e-Proofs. We then report on an ongoing research project investigating the level of comprehension engendered by different methods of presenting a proof: the standard written proof with (i) no further explanation, (ii) explanation as might be given by a lecturer in a standard undergraduate lecture course and (iii) a computer-based e-Proof.


Using Online Homework and Data Mining to Assess Student Learning in Mathematics Courses


Michael B. Scott

California State University, Monterey Bay

This preliminary research report investigates the use of a web-based homework system that supplements Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers courses. The infrastructure of the homework system has expanded into a course management system used to coordinate every aspect of the course. Expansion of the system makes possible the collection of rich data streams about individual students. Mining this data enables longitudinal studies of student learning. The presenter will discuss preliminary work exploring mathematical performance patterns as students progress from lower-division courses into upper-division courses.


Student Justifications for Relationships between Concepts in Linear Algebra

Proceedings Paper

Natalie E. Selinski

San Diego State University

Chris Rasmussen

San Diego State University

Michelle Zandieh

Arizona State University

A central goal of most any Linear Algebra course is to ensure that students develop relational understanding of concepts (Skemp, 1987), become proficient at various techniques, and develop personal and/or formal justifications for relationships between concepts.  This preliminary presentation addresses linear algebra studentsŐ personal justifications for relationships through the analysis of videorecorded, end of the semester problem solving interviews. In particular, the interview question analyzed in this report prompted students to consider, given an invertible matrix A, whether 5 different claims are true or false.  These claims are formally part of what many texts refer to as the

Invertible Matrix Theorem (e.g., Lay, 2003). This report will address student responses to two of these claims by highlighting the informal or personal justifications students provided for relating invertibility, linear independence, and span in R^3.


Teaching Mathematics Reading Strategies to First Year College Students and the Effect on Reading Comprehension

Proceedings Paper

Mary D. Shepherd

Northwest Missouri State University

This is a small scale study that looks at the effects of getting first-year college students to apply reading strategies specifically related to reading mathematical textbooks to their precalculus textbook.   After a pre-test to assess student exposure to the topics, students were asked to read a passage from their textbook as they normally would and answer some questions, then read another passage while being encouraged to apply additional reading strategies, and answer some questions on that section. Students were randomly assigned to which passage was read first. The results of this study, while preliminary, will be presented.


The Impact of Using Multiple Representations on Pre-calculus StudentsŐ Conceptual Understandings of Functions

Soo Yeon Shin

Purdue University

The purpose of this study is to examine individual college studentsŐ uses of multiple representations of mathematical functions during problem solving and the resulting impacts on their understanding of function concepts in pre-calculus. I will select five students and examine their understanding of exponential and logarithmic, higher order polynomial, rational, and trigonometric functions within symbolic, numerical, graphical, and student invented representational systems. I will observe their work in problem solving settings to answer the following questions: (a) how do pre-calculus students utilize multiple representations of functions during problem solving, and (b) what types of mathematics problems do encourage students to integrate each different representation. An analysis of studentŐs work on mathematical tasks as well as individual interviews will provide insight for attempting to answer these questions. From the findings, I hope to be able to suggest ways in which multiple representations can help students better understand functions in pre-calculus classes.


Effective Folding Back via Student Research in the History of Mathematics

Proceedings Paper

Kelli M. Slaten

University of North Carolina Wilmington

This preliminary study explores the growth of undergraduatesŐ mathematical understanding resulting from their research of the historical development of mathematical concepts. Analysis of studentsŐ written reflections relies on a key feature of the Pirie-Kieren Dynamical Theory for the Growth of Mathematical Understanding (1994b), the process of folding back. Conducting research of the historical development of a particular concept affords students the opportunity to reexamine and deepen their current levels of understanding about that mathematical concept. StudentsŐ written reflections provide insight into their self-awareness of what they learned from their research efforts and whether the process of folding back was effective and resulted in growth of mathematical understanding.


Does Mentoring a Graduate Student Effect Student Achievement?

Proceedings Paper

Hortensia Soto-Johnson

University of Northern Colorado

Kristin King

University of Northern Colorado

Coralle Haley

University of Northern Colorado

In this quantitative study (N = 160), we explored the relationship between preservice elementary teachers performance on a common geometry final and the mentoring status of their instructor. A Chi-Squared test indicated no statistically significant differences in the studentsŐ course grades between instructors, but an ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences on the final exam scores. Students of instructors involved with mentoring scored higher than students who completed the course under the direction of instructors not involved with mentoring. Our findings suggest mentoring may enhance student achievement and advocate the need to support mentors. These results may be strengthened via qualitative research techniques. 


The Nature of Engaging Preservice Teachers in Proof Validation: How Do Their Techniques Compare to MathematiciansŐ Methods?

Proceedings Paper

Hortensia Soto-Johnson

University of Northern Colorado

Kristin Noblet

University of Northern Colorado

Sarah Rozner

University of Northern Colorado

In an effort to provide multiple opportunities to validate geometry proofs, we required preservice teachers to determine the validity of alleged proofs through presentations, on homework exercises, and on exams. Using qualitative methods, we investigated preservice teachersŐ views of proof validation, examined their strategies and fidelity to these strategies, and compared their validation techniques to those of mathematicians. Our findings suggest our participants found proof validation challenging but welcomed the opportunity to engage in an activity that was meaningful to their future careers. Our results also indicate that our participants were faithful to their claimed validation strategies and shared a number of validation strategies with mathematicians. Based on our findings we recommend further research via comparative studies in order to substantiate whether providing students with instances to validate proofs helps develop validation processes.


Teacher Change in the Context of a Proof-Centered Professional Development

Osvaldo D. Soto

UC San Diego

The case study reported here examines the development of proof schemes and teaching practices of one in-service secondary mathematics teacher who participated in an off-site professional development (pd) for two years. Two sources of data were examined: video footage of the teacher doing mathematics at an intensive summer institute and footage of her own classroom teaching. The analysis of proof schemes (Harel and Sowder, 1998) focuses on proof production during the summer institute. Development of the teacherŐs teaching practices was also investigated during the two academic years following each summer institute. The report includes theoretical connections (using HarelŐs DNR Theoretical Framework) between developments in the teacherŐs proof schemes and teaching practices.


Mathematical Discovery: Proofs and Refutations as a Model for Defining

Proceedings Paper

Craig Swinyard

University of Portland

Sean Larsen

Portland State University

In their 2008 paper, Larsen and Zandieh analyzed studentsŐ reinvention efforts in an undergraduate abstract algebra course, recasting LakatosŐ (1976) descriptions of mathematical discovery as a useful framework for making sense of studentsŐ mathematical activity. Our work adapts the framework proposed by Larsen and Zandieh to characterize studentsŐ mathematical activity in the context of reinventing a definition. Additionally, our data elucidates the studentsŐ use of counterexamples and proof analysis to reinvent a definition capturing the intended meaning of the conventional ε-δ definition of limit. The report has the goal of contributing to a local instructional theory for supporting studentsŐ understanding of the formal definition of limit.


Investigating Student Understanding of Physics Concepts and the Underlying Calculus Concepts in Thermodynamics

Proceedings Paper

John Thompson

University of Maine

Warren Christensen

North Dakota State University

As part of work on student understanding of concepts in advanced thermal physics, we explore student understanding of the mathematics required for productive reasoning about the physics. By analysis of student use of mathematics in responses to conceptual physics questions, as well as analogous math questions stripped of physical meaning, we find evidence that students often enter upper-level physics courses lacking the assumed prerequisite mathematics knowledge and/or the ability to apply it productively in a physics context. These results suggest advanced students are not incorporating calculus and physics into a coherent framework. We have extended our work to include assessment of mathematical concepts at the end of a multivariable calculus course. Results support the findings among physics students that some observed mathematical difficulties are not just with transfer of math knowledge to physics contexts, but seem to have origins in the understanding of the math concepts themselves.


Open, Online, Homework Help Forums: What are they and how can they be improved?

Carla van de Sande

Arizona State University

Eric Weber

Arizona State University

Frank Marfai

Arizona State University

Open, online, help forums with a spontaneous participation structure allow students to post problem-specific questions that can be viewed and responded to asynchronously by others who have the experience, time, and willingness to help.

Investigations of existing forums for mathematical help show that the nature of these forums ranges from cheat sites to sites that operate more consistently with pedagogically sound principles of learning and instruction. We review our current understanding of online help forums and share analyses of interaction in a forum intended to nurture a culture in which communication reflects a conceptual orientation. The etiquette of this forum stems from Rules of Engagement for Ňspeaking with meaningÓ that were developed in a face-to-face professional learning community of secondary mathematics and science teachers. Our investigation targets the ways in which forum etiquette is instantiated on this site and comparisons of interaction on this site and other homework help sites.


Student Problem-Solving Behaviors: Traversing the Pirie-Kieren Model for Growth of Mathematical Understanding

Proceedings Paper

Janet G. Walter

Brigham Young University

Stacie J. Gibbons

Brigham Young University


It is well known that calculus students often find Taylor Series difficult to understand and use. As part of a larger study of calculus learning and teaching, students in a university honors calculus course explored a task designed to facilitate the emergence of Taylor Series. In this setting, the growth of one studentŐs understanding of Taylor Series is examined through the lens of the Pirie-Kieren Model for Growth of Mathematical Understanding. We focus on identified student behaviors to trace how this particular studentŐs problem-solving behaviors traversed levels of understanding as described in the Pirie-Kieren model. Certain student behaviors, which foster understanding of difficult mathematical concepts are identified and implications for pedagogical decisions in mathematics classrooms are noted.


Subspace in Linear Algebra: Investigating StudentsŐ Concept Images and Interactions with the Formal Definition

Proceedings Paper

Megan Wawro

San Diego State University

George Sweeney

San Diego State University

Jeffrey M. Rabin

University of Califormia San Diego

The purpose of this study is to investigate student conceptualizations of subspace in linear algebra.  In interviews conducted with eight undergraduates, we found that the imagery for subspace offered by students varied substantially from the conceptŐs formal definition. This is consistent with literature in other mathematical content domains indicating that a learnerŐs primary understanding of an idea is not necessarily informed by that ideaŐs formal definition. We used the notion of concept image and concept definition (Tall & Vinner, 1981) in order to highlight this distinction in the student responses. Through grounded analysis, we identified recurring concept imagery, such as: geometric or algebraic object, containment, and division. Furthermore, we found that many students interviewed expressed the common—and  mathematically imprecise—notion that Rk is a subspace of Rn for k < n. We conclude by reflecting on how our findings can inform teaching.


The Role of Precalculus Curriculum that Emphasizes the Development of Quantitative and Covariational Reasoning on StudentŐs Ability to Model and Solve Novel Problem Tasks

Proceedings Paper

Eric D. Weber

Arizona State University

Marilyn P. Carlson

Arizona State University

Quantitative and covariational reasoning are critical reasoning abilities for conceptualizing and representing quantities in an applied problem context (Carlson, Jacobs, Coe, Larsen, & Hsu, 2002; Carlson, Larsen, & Jacobs, 2001; Saldanha & Thompson, 1998; Thompson, 1994). This investigation into precalculus studentsŐ quantitative and covariational reasoning ability intended to reveal new insights into how the development of these ways of thinking affect studentsŐ solving of applied precalculus problems over the course of one semester.  Six precalculus students were tracked over the course of a semester interacting in the classroom, completing research based homework tasks in small groups, and participating in clinical interviews. The goal of this study was to reveal the role students construction of quantity, and covariation of quantities impact play in studentsŐ orientation to novel problem solving tasks.


The Pedagogical Practice of Mathematicians: Proof Presentation in Advanced Mathematics Courses

Proceedings Paper

Keith Weber

Rutgers University

This talk investigates two areas of undergraduate mathematics that are in need of research: how proofs are presented in mathematics courses and the teaching practices of mathematics professors. Interviews with nine mathematicians explored the issues of what they presented proofs to students and what they expected students to learn, how they presented proofs, how they expected students to read proofs, the ways in which they assessed students' understanding of a proof, and whether proof was appropriate for all students. Although the participants' goals for presenting proofs were generally consistent with those of the mathematics education community, some participants reported that they lacked the pedagogical strategies for presenting proofs effectively or assessing students' understanding of proof. 


Undergraduate StudentsŐ Interpretations of the Equals Sign

Proceedings Paper

Aaron Weinberg

Ithaca College

While many instructors may assume that their students have a good conception of equality, recent investigations on studentsŐ algebraic reasoning suggest that this may not be the case. This report examines the ways undergraduate students interpret expressions involving the equals sign and use the equals sign to represent situations involving comparisons. The study uses a semiotic and situated perspective to discuss the ways students ascribe meaning to the equals sign and its implications for instruction.


Symbol Sense in Linear Algebra: Student Interpretations of A[x y]=2[x y]

Proceedings Paper

Michelle Zandieh

Arizona State University

Francesca Henderson

San Diego State University

Chris Rasmussen

San Diego State University

Megan Wawro

San Diego State University

George Sweeney

San Diego State University


Christine Larson

Indiana University

In this report we detail linear algebra studentsŐ interpretation of an equation that is fundamental to eigen theory, prior to any formal instruction on eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Data for this analysis comes from semi-structured problem solving interviews with 13 undergraduate students as part of a semester-long classroom teaching experiment in linear algebra. We identified three main categories of student reasoning about the two equations: 1) students who used superficial algebraic cancellation, 2) students who correctly solved the system but were unable to interpret their result, and 3) students who correctly solved the system and correctly interpreted their result. More broadly, the research reported here lays the groundwork for characterizing student symbol sense in linear algebra.







